Sunday, March 28, 2010

Kid friendly Krampus!?

Last night's show of Creature feature was one for the record books, ladies and gentlemen. There was a surprise caller that I was NOT expecting! Meta Data was pleasing to speak with, and I was partially expecting someone that I had talked to in the last few weeks to tall. Perhaps KrisB from Repofans Bombarding the Radio might call, perhaps Clarissa from Willie's Wenches would grace us with a call. It would even be welcome to hear from other attendees from Megacon. But it goes without saying that no one expects a nine year old girl to call into a show at 11 PM!

Kara, the brilliant and kind hearted young lady that many people met at the RLSH panel called in with her mother and other young friends. Now, this was a completely unexpected surprise. They wanted to call and let us know that Kara and her friends plan on making their community a brighter place, helping in positive ways like cleaning up the parking lot of a local Wal-Mart and other such functions. And no, they may be wearing matching shirts, but they are NOT trying to be superheroes and patrolling their neighborhoods, so you can stop with the accusations right there. While gracious, I informed Kara's mother that our show deals with topics of a graphic and explicit nature, listening discretion and parental guidance is strongly advised. I could not have made it more clear, which was good considering the topics later brought up on the show.

Kara is a brilliant young lady that I spoke with before the panel, she called me out for not being a real monster, and admitted that after seeing the father figure in her young life become the definition of a monster when drunk, nothing fazed her. I told her that shouldn't have to be that way, but she was a beautiful spirit, full of positive energy. And this was despite the things she experienced in her young life. There wasn't a single member of the panel and many in the audience that didn't have the utmost respect for that little girl. It is with such brutal honesty that I return that respect in kind.

Kara and Kara's mother, you were literally a wake-up call to those that heard the show. But although Krampus can be less crude in the presence of children and even fun, Krampus is NOT generally kid friendly. This persona is intelligent yet crude to punctuate various points to be made. I can be entertaining as well as educational. Krampus is also vicious, dealing with adult oriented topics, calling out those that are not so nice while praising those that are. But Krampus will not change to become an overall more kid friendly visage. I will show respect to you and those that have earned it by not blasting your ears with vulgarity knowing that you're standing next to me. Perhaps one day as Robin Williams, Eddie Murphy, George Carlin and even Larry the Cable Guy, the man behind the Krampus will go from blue to technicolor and kid friendly in his works. But that is not the case for Creature Feature, and I do not apologize for it. What also should be said is that you are trying to bring light to a positive thing that the youth of today and hopes of tomorrow are trying to accomplish. But to be fair, you and your young ears and voices deserve better than Krampus as an outlet. And for that, I apologize that there isn't one without being on forums like the RLSH and others, being one of the only shows dealing with the community and not being all access to all ages.

With that said, I would like to challenge those in the RLSH community to rise to this occasion! Last night's show has displayed a demographic that needs to be addressed in our works in the RLSH/RLSV communities. Would you all do what you are doing right now, in the witness of children and parents? Surely there must be someone in the community who can take time out of their busy week to host their own show on Blog Talk Radio or other such venues at an earlier time slot, allowing an all access show to allow those that are trying to make a positive change instead of putting those that do the negative on blast as it were. Allow me to give you an example. Last night after Kara and her mother called in, I informed Kara's mother that this was a rated R show in general, and for those of sensitive ears to please turn down their radios or computer speakers. Much like this blog is about to be, so if you're too sensitive, skip this part. We then discussed gaining cancer from oral sex, a pregnant woman being tazed by the police for not signing a speeding ticket, homosexuality, whether or not Krampus was having a period, the absurdity of my being kid friendly and mother approved, then my going to Walt Disney World only to be jumped by Mickey Mouse's posse, Goofy screaming to kick me in the dick, then Mickey taking time out from curb stomping me to use my walking stick, shove it up my ass and turn me into a Krampsicle!

Would you like for this show to be the venue for children to call into it? Let me rephrase that: would you like it to be the ONLY web broadcast venue for them to call into? Because right now, that's exactly what it is. There are attempts at other shows by members of the RLSV, but I wouldn't recommend them for young ears either. And please, if you're an RLSV who wants to make a show at an earlier time claiming all access, don't. For the most part with few exceptions, you're all dicks. Like me. And villains should never be role models. Krampus shouldn't be a role model. But I accepted the call as best I could, and Kara's mother called in later to the show when people joked that parents and children would flood my inbox with spiteful letters. She assured us that she wouldn't, and that despite the depths of what we say and discuss on the show, we in general are bringing light to the community, and not being negative or destructive in our methods. She even wished us a happy R rated night! Now THAT'S a parent who gets it! You know, personal accountability and perspective, raising a wonderful daughter who is inspiring other young people to make a change if they see something wrong. My dear lady, you and your daughter have the utmost respect of Krampus.

With that said, I hope to make this a call to arms for those in the RLSH community. Rise to the challenge, use your voices to also give voice to people like Kara and her mother. because while Krampus can dial it down, while I am sure that Executrix also was not profane in the face of children who assembled for her animal shelter zombie walk, we will not change who we are at this time. I will endeavor to add a disclaimer to Creature Feature stating that it is of a graphic and explicit nature at most times. We can be serious as well as silly, respectful as we are raunchy. But Kara's mother stated that she would like to call in once a month to update everyone on what they're doing to help in their surroundings! This means not only will she be listening, but will call again in the coming months! Why? Because I was an outlet at Megacon representing a fraction of the RLSH/RLSV community and I have a show! SuperHero, Symbiote, DC's Guardian, someone who is reading this, please acknowledge this blog and conundrum. Kara, her friends and mother, and all the other young, silent but aspiring people that look to our slice of the world deserve better than what they currently have. I call to you to do better. Do not trust a Christmas demon known in legend for beating children with birch branches and stealing the truly evil away to eat them with being the only internet radio outlet or forum for them. Krampus can dial it down temporarily, but Krampus will not change. Who will take up this cause?


  1. Acknowledged and challange accepted. I'll be contacting a few key people in the community and see if we can come to an agreement on a design and get a commitment from enough people to work together and answer the call of Kara's signal beacon.

  2. Well it does make perfect sense Krampus. Your big and cuddly, talk in funny voices, and pal around with Santa Claus. Added with that cute little mouse side kick I bet you will be getting called up for children's birthday parties in no time!

    Otherwise I think you would be perfect for a kid's version of Creature Feature. When I first heard the name of your show I got excited thinking it would be like a old time radio deal with acted out stories in character voices.

    Could have the kids call in, tell some stories, maybe even have contests for the best hand drawn pictures of Krampus.

  3. Mixsae, good work. I have no doubt that you and your ilk should make excellent headway in getting this off the ground.

    Poop Knife, I've acted as an amplifier for a much more pressing matter. There are already cuter, cuddlier pictures done of Krampus by schoolchildren in parts of Europe, but 'twould be folly for them to wish to 'cuddle' with the Christmas demon. In this case, the call is going out for those better qualified to deal with that demographic, and not to insult the young or old alike with the presence of Krampus other than intended.

  4. I'd be more than willing to help if I can find the time to do so Krampus. There are several people out there that I know have the skills and style to make this work. Plus like you said, better a RLSH or someone who while perhaps not a RLSH still follows the movement and supports it than putting it in the hands of a RLSV. Good job Krampus.

  5. I've spoken with DC and Krampus as well as a couple of others. DC, myself and all the Skiffies saw the opportunity years ago and put our focus on youth. If any of us were to think back to the days of our youth, we might find something there that sparked our interest and inspired us at such a young age.

    Not every child is drawn to the bright colors and capes and like Krampus found out last night, you never know what eyes may be watching and take notice of you.

    What we'd like to propose is to assemble an unbiased task force of people from the community to step up and accept this challange. With a larger number comes diversity and the ability to be unbiased.

    Not everyone calls themselves RLSH...costumed activist...and some chose labels for other groups (I've heard the commentary about Skiffy being Larpers who like to do charity work)

    There are many differences in the community and opinions on whats right and who's doing what wrong. Regardless of what we ourselves chose to call ourselves, at our core on some level we're all trying to do the same thing. Make some sort of differnce and leave our communities as well as the world better then when we found it.

    If a group of people could agree to put their personal feelings and differences aside for one hour on occasion. Forget the arguing, debating, who likes who and who doesn't like them. Shove away the negativity and put a focus on shedding positive light on something...and share those stories in an age appropriate manner...we're not talking censorship, we're talking responsible conversation and awareness that there may be young ones or sensetive ears lisetning....not huge debates on differences over vs patrol...just positive feedback and sharing stories of inspiration and making a difference be it neighborhood watching or Billy the 9 year old from the Mid West getting his buddies together to help cut yards for the elderly in their neighborhood...regardless if they wear a costume or t-shirt and ballcap....just answering the signal light to do something and give people a forum in which to share it without fear of Krampu's nipples being brought up (sorry Krampus)

    If anyone is interested in moving forward with the project, please contact me at and I'll try to round up everyones input and see if we can assemble a team not heavy on one side...diverse in strengths and weaknesses to learn from one another and share to all. (I even have an idea for a RLSV or two to give input and have a voice)

    Thanks for listening and I hope to hear from many of you soon.

    Chief of Staff Skiffytown League of Heroes

  6. When you have scumbags like me out here in the field of villainy, the open invite for someone to make a kids show isn't the best idea. I look forward to making time for brainwashing the internet youth to outright reject/despise the RLSH "movement" and pursue good deeds without needing some silly mission/costume/identity or a reason beyond just something they should be doing in the first place. I bet that scares the RLSH members; to know that they might not exist one day and may even be forgotten forever.

    Human beings are evolutionarily molded to be social creatures, so much so that doing good deeds has even been proven to release chemicals into the brain that cause a "good-feeling" similar to euphoria. That's right: Wait until I teach the teens they can get high on being good people.

    Without stupid outfits, of course.

    Conquering the next generation of the world,
    -Malvado SV

  7. I'm not even beginning to suggest making a "kids show". I'm talking about getting a group of people together nad having discussion programs which could be "kid friendly" IE minus mature subject matters and swearing.

    Your input though is neither needed or wanted. I have a couple of "rlsv" types in mind for input. They will be contacted privately.

  8. Yes Malvado I'm sure you would make a great role model. What with your recent admission of not giving a damn about being blasted drunk, smoking pot, and chronic hate-ridden rhetoric I'm sure parents across the country will line their children up to follow your lead. Apparently you have a knack for getting high on things other than benevolent intentions. Now if you could just find a partner in crime with possible connections to White Supremacist groups or similar bigot-like inclinations you'd be go to go. Oh wait... you already did. Never mind then.

    Human beings are also one of the most diversely unique creatures on the planet - what one may like the other may despise. As hard as you do attempt to brainwash the internet youth to outright reject/despise the RLSH "movement" there will always be those who reject your dogma and will side/ally themselves with the RLSH. You've already carved the path of your own failure with the choices you've made.

    In any case and this message is for Krampus, Mixsae, and others who I think have proposed a good thing here - I'm all for this. Ignore the ramblings of the delusional naysayers. You have my help if you need it.

  9. Oh Jingles, still bringing up old news are we? Could it be that a little mouse like you has such a terribly small, feeble little rodent brain that you can't even be bothered to keep up with current events? I've been sober for every show since then and considering the fact it was St. Patty's Day when I missed the show (which I've already made up and apologized to MY community for), I'm guessing I wasn't the only person drinking. You'll understand once you're old enough to taste alcohol. Can you say that word..? AL-CO-HOL? Very good! :D

    Also, did you just compare me to white-supremacists? Goddamn, the heroes must really be glad to have such a wonderful little sweet fellow like you on their side.

    Still enjoying your utter worthlessness,
    -Malvado SV

    P.S.: To further touch on the white-power-team-up poke you made, I'm not even white. In fact all those derogatory 'monkey' jokes you've been throwing my way have already made you quite the racist. Keep it up, little mouse, your venomous rage keeps me cozy and warm at night.

  10. Monkey jokes? Let's see, you've changed your name like 20 times already. Your first name was Grodd, a cheap rip off of the DC villain of the Flash. And let's look at some of your episode titles - Episode 5 "Hammer-Smashed Ape" and Episode 3 "Fear and Loathing In the Planet of The Apes". and your blog still has you hailing from Gorilla City. This has NEVER been about race but if you were so delusional to think no one use the "simian" schtick you came up with yourself to make fun of you then your a fool. In fact, you're crazier than a barrel of monkeys. See, nothing about race...just questioning your lack of mental acuity. ;)

    Congratulations on being sober almost and possibly dope-free for close to a month. I'll rank that grand accomplishment of yours right up there with learning how to tie your shoes. But I understand. The weak-minded such as yourself are easily impressed so I forgive you.

    P.S. - I'm not exactly "white" either. And as for venomous you REALLY don't read your own posts do you?

  11. Firstly, cock-sucker, whenever I use that word it's spelled G-U-E-R-R-I-L-L-A. Honestly, for someone always trying to come out on top you sure have a knack for doing ZERO research. Also, you're making Krampus look spectacular right now. (hint of sarcasm, hmm?)

    Secondly, no shit you're not white. Anyone who's heard your voice knows that, moron.

    It's alright, though. You can keep running your mousy little mouth from the safety of Blogspot. I understand that you're just a cowardly little rat. :)

    Ta-ta for now, got a REAL LIFE to busy myself with,
    -Malvado SV

  12. Now now, children. Play nice or I'll no longer approve your comments. I swear, sometimes it's like neighborhood children playing on my lawn...

  13. So you CHANGED it to Guerrilla City.... but your blog is still called SIMIAN Connection. You do know that Simian is related to monkeys and apes right? And your blogs show titles still include the word "Apes" in them. Maybe you should get that changed as well to avoid any future confusion. Hold on, let me offer you some assistance.

    << Begin educating Mr. Potty Mouth here >>

    The simians (infraorder Simiiformes) are the "higher primates" familiar to most people: the Old World monkeys and apes, including humans, (together being the catarrhines), and the New World monkeys or platyrrhines. Simians tend to be larger than the "lower primates" or prosimians.

    << End of education of Mr. Potty Mouth >>

    You seem irritated. :)
    That's a darn shame. :)
    I can't tell you how awful that makes me feel. ;)

    I find it ironic that someone would ask me to get a life when judging by the number of posts they make on other blogs they spend 10 times the amount of time and effort doing so. You should really do your research before you toss out flimsy comebacks like that.

    Now Krampus, I agree with you. This thread had deviated enough but keep in mind who started to push it astray. Twas not I my friend. But, because I'm a generous little mouse I'll offer Malvado a suggestion. Since this whole "ape" thing has you riled up perhaps you should change your name (for the 3,456,768 time) to something more innocuous and harder to make fun off. How about going the marsupial route and calling yourself the Cantankerous Kangaroo or the Cruel Koala. That might be more fitting. Oh wait a minute... I just realized that doing so would be anatomically inaccurate because we all know... you have NO sack.

    But really Krampus getting back to the original point, I'll help out when and where I can. Don't let crass idiots like Malvado derail a good thing. He's not worth it.

    Waiting for another profanity-laced rebuke in 5..4..3..2..1

  14. *stands on lawn and kicks zombified pink flamingo*


    I do think it's amusing that Malvado is hanging tight with a white supremecist if the rumors are true....

    Combine that with what White Skull has said about what some people in the villain community was trying to get him to do, suddenly the claims they continue to make regarding the danger of RLSH's pales in comparrison.

    Got any popcorn Krampus? I think it's about to get interesting.

  15. Agreed, another thing that Kara's call and attention reminded me of is that there are true monsters out there. Some are obvious, others hide behind rhetoric and claims of being harmless. I've reminded the dog walker that holds the leash of a certain lackey lapdog of that, yet my question goes unanswered. 'Twould seem battle lines are beginning to be drawn.

    And to answer your question Malvado, yes. I am capable of evil, though I strive for something better. But it is with that knowledge of what evil truly is that Krampus stands vigilant. And that's the wonderful thing about Krampuses, all throughout the world there are uncountable people that have donned the identity. One borders on calling me Legion, for we are many. Perhaps one day I may even say or do something so shocking that those that call me friend will renege. Until then, I intend to have fun and remain vigilant. If you're going to call yourself evil, be prepared when someone calls your bluff. I've been prepared for that since day one of my identity's birth.

  16. I thought this was appropriate and one of my favorite lines of a super hero movie...

    May Parker: "We need a hero, courageous sacrificing people, setting examples for all of us. Everybody loves a hero, people line up for 'em, cheer for them, scream their names, and years later tell how they stood in the rain for hours just to get a glimpse of the one who told them to HOLD ON a second longer. I believe there's a hero in all of us, that keeps us honest, gives us strength, makes us noble. And finally gets us to die with pride. Even though sometimes we have to be steady and give up the thing we want most, even our dreams."

    Nothing anyone does, including ANY RLSV can change this. Try as they will, they are relegated to failure.

  17. Well said...

    Can I please have my popcorn now?

  18. But I don't want blooody popcorn....

    Just extra butter will be fine.

    And a pepsi...

    Pretty please with sugar on top!

  19. ...

    It will get its own damn snacks, and vacate my lawn or it gets the fire hose again!

  20. Alll I wanted was a pepsi...and he wouldn't give it to me.

    Just one pepsi.

    " can't have a're standing on my lawn!"'s ok...just please give me a pepsi...ok.

    "NO! You're on my lawn!"


    Fine...I'll leave your lawn...*

    *steps back onto sidewalk and watches Krampus turn to walk back into the house and neighbors dog leave doggie offering*

    See....if you'd gotten me a pepsi...I mighta shooed him away!

  21. Shooed him away hell, it's the only time my lawn gets fertilized when I'm not bending a fresh biscuit on it myself!

    Oh, the neighbors LOVE me...

  22. win this round....I can't top that!

    I'm gonna go watch skull feed veal-loaf to the vegans now...

    DC if you're still reading...close your eyes NOW!

  23. Veal loaf to vegans? Hmmm, if he has enough leftovers, bring me a Krampus bag. It may not be human flesh, but I likes 'em young 'n tender!

    What? Christmas demon, hello!!!

  24. That silence you hear is shock.....and your laughter is ebil!

    Remember...a smirk is a smile with attitude....

    and whatever it is they say about payback...that applies as well

  25. Thank you! I do love a good evil laugh now and then when the time warrants. And what about payback and bitches? Who brought bitches into this?

    Oh, the DOG. *facepalm* that was so obvious I overlooked it. Do try to spice it up next time, perhaps feed the dog some tinsel so the shiny shit catches my eye. Hell, I might even save it for my tree this Christmas!

    And people wonder why I never have anyone over...

  26. Now isn't that an adorable mental image....forget watching skull feed the vegans...I'm gonna watch him make the damn veal loaf from scratch...then stick a spork in my eyes!

    Where did I leave the brain bleach.....ah...right next to the pepsi...I shoulda known.

  27. Be careful! The Pepsi is on the left!

  28. And the cheese WAS on the right....what, why are you looking at me that way?

    What the hell did you expect me to do. I have 23,456,678 mouths to feed....and mines always comes first.
