Saturday, January 19, 2013

About bloody time!

Looks like the first horror movie fell through, but then again, I've always worked well by starting with the young.

At least they got the quote right.

"I'm a strict humanitarian. I only eat Children."

A new chapter begins.

Looks like things will start getting interesting again. The name Krampus is about to be expanded upon, and even more shall be added to the legend of the Christmas demon. 'Twould appear that this new chapter should be amusing and interesting to watch.

Of course, that's not to say all the detractors of Krampus have been silenced. Even now, it looks like some people can't tell one Krampus apart from another. Of course, there have always been multiple Krampi, and shall continue to be so. A new adventure shall be written this year, a time of rebirths and renewals. It can only be hoped to be a fun one.

As to those deserving of wrath...look behind you. Out of the corner of your eye, the shadow, that figure in the dark, the one who's there then gone? Well, I can't say with exact certainty it's me, but you never know who's watching. Who's listening? Who's reporting? Will things ever go back to their simpler times? To the latter, I'll have to say no. Too much has been done, too much blood spilled, too many threats made to be taken back. All that can be done is to go forward, and if the need to dredge up the past is warranted, then such a bridge will be crossed at that time.

Although, it's still too damned ridiculously easy to bring concealed and visible weapons into conventions. But hell, even fanboys will use pens if a gun or knife isn't available. San Diego has proven that. Something may have to be done, but that's for another day.

This should be fun.