Saturday, April 3, 2010

Head in the Cloud, stalker Trumped

This morning, I awakened to hearing some strange news. Now, before going any further, I wish to draw all heat and attention to ME. The following blog is a collection of the views and opinions of myself, and is not the same as Executrix, Creature Feature or any members of the RLSH/RLSV communities. If there's anything to be said, animosity to be spoken or insults flared, aim them at ME and no one else that I may be associated with. With that said, let me continue.

The word of the day is...wackadoo. Why? Because the news I heard of online is something you'd normally hear in the disturbing and strange but true columns. Now, I've never been a fan of The Apprentice, it seemed like just another attempt for Donald Trump to make millions while putting on a show. It would certainly give people fodder to tease him about his hair, approaching George Hamilton tan, pink ties and lording it over other individuals, even celebrities when it comes to his massive wealth. It didn't impress me. The only reason I may watch The Celebrity Apprentice may be WWE Diva Maria Kanellis, even then ratings in the Krampus house would not be dependable for that show.

But here's where things start to turn wackadoo. Apparently Donald's lovely daughter Ivanka Trump has been stalked online for months by an interesting individual. But let me show you what has been said by the New York Post.

Ivanka Trump endured months of relentless stalking by a nutty Nevada man who vacillated between professing his love for the brainy blonde and spewing vitriolic threats against her and her media- mogul hubby.

Justin Massler's demented ha rassment campaign against The Donald's beautiful jewelry-designer daughter was revealed at a court hearing in Manhattan yes terday.

Yet, despite the creepy behavior, Massler was released on $10,000 bond -- prompting a cocky thumbs-up from him after he was sprung.

"Without a doubt, he is very sick," a law-enforcement source said. "He took sick to another level. This is one of the worst cases of stalking I've ever seen."

From August 2009, Massler, who legally changed his name to Cloud Starchaser, set up fan Web sites, penned gushy love letters and scolding screeds, drew loony cartoons of Ivanka rescuing him -- and once sent photos of himself drenched in red liquid that looked like blood, authorities said.

"You're a diseased elitist and part of the problem," Massler, 27, allegedly scolded Ivanka, 28, on Twitter on March 2.

He also tweeted, "I am going to destroy your entire jewelry enterprises [sic] with a brand destruction media campaign, I will ruin every brand you build, leaving you with only failure and misery."

He also allegedly targeted her then fiancé, New York Observer owner Jared Kushner, sending anti-Semitic and threatening screeds to him and the paper's editors in August 2009.

"I am the king of the Jews and I have decided to commandeer the New York Observer for this purpose which I can do since it is owned [by] Jared Kushner who is a Jew and therefore one of my subjects," he allegedly e-mailed.

Calling himself "an already unstable man," Massler said he had gone "over the edge" and demanded to know Kushner's phone number, as well as where he lived and spent time, because "I think he is trying to avoid me."

Massler told Ivanka her husband was all that stood between him and happiness. He even wanted to stop their October 2009 wedding but couldn't because he was "locked in a mental hospital," he wrote in another message.

"Jared Kushner has stolen everything from me, leaving me with nothing. Jared Kushner has ruined my life for all time and eternity," Massler wrote. "Thanks to Kushner, there is no sun in the sky, no stars in the wind and no moon in the trees."

Just weeks earlier, Massler bombarded Ivanka with messages declaring his love for her.

"My dream in life is to marry and start a family with [her]," he wrote to her in February, after buying her numerous pieces of jewelry she designed and sending them to her at her Fifth Avenue showroom.

Massler, who sources said was once a Harvard-bound star athlete before mental illness took hold, was arrested at his mother's home in Reno, Nev., on March 16.

Manhattan Judge Michael Gerstein ordered Massler to stay away from Kushner and Trump, as well as from her brother, Donald Jr., father and The Donald's wife, Melania, and their young son, Barron.

Prosecutors said yesterday that when questioned by police, Massler insisted they call him Cloud.

"Stop calling me Justin. Justin is not real. Justin is a cartoon. He is a fictional character from a book. Call me Cloud. My name is Cloud," he said, according to Assistant District Attorney Lucrece Francois.

Massler's lawyer, George Vomvolakis, said his client needs help.

"He's a highly intelligent individual with various mental issues he's been addressing his entire life," Vomvolakis said.

A close friend, who asked not to be identified, said Massler is talented actor who "loves the absurdity of life" but who had "crossed the line."

"He pushed boundaries and sometimes it gets him in trouble," he said. "Is he a real threat to Ivanka Trump? No way."

Massler's younger brother, Jeremy, a Dartmouth grad, was in court for the bail hearing. He said he planned to return his brother to Nevada to "get some psychiatric care."

Neither Ivanka Trump nor Kushner would comment.

Massler allegedly threatened to kill himself at Ivanka Trump's showroom, "ruining her whole luxury jewelry line with the presence of a dead guy."

He set up several Web sites in homage to Trump. In one, "Ivanka Trump Fan Blog," Massler wrote of living on the streets outside a Fifth Avenue church near her office.

"I remember looking up at Trump Tower wondering which one was her office," he tweeted Feb. 25. "I wonder if when Ivanka looks down on the street she knows that there are homeless people down there praying for her to save them?"

He also posted a hand-drawn cartoon in which he fantasized that Ivanka rescued him from his situation and gave him a penthouse apartment in Trump Tower, only to snap out of his dream world and have her leave him shivering on the street.

Massler hails from a wealthy family -- his father, Howard, is a retired lawyer in posh Marina Del Ray, Calif., and his mother, Randee, who worked in real estate, recently moved to Nevada from an impressive spread in tony Basking Ridge, NJ.

And it gets more interesting, folks. Apparently Mrs. Trump wasn't the first person in this man's lens. He apparently also fixated on Tucker Max, the author of the book I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell. The title of his blog is Tucker Max is a Douchebag. The links to the different bits of coverage in this story are all over the place. You can find several links here, one of my personal favorites are the links to NY Mag below.

And one of the most disconcerting and damning parts of this tale? At one time he was an active member of the RLSH community, patrolling with other heroes. People are concerned about the potential backlash this will have on the community. I have stated that Krampus keeps an eye out on both sides, being vigilant of potential problems and threats to people. This is one that can not be ignored, as the young man even so much as quoted Glenn Close from Fatal Attraction to be true. Justin, or Cloud as he prefers to be called, is news. News that I believe should be faced and met head on, not adopting the policy of Captain Ostrich and burying one's head in the sand, hunkering down and hoping that the storm will pass leaving those in its wake unscathed. It's too late for that. What I write is not to spread venom, but to bring up what I know others will ask, and better you hear it from Krampus than cackling jackals wishing to destroy you and your movement, hoisted with your own petards.

Now, I've never met Cloud Starchaser, nor heard of him until today. But in doing some research, the young man has had contact with quite a few people in the RLSH community, some of whom consider him a good friend. If you wish to address this as one day the media and less than friendly bloggers will demand, ask yourselves these questions. How long ago has anyone interacted with Cloud face to face? Were there any warning signs that things would go this far back when you knew him? Was he as active in your community, less than, or absent altogether leading up to this debacle? Was he distancing himself from you all? Was there anything, even a glimmer of a hint, that could have foretold you what he was capable of, giving you the chance to stop it? Hindsight tends to be 20/20, so those of you that know, or knew the man, are no doubt searching your memories now, scouring for that glimmer, trying to think what could have been done differently.

This message is to Justin/Cloud and his family. I understand this is a trying time for you all, I've seen that he is diagnosed with schizophrenia. I hope that if any good can come of this, he can be treated and receive the help he deserves. I'm sure that there are many sending concerns to you, with well wishes a rarity. For Ivanka and her husband, I'm sure they'll be fine, despite the threats and contact. Right now, the main concern is helping Justin/Cloud.

This next paragraph is a statement for those in the RLSH communities. For the RLSH that I have met, spoken with or have never heard of me until your discovering this blog, this is a real problem that needs to be focused upon. Many would jokingly say that you'd have to be a little nuts to call yourself a superhero and patrol, making the streets safer. Of course those in the know understand that it's something born of a desire to make your surroundings better and not crazy, so much as different. Yet still there are others in the ranks that some would openly accuse of being more than different, more than eccentric. People like Master Legend or Tothian who've said some outlandish things compared to the norm, not to mention in actions. Then again, I've seen YouTube video stars as well as Shaolin monks who have demonstrated the ability to be struck in the groin repeatedly to show their stamina and endurance, so maybe it's not as crazy when you put things into perspective. But regardless, this event may have ramifications if explored further by the media. Connections may be made to the RLSH due to Cloud's connections and friendships. Because of this, I say to those that are more outlandish, who express themselves in more outrageous ways without naming names, be wary. For one day the public eye may focus upon you all, and every expression of yourselves will be magnified, scrutinized, a litmus test to compare all to one or a few. If anyone in the community knows of someone that needs to be spoken with, do so. But also keep in mind that in any organization, whenever things are dealt with in house and behind closed doors away from prying eyes, people will make their own assumptions and scream of favoritism. Be mindful of it, even when you ignore it to make your own decisions unbiased by the masses.

The following will focus on both the RLSH and with the RLSV. When it comes to mental illness, it can be tricky. What to say, do you want to get involved with it, if you ignore it will the subject go away? Of course, another is knowing that someone has a mental illness, yet seems stable, strong in fact. They're capable of hiding it, masking any danger with intelligence, quick wit, a smile hiding the frown and tears. But how much more dangerous is the one that adds fuel to the fire, fans the flame, stokes the furnace, knowing one's triggers and pushing the button like a Pavlovian monkey until it is overstimulated, and the next actions unpredictable? Or worse, genuinely threatening? Someone being turned into a gun, then set loose. Where does the responsibility lie? With the person committing the acts after being wound up? Or the one(s) doing the winding? Whose is the greater responsibility? This is a question that should also be focused upon, for in the RLSH, some might accuse you of putting the notions of the outlandish in Cloud's mind, then setting him loose. Whether or not it's true, the accusation MAY be made. For the RLSV, this accusation HAS been made, but people joke about it, claiming no responsibility. After all, that would constitute a real threat, wouldn't it? The kind that they hide behind being activists and parody, policing those that do genuine harm. And I know what some of you are thinking, but although that individual has suffered this, let us focus on someone potentially worse. Me.

The man behind the Krampus you all know is someone that has dealt with his own demons. Depression, suicidal tendencies, even thoughts of rage. At the worst, lowest times, ll it would take would be the proper sequence of trigger events to make the man behind the demon go fuck it, and wish to turn violent thoughts into action. The thoughts are certainly there at times, but to act upon them? I know the difference between right and wrong, good and evil. And I choose not to free the beast when reason, focus and stress relieving outlets like this one can manifest themselves. Better to joke about ripping someone's head off or writing dirty, dark gothic poetry than to grab the easily available weapon and hack the source of the words, then set everything on fire to destroy evidence. If anyone knows what Krampus is about in this incarnation, then you know who and what I am, what I'm capable of. Some of you have been there to talk it out, to reason with me, to keep me sane. For that, if I haven't done so before, I thank you all for accepting Krampus, the good and the wicked all in one. Mostly good, but with plenty of evil icing. Freshly squeezed.

See what I did there? Tension breaker. Humor. And some say I have no sense of it. Shigger please. But then, let's look at someone else, someone claiming to do good, help the community despite a facade to the contrary. A few months ago I called into Meow and Friends, even in the chat. Krampus had said he wasn't sure if there was anything worth living for anymore. This individual then stated he'd back off the verbal barrage until I was better. Since then, we've gotten into it time and again, recently with accusations appearing to coincide with people's desire to create an all ages show for all listeners and callers, focusing on the positive. Then, after months in the community, with over a millennium of history and lore of Krampus the legend being a monster who takes children, kidnaps, tortures and eats them, finally gets around to accusing the man behind the Krampus of the same acts? I find it laughable, even smacking of desperation as I called the individual out on his own nature, claiming to understand 'evil' and that it doesn't hurt or encourage others to do so. Of course it does! To claim otherwise is bad comedy. Oh, but not the fake evil, not the facade of evil they're portraying. Of course, Krampus is a big boy, I could take the accusation and investigations and laugh it off. Come one come all! Bring your lenses to me and we'll see what bodies are buried in my yard!

But then again, I have to wonder. The same libelous gun was pulled on a friend of mine, loaded with the same soul damning ammunition fired upon him. Had the attack not been withdrawn, it could have done irreparable harm to him, amputating his very soul. The hide of a Krampus is thicker, uglier, much more durable to such attacks, forged in the fires of hell and purgatory. Such insults are the air one breathes. And at best, no one takes it seriously, people know the man behind the Krampus. And Krampus can take the hit. At best, it's nothing. But what if Krampus weren't at his best, what if there was a weakness in the armor, what if the man was becoming frail again, vulnerable? What if such an insult did find the Achilles' Heel, worn down by other concerns of life, the armored hide losing integrity despite the facade? Then the consequences of the action becomes in doubt. Perhaps the shooter never knew of the weakness, assuming Krampus would have the strength to shrug it off. Perhaps the wound was an accident. But what if it was worse? What if the shooter DID know, having an awareness of the weakness of one's enemy, it would be folly not to capitalize on it. It could harm, doing as much potential damage as to another target. Perhaps even worse. Perhaps the beast would wish to end the pain any way they could. By bottle and pills, by gun loaded with hollow points aimed at the temple, driving away all who could be there to help him this time. Perhaps even writing an angry blog damning those he called friend, those specifically in life meant to help others and stop this tragedy.

Or worse, perhaps the man behind the beast would become more devious, knowing full well what real evil is. Evil infects. Evil corrupts. Evil wears one down. Evil takes away hope. Evil erodes. Harms. Tortures. Kills. And evil can turn the desperate, the pained, into someone wishing to go down in a blaze of glory, turning those that he felt wronged him into his suicide weapon. Stalking someone online and claiming to want to kill yourself in their store is one thing. Imagine feeling that enough is enough, cutting a bloody path on those who for too long have spewed their poisons, stoked the flames and believe it's all in fun with no consequences. Imagine putting them in a position that in order to save themselves or the ones closest to them, these toxic pretenders are given the opportunity to kill the now rampaging beast. To turn a weapon upon the weapon they've unleashed, by intent or by accident, would it matter at that point? In the end, at least one life would be taken. Would it be just desserts? Karma? Or would it be a bloody lesson carved into one's psyche forever, all while uttering that it was all just a joke? evil. And I choose not to walk down that path. But I am painfully aware of it. Now, with all that said, if warning signs were put up like the above story, if things began to look darker, unhealthy like cancerous tumors growing here, would someone reach out to me? If things progressed to go to far, going to the criminal, who reading this would attempt to stop me? Are you heroes, vigilantes who believe that whatever I unleash, the ones on the receiving end have it coming? Would you do nothing, assuming someone else would? If the media approaches people in regards to someone like Cloud, people will ask if there were warning signs, if there was something you could have done. I reiterate to you all that if you are unsure of a friend and how they may be acting, if they may be more than just eccentric, then talk to them. Make sure they have the resources that they need to get help and be well. If there's any doubt, reach out, do something. It may make all the difference in the world. Don't deny it, face it like any other fear. It's the only way to make sure it doesn't win. What you all may take from this is entirely up to you.

Cloud, Justin, whatever you may wish to call yourself if you're reading this, I hope you get well soon, and that was sincere. But now to better prepare everyone for what may be spoken of in the media and blogopsphere, now it's time for a roast. Here are a few possibilities that people may wish to make fun of or laugh about at your expense, better you hear it from me than a heartless douchebag wishing to garner ratings at your expense. I don't feel like doing mental illness jokes, so let's look at what else we can say.

Name humor:
Cloud Starchaser? Well, you apparently have the star chaser part right. To me, it sounds like a gay fanfic involving Final Fantasy and Star Wars characters! Does that mean Sephiroth was trying to compensate for something?

Stalker humor:
Cloud, I'm sorry to tell you this, but Ivanka is NOT your shipoopi! She's married, and I'm pretty sure that claiming to be King of the Jews is not going to give you Prima Nocta rights!

Religious humor:
By the way, how the hell did you become King of the Jews? Was there a pay per view smackdown with Jesus that I didn't know about? I'd love to have seen that, grab the crown of thorns off his head then nutshot him with it, then go for the pin! 1! 2! 3! He wins it ladies and gentlemen!

Appearance humor:
I saw both your mugshot and haircut. What the hell happened? You look like a caveman with a Keanu Reeves as Ted 'Theodore' Logan 'do! Does Unga Bunga really translate into 'whoa!'? And I'd never have thought that a caveman from space could be Jewish. Ah well, I'm not about to insult you over that, especially since you helped me save money on my car insurance by switching to Geico!

Suicide humor(and yes, I can say it because I've been there fuckers!):
If you killed yourself in her store, I'm not really sure that would qualify them as 'blood diamonds'. But wouldn't it be hilarious if after you blew your brains out, Donald would come over to you, point at the gun and say, 'You're fired!'?

Murder humor:
If you were going to kill Jared, maybe you could throw him into the printing press and afterward say, 'So THAT'S black and white and red all over! I get it!' Or maybe not, that might be pressing your luck.

Plastic surgery/psychology/murder humor:
Wouldn't it be funny if after they fixed your broken and crooked nose that mentally you'd be all right again? Who'd have thought a fractured nose equals a fractured psyche? God, you'd probably kill any circus clown who grabs your nose and goes 'HONK!'

Okay, maybe that last one qualifies as a mental illness joke, but I'm a believer that as George Carlin said, you can joke about anything. I am still sincere about getting those who need help what they deserve, and this is blowing off further steam. If you don't like it, or wish to express yourselves in ways other than on an open forum, write to but be warned, as I may or may not post the e-mail here, it is my prerogative and choice to do so if I feel it is important. For the most part though, I'll probably keep our communiques private.

Oh, and to any RLSV's who are thinking of offering me membership to your respective groups due to my most recent blog and attitude, go fuck yourselves with a piledriver.


  1. Wow, that was a serious message my friend Krampus but you raise alot of good points. It would be easy for alot of foes of the RLSH movement/culture or whatever you wish to call it to pounce on this, pointing fingers at Justin/Cloud and making him a poster child for their insidious ravings and often despicable commentary. However, that would be the cheap and easy way to look at this but nonetheless I would not be surprised if the RLSV jumped on the "Crazy Cloud bandwagon to bash the RLSH" train and rode it as far as they could. I have never met Cloud/Justin and I'm not sure in my discussions with current RLSH that he was one of the people I EVER exchanged conversation with. Now everyone knows that I have been a staunch supporter of the RLSH movement for I choose to see beyond the costumes/uniforms, often quirky personalities, friction amongst its own members, and other things and see to the heart of RLSH spirit which is the desire to help people and improve the world around us even if the increment of doing so is small. I am not so delusional as to think that the RLSH can solve everything or that they are a replacement for law enforcement authorities. However, I think their existence can work in a favorable manner. With that being said I do not in any way condone Cloud/Justins actions and I feel he needs to be placed in a program or facility that can work with him to help cure or temper his inner demons/mental issues. I think those within the RLSH need to walk this tightrope very carefully, especially those who at one time or still called Justin/Cloud a friend. Help him understand where he went wrong but do so with compassion and dignity. The situation may very well require some tough love and if so it needs to be delivered. Either way the actions of one misguided person does not and should not EVER represent the will and face of an entire movement. To do so would be terribly ignorant and very short sighted. As Tea Krulos said, he's met alot of people in the RLSH movement and so have I. While there certainly are some people in it that for lack of a better (and me choosing a less offensive term) would be considered "eccentric", by and large the people in the movement possess sufficient rational thinking as to not be considered dangerous. The RLSVs might be sitting back and saying "oh we're going to roast them for this" but pause for a moment before you do. Turn your views to those members within your own movement and ask yourselves if you can genuinely say that none of them have their own mental issues, inner demons, or unhealthy addictons that they wrestle with. And no, this is not Mister Jingles taking a shot at you guys. This is asking a serious question and hoping you for once have the spine to give an honest answer.

    WebMD did a study about the rates of mental illness recently and it was pretty eye opening. Overall, the survey of more than 60,000 adults in 14 countries showed a 27% rate of mental disorders in the U.S. population for a list of diseases. That list includes: depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and substance abuse. The U.S. rate was substantially higher than that of any other country measured, including other industrialized nations such as Belgium, which showed a 12% illness rate. Sadly, the report also goes on to say that alot of people with mental illnesses do a good job of hiding it or they are often misdiagnosed.

  2. Also, take a look at the following:

    The last paragraph is most compelling. IT reads as follows:

    The surveys are part of a larger, international effort. So far, the United States has the highest prevalence of mental disorders of any developed country in the world. Again, however, it's not clear if this is because Americans are more willing to talk about mental illness or if the prevalence really is higher.

    The hater mongerers and mockers of the RLSH movement/culture will no doubt latch onto this and use it as their rallying flag. If you choose to do so then I reiterate what I have often said are pathetic trolls. This is not a matter of a RLSH who ended up giving in to the mental demons that plagued him. This is a troubled soul who gave into the mental demons that plague him that JUST happened to be or at one time associate with the RLSH. There is a difference. Mental illness is not exclusive to the RLSH, the RLSV, or any one group for that matter. Mental illness, as the articles I put up and so many other I have not, is a problem that does not give a damn whether you are RLSV or RLSH, whether you hate capes/costumes or love them. It affects heroes, activists and villains alike, from the lowliest criminals of death row like Charles Manson to public officials who are entrusted with our safety like soldiers (post traumatic stress disorder), cops, fire fighters, politicians, ect.

    Now their does need to be a line drawn here. If you commits depraved acts because you are just an evil bastard and not because you have mental issues then I have little or no sympathy for you. That being said, sane or not, a wrongful act is a wrongful act and no one, hero or villain is beyond accountability.

    So with that being said my message to Cloud/Justin would be the following. I sincerely hope that you voluntarily seek the mental help that you obviously need and I hope that someday you can rid yourself of the mental issues that plague you or at least wrestle them to a controlled state. But the bottom line is you screwed up. You were wrong and you need to man up and face up to your actions and their consequences. Compassion does not eliminate the need for accountability and vice versa. Your actions do not represent the RLSH regardless of what haters say. Your actions represent a problem that studies show plague our supposedly "very advanced " country and plays no favorites. I hope you get well.

    And just as Krampus said, if anyone has an issue with what I said I do not shy away from dialogue (unless you're like this one crass asshole who brings nothing to the table.)

  3. Yeah, you're talking about a dude who was assoicated with the sub culture like four years ago and then dropped off the face of the Earth.
    I sent Krampus this message but I'll repeat it. The last time Cloud was really on a forum it was the Hero Coalition. And he was talking about all RLSH (which were only like 30 or 40 at the time) needs to start sleeping with women and record their sexual exploits so we'd get better respect from the public. He also stormed a meeting about injustice in Burma with a 24 pack of beer. So no, the signs were not there.
    I thought he was funny even when he made these hilarious short videos. And even when he tried to start a religion based on a T-Rex with machine gun arms. It was always with this hint of sarcasm.
    But that was like four years ago. As far as I know, there were no RLSV... well actually Apocalypse Meow and I were on the RLSV hit list along with Osama Bin Laden.

  4. Mister Jingles and Zetaman, thank you for chiming in. When I saw the news story and seeing he made his own hero group years ago, I was concerned as to how active Cloud/Justin may have been with the community leading up to this event. Now that I hear he has been absent for a few years, it shows that no one actively knew about this or could have done something to prevent this, so there should be no friction in your directions. And if Cloud/Justin has an issue with me and my post, then he can take it up with me without any negative ramifications upon anyone else.

  5. TL;DR

    For all the capes wanting to cover their spandex little asses, here's the best advice you're going to get: STOP TALKING ABOUT IT. News folks don't seem too worried about what idiotic little comic book club he belongs to (yet), so drawing attention to it isn't really a good idea.

    Save the eventual demise for the release of Kick-Ass. It'll be funnier that way.

  6. What is the TL;DR for?

    Given that many in the RLSV community have been salivating at the chance to find any dirt to 'prove' the RLSH may be a hazard, I thought it best to be the one to address it before others did. Like a preemptive strike, stating the obvious and bursting the bubble with a knife, feces optional before anyone else can comment. You know, like a caller on your show. Are you telling me the King of the Nazis wouldn't wish to comment on a costumed stalker claiming to be King of the Jews? To believe otherwise is naive, and since it appears the RLSH had become estranged from Cloud/Justin for years, any further publicity or animosity will be aimed at ME and not them.

  7. I don't know what Zetaman means by "really on a forum", but he's been at the forum. Not too recently, but more recent than four years ago.

    That's when he started spouting off things like : RLSH need to take down the mafia or something. Of course WhiteSkull and a bunch of others told him calmly and nicely that taking down the mafia probably wouldn't be a smart idea. And then Tothian tried to apologize to the forum for some of the things Starchaser might have said, but that didn't go too well. CS asked him to take the thing down and got offended because Tothian called CS "insane" (that last part was from Tothian).

    About the Name Humor: I totally thought that [it's some cross between Final Fantasy and StarWars] as well. xD

  8. Krampus is correct about one thing. I have not checked out other blog spots but I know that Tea Krulos made a blog about this incident and so did Z. I was a bit disappointed with Z because he seemed to be inciting the RLSVs to open up a barrage of attacks. Sometimes he says that he does not care about the RLSH "club" but in his latest blog he's comes of as a bit of a war mongerer (my opinion of course). It's rather odd but whatever. Some RLSV out there is/was going to use this in an attempt to inflict harm on the RLSH amd if you try to tell me otherwise then take a good long look at the RLSV track record. If they're willing to take a picture of a father and daughter at a convention, both in costume and pervert it into accusing him of being a pedophile then how could anyone put it past them. Besides, I'd rather put it out there for discussion than try to brush it under the proverbial rug and then have people going "oh look, they're avoiding the issue" or "they must be bad people if they're trying to hide it." So telling anyone that is RLSH friendly in any way to "be quiet" about it is bullshit. First off all, there is this little thing called freedom of speech. Certain RLSVs, especially those with blog talk radio shows with "ape-related" features and an expletive-ridden vocabulary outta know all about freedom of speech because they use and abuse it indiscriminately. Therefore, we will discuss this as we see fit and when we see fit. And really, if anyone thinks that the RLSH demise will come the day of Kick Ass then as has been said before often you REALLY REALLY do not understand the movement/culture of the RLSH very well.

    But do me a favor. When Kick Ass comes and goes and the RLSH community/culture, even with it's flaws is still around when the dust clears I won't tell you "I said so."

    Well, then again maybe I will.

  9. It gets more interesting, ladies and gentlemen. Out of the sake of honor and fair play, I contacted Cloud/Justin's e-mail to let him know of my blog and how some in the community may wish to capitalize on this to decimate the reputation of the RLSH. I received this as a reply, and I state it because I believe it will become pivotal in the upcoming investigation and trial.

    "Hey Krampus,

    Yeah the thing is this.

    Justin Massler is stalking Ivanka Trump, but Cloud Starchaser is not.

    I, Cloud, have no interest in the girl and never did. I have a split personality actually, kind of like MPD."

    So it would appear for future reference, Justin is the one that committed the stalking, not Cloud. Any comments to be made, despite the legalized name change. should be about one and not the other. Who knew? In any regards, I wish Justin a speedy recovery to get the help he requires. And Cloud, if either of you wish to chime in here, feel free to write anytime.

  10. That's very sad to hear Krampus but if true then it explains alot. As I said before, mental illness is a serious matter and it plays a pivotal role in all of this. As to the dumb ass RLSVs and their belligerent followers or sympathizers thinking this or Kick Ass is going to bring down the RLSH they may be even more delusional that I imagined.

  11. You know what? I just heard about something on a news page!

    After hearing that Cloud/Justin contacted Tucker Max to try and get in well with Ivanka, I don't wish to be used as a platform to further an agenda. I tried to reach out, but Krampus will be observing and reporting as more happens. Use your own blog, not mine.

  12. Good call Krampus. If this guy wants to continue his aberrant behavior then it's all on him. Anyone who knowingly helps facilitate such behavior is not helping the situation. From everything Like Zetaman and others have said - Cloud has not really been involved in anything really RLSH-related in years.

    But you know if it will further the agenda of the RLSH haters they will pin this on the RLSh even if the guy had been out of the RLSH loop for over a century.
