Friday, May 14, 2010

Sword Kane update 5/14

It appears that Sword Kane's fortune is taking a turn for the worse. In his blog last week:

I went to my regular Dr. to get a referral to a orthopedic specialist and SHE REFUSED! My foot was pretty much hanging off my leg and I asked her what about my huge black bruises?? Is this NORMAL? Then she said the bones weren't broken and put ice on it and it will be fine.... WHAT THE HELL????!!!! So I went with my better judgement and went to an ER at another hospital. They gave me a referral with no problem. I finally got to see the specialist today and GUESS WHAT??? The main ligaments around my ankle were completely BLOWN OUT! He didn't even have to do a c-scan. He just grabbed my foot and was able to move it seperately from the rest of my leg! Dr.'s usually don't get nauseated, but even he looked squimish after my foot and leg went two different directions! So now I have to wear a cast for a month, then a big black boot for a month. He also said that there is a good chance that the ligaments may not heal on their own and reconstructive surgery may be the only option. Needless to say I called my general Dr.'s office & informed them on what I found out and said I wasn't coming there ever again. Which leads me to this question... How can Dr.'s be so irresponsible to their patients? Ok, well that's all for now... That was more like a long update rather than a quick one...

And now this week:
Denied Again...


A very hearty thanks and appreciation to those who have helped me and my family thus far. It has helped us greatly.

I thought things were going looking up for me, financial wise, when I filed another claim through my insurance over my torn ligaments in my foot.

I received a call yesterday from them stating that I was denied for that too.

I can't believe this shit.

They said since I was denied over my first claim and that I never went back to work for 30 days minimum, that my new claim is denied as well.

Now, I am going to have to make an appeal stating the situation with my leg and wait for God knows how long for them to approve it, IF they even do. I have got to find some way to fight this decision.

I need everyone's help now more than ever! Please, if you can, donate any amount to help me and my family to help us through this time of crisis.

Please go to and donate. Send funds to

Please pray for us.


The man and his family needs help now more than ever. Every little bit helps, and Krampus wishes he could help more this month but some unexpected financial expenses have crept upon me. Nothing as severe as what is happening to Sword Kane, but nonetheless, Krampus helps where he can, including telling everyone as much as possible. Please go to, click on his Paypal link and help the man as much as you can possibly spare.

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