Thursday, June 17, 2010

Sword Kane update 6/17 Urgent

Here's the latest from Sword Kane, even more trouble is eminent for the man.

Everyone, I don't understand Landlords. Another knock on the door again! He was being patient with me in the past and was allowing me to pay him for the previous months rent giving the situation that we are in. Today he has a sudden change of heart and now he wants this June's rent money now to boot. After I gave him what little I could with your help for May just a few weeks ago. What the hell is going on?! Am I on the fricken Truman show or something???!! Does anybody RICH give a damn anymore and cut the "poorman" some slack? I am truley at my wits end here. I need serious help and I need it ASAP. If anyone can spare anything. Things are seriously starting to fall apart over here. I honestly am losing hope over the whole T-Shirt idea. It was a good idea at first, but If over 500 people have viewed my shop and only ONE person has bought a shirt....It was a nice thought on paper but in real life maybe it wasn't . As I said in my video, I appreciate everyone who had helped so far, but what I am noticing, is that it's the same handfull of people helping me everytime for what they can spare. I feel bad about this because, I realize that this is putting a financial burden them and it's not fair to them for me to keep asking for their help. I am greatful for everyone's help don't get wrong. I am just scared and frustrated about this whole thing. You all have helped me, in anyway you could. For that I am thankful. I fear however, that I am up against something that cannot be defeated... at least not by myself. For those who can help, PLEASE, PLEASE, come together and help me if you can. This may very well be the final ride of SwordKane for quite sometime unless alot of help is accumulated ASAP. Keep us in your prayers, SwordKane

Now, that disturbs me. Over 500 views to his site, and only one person purchasing a shirt? He's discounted the prices, now he's only making $5 off of each shirt to help with his expenses! Unfortunately Krampus is feeling a financial pinch lately as well, and will have to wait before I can order a shirt. Is there nothing that can be done? I shall continue to report this story and alert people to the best of my ability, but for now that is the extent of what I can do for the man and his family. Please help him however you can.

1 comment:

  1. The cold hard truth about reality that a lot of RLSH people don't seem to understand is that you can't save everyone. The situation Swordkane is in does indeed suck, but if enough can't be done then sadly that is just the way things are and the way things will always be.

    Best of luck to him.


    P.S.: I was one of the many people that viewed his shirt page and didn't buy anything. Then again, I only have enough money to eat every two days, so not everyone out there has the ability to do more than just window-shop.
