Sunday, April 18, 2010

The reviews are in! What a great audience!

Despite some slight glitches with the new opening music and trying to multitask between windows and the switchboard, last night's show went rather well. Kavian Darkain tried to call in but was disconnected(apologies), but Minuteman, Meta Data and Mixsae calling in as well as my homeboy Cloverfield went well. The review of Kick-Ass in my opinion should assuage anyone from seriously going out and endangering themselves and others, and only the uninformed or aspiring Dudesons would take the concept seriously to try this at home.

On the plus side, it looks like I've received praise! Crossfire the Crusader wrote on the main site: "Very good first show Krampus...Keep up the great work."

Why thank you CrossFire! May I call you CFC for short? I say it with love, after all why would I wish to make an attack, and what harm could CFC do? Anyway CFC, I appreciate the listening in. But a word of advice, I have concerns that some of the members of the blogopsphere you've recently joined may give you lip service, but do not have your best interests at heart. I attempted to write you this privately, but you weren't accepting my messages. If you're going to turn the other cheek, please make sure you have an open ear to listen, all right?

And a surprising set of kudos comes from fellow BlogTalk Radio host Malvado SV! In two different examples at his blog, he stated that he finds what I say to be "fucking hysterical" and "I always love leaving a show with a smile and the satisfied feeling". Awww, this almost makes me feel cuddly! But don't take my word for it, check his blog here. Also, tune into his show here and tell me if you agree whether or not Lord Malignance sounds like Jimmy from South Park.

TTFN my Creatures of the Night,


  1. Thanks for having us on. Now I'm sad to know that was Kavian trying to call in, I would have loved his presence along with us.

    As always...thanks for the laughs! I'm already looking forward to your next show!

    Luv and hugs,

    PS You're killing me and you forgot to mention Mr Jingles.....

  2. I did? Whoopsie! My apologies Mister Jingles, I was trying to keep track of the head count and accidentally overlooked you.

    But I'm glad I was able to entertain as always. Thank you for the rave review!

  3. Aaaw, did you take my quotes completely out of context for the purpose of humorous intent? How precious. You're a cute little second-hand failure, yes you are, yes you are. <3

  4. I would work on your microphone sound levels.

    I am not sure if you are just using a phone, or a headset but you need to practice projecting your voice. When you speak loudly or do a character voice DC's Guardian is not the only one turning down the volume.

    Otherwise I like the addition of more "Creature Feature" type aspects to the show. I still think it would be great for you guys to write and perform a horror story in character voices with scary sound effects.

    Congratulations on your first time solo.

  5. And now I have to deal with my roommate having a bout of depression again. Fucking wonderful.

  6. I wasnt aware you were blocked from sending me messages. Its nothing personal, I'm just technologically imparied. I'll see what I can do to change that. I did however send you a MySpace friend request, so thats another way for you to contact me. Thanks for the concern about my "friends." I am taking your warning into consideration, but be assured its less a case of me wanting friends and more of a case of me being open and upfront about which blogs i am watching. I WANT them to know when I am reading their blog or listening to their podcasts. Its far preferable to covert methods like using other aliases or going in anonymously IMHO

    And you can call me CFC if you like. Most of the RLSH that I associate with call me CFtC and the Skiffytowners just call me CF.

  7. That's fine, I respect that. After all, we wouldn't like to have them compare your appearance with Klansmen again, would we?

  8. Anybody interested in buying a bridge? I got one for sale in Brooklyn...

    Perhaps some land in Florida....


    *clap clap*

    I'm bored...entertain another one of those impressions you do.

  9. Krampus, no worries, I came on the show when it was over half way done and besides...I'm a six ounce mouse that's 1 inch tall so of course I'm accustomed to being overlooked ALOT. ;)

    For your first time out you did great. And Crossfire, touche'. Honey sweet words dripping from a silver-tongue might sound great but I'm glad you are making an effort to be cautious.

    Great job Krampus and time and practice will only improve the product.

  10. Speaking of reviews, it's official ladies and gentlemen! Kick-Ass was the number 1 movie this weekend, pulling in $19.8 Million, barely eeking out How to Train Your Dragon at $19.6 Million. That means the modern day Don Quixote film that signified my inaugural weekend as full fledged host has marked the record books. All this and my show debuted the same night as the new Doctor Who as well. Kick-Ass, the eleventh Doctor and Krampus taking the reins. I'd say that's an interesting trifecta.

  11. Hang on...I gotta send a supply of snowshovels down case it freezes over.


  12. Kudo's on making Tea's blog Krampus!

    *looks at Krampu's response to Tea's blog*


    You're killing me Krampus.


    See, thats why I think it's easier to just refer to him as the gorilla with the blog!
