Thursday, June 24, 2010

Sword Kane & Krampus updates

It's not been an easy week and a half for either Sword Kane nor myself. Given that his matter is more pressing, here is his blog from last Sunday.

Will things get better?

Everyone, They were supposed to have an answer for me on Friday at the latest. Still no word yet from that damn insurance company. This is starting to turn into a really bad joke. I still just wanted to take a moment again thank everyone who has legitamently help me during this on-going struggle. Heroes and Villains and others who have put their most extreme hatred and differences aside just to help us out. Thank you. I am so scared right now. To be honest I feel really really bad right now. None of this bull would be happening right now and everything would have been fine if I just ignored my pains popped a couple advil and kept on going and remained completely ignorant to what was happening to me. I wouldn't have had to worry about losing everything I worked so hard to try to achieve in life. Ups and downs, just like a roller coaster and to be honest... I am getting motion sickness and I want off. Will we as a general population ever have stability in life? For the few lucky ones out there, yes. However, the rest of us will not. No matter how hard we try, we will never reach the bar. All we can do is hope for the best. Faith ...that's something that can ever be evicted upon. SwordKane

And his most recent blog.

Rent PAID ...however.
Everyone, Thankfully with everyone's help and generousity we still have a roof over our heads for the month and electricity paid! But, we are unable to pay other bills. We are still behind on our car payment and insurance. This is most definitely a very important thing we need help with. This is the only mode of transportation we have. If anyone could spare any amount to help with our car and it's insurance. Please help us if you can. Please donate any amount at PAYPAL My account email is If you would like to donate with check or money order via snail mail, contact me for more info. I have a T-Shirt shop that hasn't had much luck (only one sale) but if you would like to buy an official SwordKane shirt please go to: Http:// Also, they WILL be shutting off the cable and Internet next week. That was the bill that I put on the back burner for 3 months and I don't expect help with that, it's not a priority. The only catch though is my messages and videos will be very few and far between until I am able to get it turned back on, which could be quite awhile. So when they do shut it off, please do not take my lack of response as me ignoring you or thinking that we have finally became financially stable again. I will most definitely share that good news when it happens! Always glad for your help, SwordKane

Alas, things haven't been well in the life of Krampus. As some of you know, there was no Creature Feature last week due to some hellacious weather and power outages. Unfortunately some key electronic equipment was damaged, even the telephone that I call into the show seems to have intermittent static. I wasn't going to risk the computer to run the show nor suffer further strikes. What's worse, even more problems have raised their heads financially for Krampus. Don't worry, Krampus is not nearly in as dire straits as Sword Kane. But alas, due to the unforeseen bills and expenses, Krampus will be unable to offer financial support to Sword Kane for the next month or two. But I will continue to alert people as to his condition as long as it is needed.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Sword Kane update 6/17 Urgent

Here's the latest from Sword Kane, even more trouble is eminent for the man.

Everyone, I don't understand Landlords. Another knock on the door again! He was being patient with me in the past and was allowing me to pay him for the previous months rent giving the situation that we are in. Today he has a sudden change of heart and now he wants this June's rent money now to boot. After I gave him what little I could with your help for May just a few weeks ago. What the hell is going on?! Am I on the fricken Truman show or something???!! Does anybody RICH give a damn anymore and cut the "poorman" some slack? I am truley at my wits end here. I need serious help and I need it ASAP. If anyone can spare anything. Things are seriously starting to fall apart over here. I honestly am losing hope over the whole T-Shirt idea. It was a good idea at first, but If over 500 people have viewed my shop and only ONE person has bought a shirt....It was a nice thought on paper but in real life maybe it wasn't . As I said in my video, I appreciate everyone who had helped so far, but what I am noticing, is that it's the same handfull of people helping me everytime for what they can spare. I feel bad about this because, I realize that this is putting a financial burden them and it's not fair to them for me to keep asking for their help. I am greatful for everyone's help don't get wrong. I am just scared and frustrated about this whole thing. You all have helped me, in anyway you could. For that I am thankful. I fear however, that I am up against something that cannot be defeated... at least not by myself. For those who can help, PLEASE, PLEASE, come together and help me if you can. This may very well be the final ride of SwordKane for quite sometime unless alot of help is accumulated ASAP. Keep us in your prayers, SwordKane

Now, that disturbs me. Over 500 views to his site, and only one person purchasing a shirt? He's discounted the prices, now he's only making $5 off of each shirt to help with his expenses! Unfortunately Krampus is feeling a financial pinch lately as well, and will have to wait before I can order a shirt. Is there nothing that can be done? I shall continue to report this story and alert people to the best of my ability, but for now that is the extent of what I can do for the man and his family. Please help him however you can.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Sword Kane update 6/10 Urgent

We interrupt this stream of whatthefuckitude involving people slinging insults in the RLSH community to bring a special update on Sword Kane.


June 10th was supposed to be decision day for my appeal for my insurance company claim.

Well guess what?

They put me off again and told me they are waiting on a medical report from their own Dr. BEFORE they can make a decision to approve or deny my appeal.

He said it could take up to another week to 2 weeks.

I was about to go off on the guy until he mentioned he was the one who makes the decision on my claim, so I backed off for obvious reasons.

To make things worse, the good'ol landlord drops by this morning asking for more rent money and if I had heard from my insurance company yet and I told him I should be approved today. He said he'd be back tomorrow to find out what they told me.(Wow, foot in mouth time. I am so SCREWED!)

When it rains it POURS F-ing Tsunami's!!!

I only have 2 dollars in change. I am so embarrased to ask this again, but I NEED everyone's help NOW!

Everyone, PLEASE DONATE any amount you can! I really don't think my landlord is going to put up with any more excuses reguardless if they are good ones.

If you can donate via paypal send it to

If you can't you can send a check or money order via snail mail. Just contact me and I'll give you an address.

If you would like to buy a t-shirt, that's fine too. Though I won't receive the commission for two weeks, the help is appreciated that way too.


Please, Please PLEASE help any way you can!

Thank you

It seems the poor man is in need for immediate assistance once again, the problem extending from tomorrow and to the next two weeks. Please go to the above link or to his Paypal account. Due to some finances creeping up on me like a Green Beret turned debtor, I will be unable to assist for several weeks financially, so it's up to you. On the plus side, I am happy to announce that art is now imitating life. Last week, I joked on the show about suggesting a shirt slogan to Sword Kane. Well, it's been slightly watered down, but I am proud to say that one of the newest selections you can order is the 'I helped Sword Kane and all I got was this damn t-shirt!' edition! It's funny, topical and you have something to show for a good cause. Please help and contribute what you can!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Show mercy, kill them already!

If a plane crashed down, food was lost and you wanted to survive, do you eat the retards first or the people healthiest of mind?

Now now dear readers, do have the courtesy to hold your comments until the end of the post, Krampus is going somewhere with this. I mean, you don't want to be like some idiots aspiring to be invertebrate plague carriers taking words completely out of context, do you? No? Good. Now kindly shut the fuck up and keep reading!

I mean, it's a simple question, isn't it? We all wonder about life, death, the work one's ancestors put in to achieve your place on the food chain. Deep down inside all of us, some deeper or more shallow than others, is an instinct, a need for survival, a need to adapt to dangerous situations. And let's be fair and honest, some are better equipped to survive than others. There have always been lesser people, stragglers more easily picked off amongst the herd, the slack and chaff that some would allow, or insist, that they fall so the herd, or more capable members within the herd will survive another day. So let's talk about the crash example again, and what to do for food. Who would you slay and eat if need be? Would you go for the weaker, the genetically inferior? I dunno, if you eat a 'tard, don't you run the risk of becoming one too, kinda like Mad Cow Disease? Or would you go after someone that you genuinely disliked or hated, devouring their flesh and their power like Mana as the Maori Warriors once did? OOoh, here's one. What if somehow you could overpower one of the healthier people, yet it combined all of the above? What if it was someone that was a decent physical specimen so you have all the nourishment issues covered, someone who acted in a way you disliked, and what if there was a possibility that due to their actions and possible insanity, you'd actually be putting someone fitting the criteria out of their misery? It makes sense after all, that guy over there enjoys getting his nuts kicked in and can't tell a raccoon from a bear. It's not like he'd be missed, right? Sorry Tothian, nothing personal. But on this crash site, Krampus is a survivor. Now get in my belly and fertilize my crops in twelve hours!

Ladies and gentlemen, the above was a dramatization. I of course mean no ill will to crash survivors, the mentally retarded or impaired, the physically handicapped, people that simply annoy me and believing that they deserve to die because of it, nor to Tothian. But I wrote it to make a point. You see, recently it has come to my attention that Tothian has stated that the mentally challenged should be dispatched, I could be mistaken but I believe he said drowned, to save them from the pains of living in a life that they would be at a lifelong disadvantage otherwise. I also believe this was addressed to a member on the RLSH board, Wildcat.

I'll be honest, Wildcat has messaged me several times, speaking like a child and running the risk of being so sweet as her very presence online could give someone cavities and risk of a diabetic coma. I have no wish to befriend or speak to the woman, in my personal opinion I'd have little to speak to her about, and she tends to be clingy to people on the forum. I want nothing to do with her. With that said, I don't believe the girl warrants a smartass comment that she and everyone like her should be euthanized. That which you speak of smacks of Nazi Eugenic cleansing. And Krampus is NO friend of anyone or anything Nazi.

Recently Dreizehn, someone who's threatened the body parts of Krampus on more than one occasion, spoke out about this outrage, leading Tothian to be suspended from the forum for one week, causing Superhero to egress in protest, and I believe another, but may be back now. She spoke of challenging the administrators on this action, and in doing so has been banned as well. I may not agree with her exact words or how she went about it, but she addressed a bullying remark, and stood up in the face of the one who said it, and those who she felt didn't do enough to deal with the problem. That I admire. Krampus knows firsthand that truth isn't always pretty, it can be disturbing, vulgar, even downright hideous. It can enflame one's sensibilities and soul, stirring one to action because if it hurts in just the right spot, then maybe something will be done about it. Krampus has done this in the past, and to be honest, has felt as of late as may be becoming a tad bit rusty.

I don't agree with everything that has gone on recently in the community. The rushing to defend people whose banner has inspired harassing, and potentially criminal activity when they refuse to acknowledge that anything they do or have done is wrong, the stepping around on eggshells for fear of escalating hostilities. 'Twould even seem that attempts to do just that have instead acted as pouring water on an oil fire, it's only splashed and spread. And now this debacle? At the very least Tothian, hate someone for the nature of their actions and character and not their genetics. Nor their deficiencies.

Tothian, I won't lie to you. My respect for you has dropped somewhat because of your statement. I believe that your heart may be in the right place, but it's thoughts and words like the ones you've used that others have easily turned into desire and acting upon them. Krampus came into this community to keep an eye on and call out bullies, harassing those who did not deserve it. As of right now, in my eyes you're barely better than any member of ROACH or their allies. And worse, you've given them ammunition to claim they've been right about your instability and how dangerous you are, the very words they've said about you and others all along! In your standings, you're becoming the very thing you're supposed to fight against! Do these words have ANY impact on you? What hurts more, the sanctioning, the words I say, the reactions of your peers, the fact that you're proving someone on the other side of the fence as correct? Damn you idiot, you've given them validity to their bile and turned some who have defended and stood beside you against you, or away from you at least.

Despite it all, I do believe that your heart can be in the right place, and good can be done. But if you want back the respect you once had, you have to earn it back from here on. I suggest you get started, you've got a lengthy trip.

That's another thing that's been stuck in my craw for some time. Krampus has given leniency to some that I've not agreed with, but chalking it up to one's eccentricities. Master Legend's comments about homosexuals, Tothian's words to the mentally challenged, and those whose continued verbal toxins being spewed against those I know and feel strongly for as if a demonic case of Tourette's Syndrome has infected them. For the sake of peace, of understanding, attempts have been made to reach out, to understand, to try to keep a modicum of peace. But in my honest opinion, it seems that some do not want peace. Some simply look for an excuse to unleash their energies, their venoms, their anger, their hatred. This is something Krampus knows all too well. And since we're expressing ourselves at risk of being ostracized or disliked by our peers, perhaps it's time to speak mine.

From the very beginning of Krampus' existence in the blogosphere and community, I knew that one day through word or action, I would say or perform an action so polarizing, that many of you whom I would call acquaintance, listener, or even friend, would find yourselves bewildered, having to face where they stand in relation to where I stand, and not only would friendships be strained, but possibly lost, perhaps even turning the focus of the RLSH community against me. That's right folks, I knew that in the process of stating my own truth and opinion, friends may be lost because of what I believe to be right. I believed that the day would come later. Perhaps it will come now, who knows. But now is the time for such a truth.

Hero, villain, stranger, friend, the title doesn't matter. I don't care who you are, what side of the fence you may be on, if you are known to me or unknown. Krampus will NOT allow ANYONE to attack anyone I call friend without defending them, possibly with reprisal. If you're one friend and have a beef with another, then it's between you two. But if the actions of one threatens to harm another, no, that's not going to happen on my watch. Trying to talk, to parley and find a peaceful solution is good, it's admirable to stop confrontation without violence. But sometimes, and I was recently reminded of this, sometimes the fight comes to you. Sometimes you can't reason with it, you can't run from it, and help may not be coming as fast as one would hope. If you see something wrong that threatens to oppress or harm you or another, stranger or friend, sometimes you have to stand up to face it. You have to hold your ground and tell the threat, the circumstance, the person or persons that threaten to crash into you like a wave who you are, the strength of your character and declare it to all in the universe that you're not going to be demeaned, belittled, walked upon and treated as if you do not exist nor matter. Sometimes you have to take a stand.

Words, threats, fists, weapons, sometimes you can ignore them. Other times, one must rise against what they perceive to be a wrong. Dreizehn did it, it may not have been the same way I'd have handled it, but she stood up. And it's the strength of one's character and resolve I acknowledge and respect. It's why I respect DC's Guardian and his ilk so strongly. And I know for a fact that many of you reading this have to take hard stands as well, I know it hasn't always been easy! But if you look back, can you look at yourselves in honesty and say that if you didn't stand the way you did at a certain place or time, then you'd never have the strength of character to stand for anything you'd believe in? Have you had that defining moment where you stood up to something because you didn't agree with it?

I have gay friends, it's not my choice or preference but I accept my friends for who they are. Master Legend has said some disparaging remarks against those in the gay community, but I try to see someone who has their heart in the right place and tries to do good, so I don't give power to his words. But if someone physically threatened my friend with harm, standing in front of me and I were the only one between them and my friends possibly facing a hate crime, I don't care if it were someone in a suit, a skinhead or KKK member, someone that resembled Master Legend or someone in an official uniform, if they're going to attack someone who did nothing to provoke such an attack, I'm standing up to them. I may be hurt, crippled, arrested or even killed, but I'm making the stand. The same goes for any ROACH member or ally with Skiffytowners behind me, or someone that looks like Tothian in front of me and someone that looks like Wildcat or Corky from Life Goes On behind me. THIS WILL NOT GO WITHOUT A STAND. I;d rather not have to fight, Tothian we were getting a bit casually chummy and I'm not even Wildcat's friend. But if you want to call yourself my friend, start earning my respect back. Otherwise if you become the thug that others claim you to be and you have someone undeserving in your crosshairs, I WILL stand against you and anyone that behaves like a danger to others. And Krampus is capable of reciprocating with interest, no one wants to be on the receiving end of the wrath of someone who at times has been suicidal and raging against you as a perceived threat. If any of you takes something away from this, know that peace can be a good thing to fight for. But sometimes, you may have to actually fight for something. Or someone.

Show me where you stand.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sword Kane update 6/6 and the birth of a word

After waiting with baited breath, after the aid that many of us in the communities have given Sword Kane, there has finally been an update on his status!

We are still here...for now

Everyone, My utmost gratitude to all who helped contribute to the latest emergency that was going on with my stupid Landlord. Even though we were not able to give the full rent, your collective support came to about $350 and was enough for the landlord to back off for a few weeks. Thankyou, thankyou, THANKYOU!!! Lord knows where we would be right now if it wasn't for you all. We still have a roof over heads because of your kind generosity. As I had mentioned before I found a T-shirt place that let's you make commission of your designs and photos for free. Hopefully, this will be a good source of income: Http:// I haven't had any buyers yet, but hopefully things will pickup soon. I will be making a video soon Thanking those for your continued help, one and all. Sincerely Swordkane

Of course, I can't help but notice that my own shirt suggestion of 'I helped Sword Kane and all I got was this fucking t-shirt!' was left off the market. Ah well, Krampus isn't doing this for publicity I suppose. But thanks to the efforts of all, he was able to raise over half his goal and get the landlord off his back for now. He's still in need of aid, and now thanks to the shirts, you can get something to show for your efforts. Please continue to help the man out, half the money from the sale goes directly to Sword Kane and his family's current need of financial aid.

And ladies and gentlemen, there are moments in time where people remember where they were when the event occurred. People remember in comic books when the Fantastic Four faced Galactus for the first time. People remember when they saw what worlds lived and died in Crisis on Infinite Earths. People remember when Doctor Who returned to the airwaves, and people will remember where they were when they listened to Creature Feature and Zetaman was asked a groundbreaking question:
When you and Apocalypse Meow are being intimate, do you ever refer to that as getting 'Bow-chicka-meow-meow'?

Ahhh, to add to the lexicon and be quotable, true immortality!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Sword Kane, superheroes and shit slinging

Interesting week this is turning out to be, and it's only half over. As always, let's begin with the most important and pressing first. Today marks the deadline that Sword Kane needs to come up with $600 for rent or face eviction from his landlord, bad health and all. Sword Kane greatly appreciates all the help everyone is sending his way, and has access to a PO box in case anyone would like to send him something electronically and with the price of postage. If you wish to send the man something, send to:

Sword Kane
P.O. Box 593
Proctorville, OH 45669

I am sure we who are concerned are waiting with anticipation with any news in regards to whether or not SK's requests and aid given was successful, more will be posted on his blog and here once news is given.

I saw 20/20's special, and although I liked the theme of the superhumans accomplishing the seemingly impossible, I am a bit perturbed that the segment featuring RLSH members and Peter Tangen's project was covered so briefly. However, it was good to see DC's Guardian, Knight Vigil and others there receiving the notice and praise they deserve for their efforts. But between you and I, I think the RLSH movement may give itself some wonderful PR if you're able to recruit the human mermaids to your ranks and have more gatherings at beaches. Just my opinion.

And 'twould seem my opinions have been focused upon as of late by those I was attempting to shun. Zetaman finally posted a blog about his incident and the signs pointing to ROACH as either culprits or scapegoats. I suppose time will tell if Oregonian ROACH alum Doktor Nikolai had anything to do with this seeing as he is geographically closest to the crime scene, followed by the 3 hour away Jet City crew, but the investigation will no doubt turn up the truth in this ongoing case.

I also find it humorous that those I am trying to disassociate from in any contact are now trying to pull me back in, to latch upon my fur like sand spurs and carry them out of their stupor of people ceasing to give a shit about them until this event happened. The quotes taken out of context, trying to turn around and attack Zetaman for contacting me and asking my opinion on the matter, I almost hope that the bloggers have enough Dramamine to settle their stomachs after the vomit inducing vertigo created by their spin. Almost. Let them spew blood for all I care for their opinions and knowledge to read and take just enough of the words of Krampus to attempt to damn me, while knowing that the context of my words calls for you to read the words yourselves and make your own judgment here on my blog. Cliffnotes are fine, but let me know when you want to see my words in their entirety and think for yourselves, not follow over the cliff like lemmings. 'Twould seem that even in the face of accusation, ROACH and its allies just can't get over the habit of influencing and encouraging the weak minded into following their dogma. A shame, and I was starting to see the potential for humanity as half full once again.

Once again I feel it necessary to state that Krampus had nothing to do with the attack on Zetaman and signs pointing to ROACH, nor do I have any plans or communication with anyone that may plan an escalating retaliation against any members of said group. I also must reiterate that at this time, any contact by ROACH members or their allies at this time in a personal matter and near the vicinity of my domicile will be seen as a lethal threat and dealt with accordingly. I know it may not be popular, but it how I feel. Yes, I am capable of killing. No, I am not plotting against ROACH or any of its allies. But if I and anyone with whom I live are approached in person upon our property, then the fears of Mr. Jack and escalation of this hostility will become a moot point, punctuated in violence and possible death. I don't care if it's unpopular anymore, the line has been established. And yes, I'm holding back my true feelings for concern of being misconstrued as hunting ROACH down to exterminate them and encouraging others to do the same.

Not that that's out of the way, it's time for a little mood music. Ever since I was made aware of this little diddy, it's been stuck in my head. The song is how Krampus likes his women, dark yet hauntingly beautiful, a celebration of life in the face of oblivion. This one goes out to any potential stalkers or idiots wishing to escalate the problems in the community further Do feel free to sing along, won't you?

Oh Death
Oh Death
Oh Death
Won’t you spare me over another year?

But what is this that I can’t see?
With ice cold hands taking hold of me

When God is gone and the Devil takes hold
Who will have mercy on your soul?

Oh Death

No wealth, no ruin, no silver, no gold,
Nothing satisfies me but your soul

Oh Death

Well I am Death
None can excel
I'll open the door to heaven or hell

Oh Death
Oh Death

My name is Death and the end is here.