Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Sword Kane, superheroes and shit slinging

Interesting week this is turning out to be, and it's only half over. As always, let's begin with the most important and pressing first. Today marks the deadline that Sword Kane needs to come up with $600 for rent or face eviction from his landlord, bad health and all. Sword Kane greatly appreciates all the help everyone is sending his way, and has access to a PO box in case anyone would like to send him something electronically and with the price of postage. If you wish to send the man something, send to:

Sword Kane
P.O. Box 593
Proctorville, OH 45669

I am sure we who are concerned are waiting with anticipation with any news in regards to whether or not SK's requests and aid given was successful, more will be posted on his blog and here once news is given.

I saw 20/20's special, and although I liked the theme of the superhumans accomplishing the seemingly impossible, I am a bit perturbed that the segment featuring RLSH members and Peter Tangen's project was covered so briefly. However, it was good to see DC's Guardian, Knight Vigil and others there receiving the notice and praise they deserve for their efforts. But between you and I, I think the RLSH movement may give itself some wonderful PR if you're able to recruit the human mermaids to your ranks and have more gatherings at beaches. Just my opinion.

And 'twould seem my opinions have been focused upon as of late by those I was attempting to shun. Zetaman finally posted a blog about his incident and the signs pointing to ROACH as either culprits or scapegoats. I suppose time will tell if Oregonian ROACH alum Doktor Nikolai had anything to do with this seeing as he is geographically closest to the crime scene, followed by the 3 hour away Jet City crew, but the investigation will no doubt turn up the truth in this ongoing case.

I also find it humorous that those I am trying to disassociate from in any contact are now trying to pull me back in, to latch upon my fur like sand spurs and carry them out of their stupor of people ceasing to give a shit about them until this event happened. The quotes taken out of context, trying to turn around and attack Zetaman for contacting me and asking my opinion on the matter, I almost hope that the bloggers have enough Dramamine to settle their stomachs after the vomit inducing vertigo created by their spin. Almost. Let them spew blood for all I care for their opinions and knowledge to read and take just enough of the words of Krampus to attempt to damn me, while knowing that the context of my words calls for you to read the words yourselves and make your own judgment here on my blog. Cliffnotes are fine, but let me know when you want to see my words in their entirety and think for yourselves, not follow over the cliff like lemmings. 'Twould seem that even in the face of accusation, ROACH and its allies just can't get over the habit of influencing and encouraging the weak minded into following their dogma. A shame, and I was starting to see the potential for humanity as half full once again.

Once again I feel it necessary to state that Krampus had nothing to do with the attack on Zetaman and signs pointing to ROACH, nor do I have any plans or communication with anyone that may plan an escalating retaliation against any members of said group. I also must reiterate that at this time, any contact by ROACH members or their allies at this time in a personal matter and near the vicinity of my domicile will be seen as a lethal threat and dealt with accordingly. I know it may not be popular, but it how I feel. Yes, I am capable of killing. No, I am not plotting against ROACH or any of its allies. But if I and anyone with whom I live are approached in person upon our property, then the fears of Mr. Jack and escalation of this hostility will become a moot point, punctuated in violence and possible death. I don't care if it's unpopular anymore, the line has been established. And yes, I'm holding back my true feelings for concern of being misconstrued as hunting ROACH down to exterminate them and encouraging others to do the same.

Not that that's out of the way, it's time for a little mood music. Ever since I was made aware of this little diddy, it's been stuck in my head. The song is how Krampus likes his women, dark yet hauntingly beautiful, a celebration of life in the face of oblivion. This one goes out to any potential stalkers or idiots wishing to escalate the problems in the community further Do feel free to sing along, won't you?

Oh Death
Oh Death
Oh Death
Won’t you spare me over another year?

But what is this that I can’t see?
With ice cold hands taking hold of me

When God is gone and the Devil takes hold
Who will have mercy on your soul?

Oh Death

No wealth, no ruin, no silver, no gold,
Nothing satisfies me but your soul

Oh Death

Well I am Death
None can excel
I'll open the door to heaven or hell

Oh Death
Oh Death

My name is Death and the end is here.


  1. Never seen Supernatural before, but I heard this originally on Oh Brother Where Art Thou?

  2. Agreed, that was where it was first heard in modern pop culture, but I prefer this version. And by the way, welcome back.

  3. The events that have been transpiring with Zetaman have changed a lot of things in the community, more so on a personal level, it has changed something within me as a villain. I've done a lot of terrible things in my time, long before all this superhero/supervillain thing, but being in on-going contact with Zetaman has made me realize many things about myself.

    Remorse, guilt, things I should have felt much longer before this act of vandalism has landed on Zeta's doorstep.

  4. As you know I debated back and forth with Lord Malignance.

    As I've been researching more into the RLSV think I've been findind a lot of parallels with the RLSH community.

    I agree, it was a completely messed up move to lable DC's Guardian a Pedo. It's also messed up that there is a lot of making fun of Mixase's looks. That is not cool.

    At the same time, I think using the same tactics and resulting in name calling doesn't provide superior moral ground either. I should know, I've been known to be insulting from time to time. And I've been trying to get to know more people from behind their mask.

    I don't know where I am going with this. But I for one am sort of tired of the mask and the characters we all are playing. We are losing sight of the fact that we are hurting each other despite the masks we wear. We do it in the RLSH community all the time and it is also happening within the RLSV culture as well. I don't know if it is because it is common within social groups or within social internet groups. Either way it is tragic and self defeating in the long run.

  5. I am at lunch at work so Imust be brief.

    Krampus, you hav a right to protect yourself and anyone trying to twist your genuine concern for our friend Zetaman int osomething nefarious is both demented and delusional.

    Malvado, dear God I never expected to say this but I try to be straight with poeple so here it goes... Thank you for opening up as you have. But as they said in the movie 21 "Yesterday is history and tomorrow is a mystery so make the best of what you have right now." Translation - The power to grow and change is in all us us. If you find yourself on this journey and it begins to lead you to a better place and sense of self then I wish you well.

    Zetaman, again sorry about what happened but you raise good points. There's too much bullshit going on between both sides and alot of people are getting unnecessarily hurt. The gimmick/costume/ or group affiliation does not excuse some of what has been done. It a sad say when the act of dehumanizing people is practiced like an artform.

  6. I'm not back.
    I only dropped in because Apocalypse Meow called me because of recent events and I was curious enough to sign in to see how the blogosphere was responding to it.

    This is probably the final time I'll ever post anything under this screen name. The only reason I keep it is that it's hooked into my Youtube account and I don't feel like re-faving all of my subscriptions on a whole new account.
    You understand.

  7. 1. The attack on DC made by The Potentate and his followers in R.O.A.C.H last year was unprovoked. They initiated the attack and the commentary made about him was sickening. The potentate offered to either "take down the blog or a public apology but you're not getting both."

    2. Other active members of the organization have openly stated on Jingles Blog that cancer stricken children don't deserve sympathy and should be eleminated from the gene pool.

    De-moralizing commentary was made about me by Berylium and Aluminum Chef during the onset of the flood here in Nashville. I focused my energy at the time the way my neighbors and family did and have placed my attention towards my home and it's ongoing recovery. When it was suggested they give me a break during this difficult time, I'm told it was laughed off and that no pass would be given.

    It doesn't matter to me if someone in ROACH did this or not. It does matter that it was done to Zetaman. As to it's effects on ROACH...why does anyone care?

    No, I don't wish an escalation in the fued amongst either side. Very few stood up for DC when ROACH attacked him without being provoked. We're now being asked to not turn our backs on "our friends" in ROACH.

    Friends like that, we really don't have to worry about our enemies and I refuse to lose an ounce of sleep or offer any sympathy for them. Nor do I consider them friends or family in any manner. My support is for Zetaman and Meow and them alone. The Potentate and ROACH and their followers...I'm not going to fret over the damage to their reputation. There are much bigger problems in the world and people who need help to continue to waste time blogging in their support.

    My two cents and I expect change back

  8. That is clearly unfortunate that you'd been harassed in that manner. I am sorry this happened to you. I caught myself up on some of the blogs and... wow. But I don't know the entire history of the villians blogsphere so I cannot really say anything.

    I want to say something meaningful here that might help but I honestly can't think of anything. I do want to appeal to both sides or all the sides that we all need to remember that there are real people behind the personas. And real people have feelings. I have done my share of hurting other people through my actions or blogs. It was horrible of me and I am sure Karma will catch up to me if it hadn't already. Despite any good that I have done in real life I feel it is negated by what cruel and horrible actions I have committed or rude judgements I have placed on other people. I feel this goes the other way as well.
