Thursday, April 29, 2010

If you're evil and a villain, you kill children.

Recently there has been a great deal of discussion about what 'evil' does, what 'villains' do. Some actually have the audacity to claim that 'real evil' and 'real villains' do not advocate violence, that their work is strictly satire. What is created is a patchwork, cross stitching of those that are purely laughable. These are stitched and sewn together with those that claim to be naught but jokes and fakers disguised under a facade, prepared to do actual harm. And of course, the actions of one tugs one another. The tapestry is at worst, a plethora of bad comedy covered in blood. The weak, the innocent, even the strong can be overwhelmed and decimated. Krampus is currently investigating plots from those claiming to be RLSV or simply RLV to actively attack members in the RLSH world to demonstrate that all are not simply bad comedy.

In the meantime, I awakened to read this bit of news in the Associated Press. Some have damned the actions of vigilantes, as a man attempting to help another was stabbed and left to drip his life away as passers by simply looked, but didn't do anything. And when one finally called 911, it was too late. They rally, saying that such is an example why there shouldn't be heroes, all it brings you is pain. For another perspective, here is a news column I believe is important.

Man stabs 28 children at kindergarten in China

TAIXING, China — A knife-wielding man attacked a kindergarten class of 4-year-olds in eastern China on Thursday, slashing 28 children in what an expert said was a copycat rampage of two other episodes at Chinese schools in the past month.

A 47-year-old jobless man, Xu Yuyuan, burst into a classroom at the Zhongxin Kindergarten early Thursday, waving an eight-inch (20-centimeter) knife and stabbing a security guard who tried to stop him, the official Xinhua News Agency reported.

Five students were in critical condition following the attack in Jiangsu province's Taixing city and two teachers and the security guard were injured, said Zhu Guiming, an official with the Taixing propaganda department.

A series of school attacks in China in recent years have mostly been blamed on people with personal grudges or suffering from mental illness, leading to calls for improved security.

China's inadequate mental health network has left millions of unstable people without the help they need. Many otherwise healthy Chinese also feel frustrated and powerless because they aren't able to adapt to the constant social upheaval and because they believe the changes favor the corrupt. That kind of anger has occasionally erupted in mass violence and in isolated attacks.

It is not known why schools are targeted.

On Wednesday, a teacher on sick leave due to mental illness broke into a primary school in Guangdong province's Leizhou city in southern China and wounded 15 students and a teacher in a knife attack. That attack came on the same day a man was executed for killing eight children last month in stabbings that shocked China.

It was not known if Xu knew about the previous day's attack in Guangdong, but Zhou Xiaozheng, a sociology professor at Renmin University in Beijing, said these sorts of violent attacks often happen in clusters because one may trigger copycat attacks.

"It's like suicide, which is another type of mental health problem that can spread in a community," said Zhou. "Normally, with these kind of violent events we hope the media won't blow them up too much. Because that tends to make it spread."

A survey of mental health in four Chinese provinces jointly done by Chinese and U.S. doctors that was published in the Lancet in June concluded that China likely had about 173 million adults nationwide with mental health disorders and that most, 158 million, had never gotten any professional help for their problems.

But state media said Zheng Minsheng, 42, had no history of mental illness before he rampaged through a school in Fujian province in March, killing eight children.

During his trial, Zheng said he killed the children because he had been upset after being jilted by a woman and treated badly by her wealthy family.

The court also heard that Zheng lived with his 80-year-old grandmother in a one-bedroom apartment and slept on the balcony in summer and in the living room in winter. He testified that he had trouble dealing with people at work but had not gotten the help he needed from his boss, so he quit his job but was unable to find another one.

Yu Jianrong of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences has said China's sweeping social changes might be partially to blame for Zheng's anti-social rage.

"A social environment lacking fairness and justice, in which those who abide by the rules gain nothing, while those who do not can profit, could bring about resistance by the weak against the entire society," Yu was quoted as saying by the Southern Weekly newspaper a few weeks after the attack.

Zheng was executed Wednesday, just weeks after his crime. Zhou, the Renmin University professor, said China's use of capital punishment helps fuel the cycle of violence by enforcing a belief in "blood for blood."

He said China should abolish the death penalty, improve human rights and make its justice system more fair and transparent.

After a 2004 attack at a school in Beijing that left nine students dead, the central government mandated tighter school security nationwide.

The Ministry of Education did not immediately respond to a fax Thursday asking whether the attacks would result in orders to step up school security.

In Wednesday's attack, in which a teacher stabbed fourth and fifth graders in their heads, backs and arms, Xinhua said the suspect suffered from mental illness and had been on sick leave from another school since February 2006. He is now in police custody.

None of the victims in that case had life-threatening wounds, said the director of the command center at the Leizhou Public Security Bureau, who gave his name as Qin.

Two weeks ago, a mentally ill man hacked to death a second grader and an elderly woman with a meat cleaver in southern Guangxi, and wounded five other people.

In an attempt at supposedly black humor and ghoulish comedy, some have the audacity to claim that evil does not endorse violence. Evil. Does not endorse violence. They say such things as if they were the final authority on the subject, as laughable as devil worship among heavy metal patrons has become. Evil not only endorses violence, it uses it. Frequently. Evil tears at lives as well as flesh, evil can spread like a communicable cancer, consuming all in its wake like a fire gathering fuel and spreading itslef until all is exhausted, or until others come to extinguish it. If one claims to represent evil as a whole and has the audacity to claim that it doesn't endorse such things, then it's bad comedy, plain and simple. But is the comedian the teller of the joke? Or part of the joke itself? Is it merely a facade, nothing more substantial than a mask? Or does the mask hide intentions behind the guise of a punchline?

I'm sure some are preparing to verbally retaliate, defending their stance as harmless. But think about this...the story above is the third attack on the innocent, a child and grandmother were attacked as well. Other lives connected to these were ripped apart like flesh before mongrels. So as you write, envision the children.

Evil does not condone violence. The door bursts open as the wild eyed man pulls out his knife.

What evil is spoken of is not to be taken seriously. The child closest to the door is stabbed twice, the shock makes the child scream. Now the pain sets in. The child screams bloody murder, sending the children and teacher into a panic.

We speak of finding ways to embarrass so-called heroes. The teacher's throat is cut by a machete in the other hand, her screams become blood muffled gurgles as the children scream, some frozen in panic. Some have begun to wet themselves while their classmates cry and try to hide under desks or toy shelves.

Heroes cause more harm than good with their presence. It looks like our blood covered boy is getting creative, he slashes a four year old's belly open from side to side. The child's innards are spilling out. A few folds of intestines, is that the spleen? It looks like our boy wants to stand out from the others, he must have caught the Sam Neill scene describing velociraptor attacks on Jurassic Park the other night. Some of the children have stopped screaming in shock, the others raise their voices to ask why this is happening.

There's no place for costumed vigilantes in our society. Now he's gone from slashing to stabbing. Slashing makes it over too quick, stabbing feels more visceral, they suffer more that way before they die.

We shall take over the world! One stabbing is so violent that when the blade is pulled from the child clutching a teddy bear, it splatters on the globe in the corner.

Heroes are pretenders playing dressup, hurting innocent bystanders. Oh, he's changing up again. He's telling one child to get away from the door, the child can't open it, pushing it instead of pulling. A slash with the machete cuts the child's arm off above the elbow. The child screams, a sound that will echo in the ears of any who are fortunate to survive.

If you like our cause, buy a t-shirt while supplies last. Now there's not a single child in the class who doesn't have their clothes stained with blood. Some of it is theirs, others from their classmates.

Bow before me and tremble cretins! The closet door slowly opens, revealing three children huddling together, trembling, crying, their bodies convulsing so hard their little hearts may give out without being touched. One child on the left is stabbed in the neck three times, the one on the right is stabbed with the jagged blade through the ribcage in the back. It pokes out through the front of the little body, poking the middle child, but not a fatal wound. The man smiles, leaving the crying child for some strange reason. Is it a prayer answered? Is the child not the man's type?

THAT is evil. Anyone telling you anything different is lying to you, because no one can be that ignorant. Possible attacks on RLSH in June to prove that not all in the community are jokes, some with ties to gangs. Krampus will continue to investigate this further, stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. The message originally sent by the achingly dull Overlord has been deleted before approval due to being derivative and completely unoriginal.
