Friday, April 30, 2010

Sword Kane update 4/30

This is an update, it appears Sword Kane has taken a turn for the worse, requiring more help than ever.

Fell Down Stairs...

If things couldn't get any worse, last night about 11pm I was coming down the stairs and I slipped and fell. All of my weight slammed into my right ankle. It rolled and I felt and heard a snap.

My Ankle and foot instantly swelled up.

So needless to say I had to head to the ER.

Thankfully, the x-rays came back and it's not broken.

However, given the fact that I heard and felt a snap, the ER Dr. said I may have torn my ligaments in and around my foot and ankle. He told me I can't walk on it AT ALL, so I have splints and crutches now.

I have to get an appointment with an Orthopedic Dr. now to see the condition of my ligaments.

Added to the situations that are going on with me already, this doesn't help things.

Please help me if you can with any kind of donation


My donation e-mail is

I have posted two pictures of my foot to show I'm not fooling around.

Keep me in your prayers,

He needs help more than ever now, please go to his Myspace page and follow the link to help him with current medical and everyday costs. I regret not seeing this sooner and reporting it to encourage more people to aid him in a more timely manner.

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