Monday, May 31, 2010

Bad week to be a ROACH


Honestly, I started to believe that Krampus was done giving any advertisement to a certain group now that my sister's profile was removed from their members' list. I no longer had reason unless provoked to give this organization further attention, much less grief. Krampus was even prepared to let slide the fact that The Potentate, scourged by my final comment on his blog, has changed the format so that all new messages must be approved before publishing, just like mine. Well, at least he attempts to steal from the best, but I digress.

Last night, I was made aware of a grievous wrong perpetrated upon Zetaman and his property. He asked my opinion on the subject, whether or not to blog about it. Out of respect, Krampus intended to wait, allowing Zetaman to be the one to break the news. However, Mr. Jack has commented upon this event on Poop Knife's blog, and Malvado has posted about his own dealings with Zetaman as well. Since the genie has been unleashed, I may as well chime in on this.

Last night, Krampus arrived home to his cavernous home under the large scary tree to see that a message was left by Zetaman. The man's home and property was vandalized, a note left on his windshield with the words 'Regards from ROACH' and his vehicle's tires slashed. The police are investigating this incident as we speak.

From the inception of this blog, ROACH has been a banner under which a great deal of confusion, ego and genuine harm implied under the veil of parody has been produced. It has been the duty of Krampus to patrol potential threats that transcend the blogosphere and role play into actual or potential harm. As the investigation is ongoing, one can be sure that the identities of the perpetrators shall be uncovered and punishment dealt out under the law. When Zetaman asked my opinion for whether or not to post this news, mine was objective, but an honest opinion. It is conceivably possible that the culprits have nothing to do with ROACH, is an adversary of Zetaman's and has left a red herring to throw off suspicion for their own actions. When asked if I believe that this attack should be publicized, I said yes. If in fact ROACH had nothing to do with this, then they deserve the chance to defend themselves from the potential onslaught. If however a member of ROACH has decided to act like an actual villain, then ROACH needs to explain themselves and take responsibility for the actions of their banner. Either way, it is the opinion of Krampus that such a story must be told. Those of us in the RLSH and RLSV communities need to be aware of these actions, and to choose the stands to take for or against the people that have committed this act of destruction of property and vandalism.

It is the opinion of Krampus that since there has been so much negativity and capability of genuine harm to one's reputations, property and health by coming in contact with ROACH, people may wish to disassociate and disconnect any and all ties with members that are members, or fraternize as friends with such reprobates. I believe that ROACH and all members involved deserve to make their voices heard, their side of the story told. Perhaps this is the act of someone attempting to frame ROACH. But this latest attack crosses a line that goes beyond satire, beyond parody, beyond blogging and role play. Any and all members of ROACH will no doubt be investigated, as well as other potential allies with whom Krampus has verbally jousted. Hell, I'd even suspect Krampus may be investigated for this attack, with lies and innuendos spouted that Krampus has gone 'round the bend and has attacked Zetaman in order to see ROACH crushed once and for all. If such an investigation would come, so be it. Krampus has done nothing nor conspired with anyone to do such a thing, the evidence would attest to that.

Stalking. Cyber-stalking. Defamation of character. Manipulation of its members. Threats against its members. Veiled threats under the blanket of absurdity. Has the name ROACH also become the point of origin of a planned attack on a member of the community's property? Has someone been inspired to perform such an act with hopes of joining their ranks? Or are they merely patsies in this instance, being framed for a crime they did not commit but few would deny that is a petty, villainous act?

Whoever did such an attack is surely a coward, leaving marks and probably not so clever as to ensure wearing gloves while handling the ROACH note, currently being looked into by the police. As I have stated, it was originally the intention of Krampus to remain silent until Zetaman himself had told the tale out of respect. But since the news has been told, it is the turn of Krampus to speak his perspective on this matter. If you value your reputations, now may be the best time to disassociate yourselves from all ROACH members and allies. If not, prepare to have the spotlight turned on above you. Will you stand like a man, or scatter under its scrutiny? Time will tell.

And to think, Krampus was starting to wonder if he was still needed to observe this community as a sentinel...


  1. Something a friend of mine said a couple of years ago over a similar situation comes to mind.

    Not saying whoever did this is a dirty bitch...but thats a dirty bitch move. Zetaman's a great guy who has given of himself stinks this happened to him.

    It also stinks that someone would repay volunteerism with vandalism. Regardless who may have done it, it speaks volumes to me to see ROACH's name attached to it. Even if the person responsible is in no way connected with them, obviously something about that group sparked the individual to use their name.

  2. I blogged on this as well and all I can say is that what was done to Zetaman was sick. ROACH may not have done it but apparently they've done a great deal to inspire it.

  3. All I have to say is already written:
