Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sword Kane update 6/6 and the birth of a word

After waiting with baited breath, after the aid that many of us in the communities have given Sword Kane, there has finally been an update on his status!

We are still here...for now

Everyone, My utmost gratitude to all who helped contribute to the latest emergency that was going on with my stupid Landlord. Even though we were not able to give the full rent, your collective support came to about $350 and was enough for the landlord to back off for a few weeks. Thankyou, thankyou, THANKYOU!!! Lord knows where we would be right now if it wasn't for you all. We still have a roof over heads because of your kind generosity. As I had mentioned before I found a T-shirt place that let's you make commission of your designs and photos for free. Hopefully, this will be a good source of income: Http:// I haven't had any buyers yet, but hopefully things will pickup soon. I will be making a video soon Thanking those for your continued help, one and all. Sincerely Swordkane

Of course, I can't help but notice that my own shirt suggestion of 'I helped Sword Kane and all I got was this fucking t-shirt!' was left off the market. Ah well, Krampus isn't doing this for publicity I suppose. But thanks to the efforts of all, he was able to raise over half his goal and get the landlord off his back for now. He's still in need of aid, and now thanks to the shirts, you can get something to show for your efforts. Please continue to help the man out, half the money from the sale goes directly to Sword Kane and his family's current need of financial aid.

And ladies and gentlemen, there are moments in time where people remember where they were when the event occurred. People remember in comic books when the Fantastic Four faced Galactus for the first time. People remember when they saw what worlds lived and died in Crisis on Infinite Earths. People remember when Doctor Who returned to the airwaves, and people will remember where they were when they listened to Creature Feature and Zetaman was asked a groundbreaking question:
When you and Apocalypse Meow are being intimate, do you ever refer to that as getting 'Bow-chicka-meow-meow'?

Ahhh, to add to the lexicon and be quotable, true immortality!


  1. That's Creature Feature...every Saturday night at 11 PM (EST).

    Come for the conversation, stay for the Kool-aid!

    May I please have cotton for my bleeding ears now?


  2. Creature Feature... fun times indeed.

    And all that talk about tweaking Krampus's nipples. Where is Dreizhen when you need her?

  3. Apparently stirring up even more drama and insults:

  4. Nicely played Mr Jack!

    Question and answer time. Isn't Dreizhen innocent until proven guilty? I get where you're coming from...really I do. ROACH can verbally abuse people and you force your ideals that they're our family down everyone's throats and that we should defend them and not turn our backs on our family and friends. Tothian can attack a mentally challanged young Lady, take a slap on the wrist and you started that thread to praise him as well for his anticipated return. But Dreizhen can't do the same in her way of expressing anger over the incedent?

    I'm not condoning what she did, nor do I approve it. But PLEASE tell me how it's any differant then what ROACH and Tothian have done? Now it would seem several others are also verbally abusing her now without having all the facts (which you don't have either btw) How can you crucify one and condone others?

    FYI...contrary to that nice little post you put up directed at me last night which disappeared before the thread was moved to the lounge...I am not scared of you, don't fool yourself.

    As for escalation....I want to congratulate you for piling the stack of dry wood so high, pouring gasoline on it and lighting the match. You're also pretty good at pushing buttons. Is it that you didn't want any of us to take the glory away from you in the escalation department?

    While we're at can stop contacting my friends to get to me. Thats a pretty cowardly thing to do BTW....just leave well enough alone and stop being a hipocrite. You've done enough.
