Sunday, April 25, 2010

Helping Sword Kane

First of all, I would wish to apologize to Sword Kane. I was speaking with him earlier tonight regarding something personal, important, and very real. He asked me tonight if I would be so kind as to mention him and his message on my show Creature Feature this evening, but the discussion was so spirited, I lost track of time and never mentioned it. For this, you have the humble apologies of Krampus.

With that said, please read his latest message, you can find his Myspace page here. Read his blog Please Help here:
For those of you wishing to read it, I am reposting it here.

"First of all, I would like to thank everyone so much for your support in the past months.

"I apologize to everyone for not coming out with new videos since August for I have been in bad health for quite sometime.

"For those who have not been following me, I was first diagnosed with Trigeminal Neuralgia, a nasty and very painful facial nerve disorder.

"Later, in January I found that I was misdiagnosed and actually was suffering from Cervical Spondylosis, with Degenerating Cervical Discs (4 out of 6), Degenerating Arthritis of the Cervical spine with bone spurs and some of these spurs are pressing on my spinal cord causing "Sharp Ghost Pains" on various parts of my body. If these spurs continue to grow it will begin to affect my involuntary body functions. I believe it's called stenosis.

"I have been on short term disability since January 2010. But a few days ago I received a phone call that my insurance company had denied my claim, regardless of the fact that my Neurologist told them that I cannot work.

"Until this situation is resolved (which could take months) I have absolutely no income.

"If anyone out there would like to donate any amount , even if it is $1.00, to help support my family I would thank you so much for this.

"Thankfully, I qualified for food stamps and I still have my health insurance through my work. However, when it comes to rent, utilities, etc. and co-pays for prescriptions and doctor visits, I am unable to pay for it.

"I have a PayPal account so you may send donations to:

"Once again thank you for everything.


I failed to mention this on my show, but I seek to rectify that problem now. I am in discussions with him about what it may take to be posted to convince people that this is not a con, not a joke, but something very real. If there are any among you who truly cares, who are not here for lip service on either side of the communities and wish to help, then I strongly advise you to look into this and help however possible. Krampus knows all too well how hard and trying these times are financially. But even the simplest gesture could make the difference in the life and family of a man who has earned the respect of Krampus with his videos and insight. If you wish to help, do so. Let your actions speak volumes louder than the empty words the blogosphere has at times been known for.


  1. Message sent....sent out some additional feelers for help and prayers asked for.

    Sword Kane IS the example RLSV's should strive for.

  2. Dude, this is really messed up. I feel for the guy. My dad had pinched nerves in his spine that were incredibly painful for him so I sympathize with Sword Kane. I wish him the best and I'll pray for his good health.

  3. Ya know...this could be the ultimate SwordKane RLSH/RLSV challange...see who steps up to the plate....

  4. I felt compelled to repost this on I hope that neither you nor SwordKane mind.

  5. Mister Jingles, thank you. I'm sure all help in any form would be appreciated.

    Anonyman, thank you as well. The more people that know about this, the more potential help he'll have in this time of need.

    Mixsae, I understand what you're saying, but I for one have no desire to play games in regards to a man's life. It's too much of a villainous cliche'. I prefer to think of this as an opportunity to prove whether or not those among us have the desire and will to truly make a difference and act on the concern of one among us in need, or who amongst us is nothing but an apathetic joke. This is a crisis that needs to be faced, not turning a blind eye hoping it will just go away.

  6. Since some people have had issues...his paypal address is

    I was able to get a donation through.

  7. And exactly what I was saying Krampus...may not have explained it well enough. Many have met his challange on either side...time to step up to the plate for real.
