Thursday, March 11, 2010

The RLSH/RLSV: Death by Backlash and Hate

You know ladies and gentlemen, Krampus has been doing some pondering as of late. It took some time to begin posting due to several severe thunderstorms threatening to destroy this computer and domicile. Fortunately all is well, so here I am. If you're reading this due to the title of this blog, good, I'm glad I have your attention. Because as my young cousin The Ghost of Christmas Future has done, perhaps a view of a possible epitaph may be the wake-up call this community needs.

Costumed activists. Community watchers. Vigilantes. Criminals. Mentally unstable individuals. Villains. Heroes. Bloggers. Role players. Fakes. No matter if you are on the side of the RLsH or RLSV, such labels have been hurled. Hell, I've been called all of the above! Oh, and let's not forget racist. Shigger, please. As I see this year unfolding, preparing for the RLSH panel at Megacon to ask the difficult questions, it seems that I see drama. More than that, I see strife, stressed hearts, strained relationships, friendships both forged and broken, the true mettle that defines them tempered and made strong, or brittle, easily broken. It is a tale old as time, one side against another. There are those that prove themselves time and again, others whose motives are questionable, others still who latch onto others like unhealthy parasites, bleeding their essences but by bit, seeking to poison the host so that they may live and flourish.

I see contradictions on both sides, people lumped in with those that truly care for their communities and give what they can to support it, make it better than when it was at the start. Others are angry, spoiling for a fight, wishing to inflict their wills. I see some who risk their actions and impulses becoming criminals, and those that speak out against such actions, or claiming to do so, as villains simply because they oppose these individuals. Heroes are villains. Villains are heroes. It's become a bizarre Gordian knot, it can be confusing to the outsider, or even those participating in the communities in their own way. There are good points made on both sides, and a plethora of people in between. There is both just and unjust on both sides, many gray areas that need to be illuminated, conceived, discussed, answers to be found.

But I see a growing trend, dear reader. I see life imitating art, not only in costume and desire to make a change to one's world, but one written of in comic books for decades, and more recently extending beyond one's birthright to all under a banner. I see justification of one's views through fear, and hate to spout from it as well. There are those in the RLSH community that truly do good, mixed with the questionable, the mentally questioned. All are lumped in the same group, the actions of the negative threaten to dwarf the positive. I see fear. Fear spouted that innocent people will be harmed by the careless actions of others. And is that fear given to the criminals, the ones who break the law and seemingly get away with it? Somewhat, but now the focus is the activist, the RLSH who tries to do something about it. No, don't blame the criminals, blame the so-called heroes who ARE criminals! And damn them all! They're the monsters, the real threats are attracted to them like a huge bullseye, the general public located behind them, prone to a stray shot. Or perhaps the heroes are the ones firing the gun, becoming just as dangerous as the criminals that were targeted.

I hear fears being stoked like fires. The movie Kick-Ass as some say, threatens to inspire other foolish people to throw caution to the wind, putting on a costume and pretending to be something larger than life, only to face reprisals and the majority of society to bear the brunt, to hate these dreamers, and the medium that spawned them.

Jews are devil worshipers who kill babies as well as Jesus. All muslims are bloodthirsty suicide bombers. Christians gave birth to Hitler, who carried that belief to its logical conclusion. Retards are wastes of flesh that make those of us who are normal feel better about ourselves. All niggers, sand or otherwise, need to be lynched, burned, probably both. Every other race are mud children, lesser beings that shouldn't have the same rights that I have. The mentally ill can never be helped, just fucking kill them along with all the cripples and get it over with. Especially the babies and kids, it's a mercy killing. And everything I just said in this paragraph before this sentence was painfully sarcastic and a use of the rights of free speech. I didn't mean a single word of it, it's hate speech founded on ignorance, fear, and when the actions of one does something negative, people jump on the bandwagon to judge all. It's the same as it ever was. And they're just words. Words are powerless unless A:, the intent and energy behind them were made to cause harm, and B:, the person on the receiving end feels like the attack hurts them, granting the words power over them. When you see it for what it is, with a wider scope, you see that it's meant to bait, to wear you down, to get a rise out of you. The loser is the first one who loses their temper and control. Then the dominoes fall.

What I see is the fear and hatred of all members in the RLSH and RLSV communities, phobic extremes damning most if not all, by the actions of a few, or a single influence. Several small mistakes, or one large one, damning and denying the good done by all under that banner. It happened in Stamford CT. when a group tried to arreest a villain, who then detonated a bomb near a school. The backlash was vicious. And I'm talking about the first issue of Marvel Comic's Civil War storyline. At a time when the mutant population dwindle to far smaller numbers, people find someone else to blame: all the other heroes, anyone in a costume, hero or villain. If you're different from the status quo, you will be arrested, processed, and you have to give up your rights to an Orwellian legislation just to do what you've been doing. Agreed, not every RLSH out there knows what they're doing, but others try to police themselves. Others that blatantly call themselves vigilantes, or anti-heroes, wish not to be labeled with the others whose attempts to change things are brighter, better, positive. But it's done anyway while hecklers cackle from the sidelines.

One thing that made people enjoy the X-Men for so long was the social commentary the tales told. People could relate to being different, whether by appearance, beliefs, skills, interests, sexual preferences and countless other reasons, including the choice of one's dress. But despite fighting in a world that fears and hates them, these heroes know right from wrong, and do what they feel is right, even against those that despise them. Let me ask you; if someone that you despised, they made your lives hell, every time they open their mouth around you your stomach knots up were in danger, real trouble that threatened their health, life, family, would you do something to help them? Or let whatever the threat is happen without interference? There are many answers, many gray areas, and I know I've done my share of both. I still continue to do so. It may not be fair to all, but I make my own choices and live with the consequences. And I believe many of you do as well.

I see some who are simply wishing to play their roles, to talk a good fight but nothing more. Others still I see acting under the guise of wishing to help people, but are students of history. People who see how to make people lose control by saying things to incite an emotional response. And once your calm is gone, they push your buttons like a Christmas toy. The idea is to wind you up, make you make a mistake, and capitalizing on it like any good warrior would. I see people who can get swept up in paranoia and go on virtual witch hunts. I've done this one. And I believed that some great evil has either been caused, or on the verge of being unleashed. Was I right or wrong? Depends on which incident. But at least my dark heart was in what I believed to be the right place. I see people that seem to be waiting, lurking, building up their ammunition until the circumstances best to capitalize on it will present itself, then all it takes is a push. Wait until your opponent is at its weakest, then strike with minimal effort. The rest can be reveled in as the spoils of war.

How many times have you looked at your opponents with such disdain that you can't wait for a moment of perceived weakness, to leap upon it like jackals on a carcass? Or do you see yourself a mighty hunter, a predator on the scape of the internet? It's better to think of oneself that way, isn't it? Strong, threatening, leading your pack. Or perhaps you're just the loudest of your group of bullies. Time will tell.

Eventually, all the scales will be balanced. As Krampus, I am neither hero nor villain, an anti-hero would perhaps be the best definition in stance. But this blog is not about the label, but how one reacts in the face of fear and hatred. Some truly despise members on the opposite side of their respective fence. Perhaps they have such hatred coming to them, perhaps not. In an uncharacteristic act of goodwill, I post this for all sides to consider. If you have doubt in your hearts or minds in regards to the course of your actions, then be mindful. Search yourselves, ask yourselves what you are doing and why. If you are alone and unsure, turn to someone you trust to give you another perspective not to break you down or use you, but to help you find that foundation within once again. And if you want any kind of life worth living, weigh good judgment with your hearts and minds, pursue that which fulfills you. But unless the words of others have such great power over you that you grant them, do not be swayed by the words of fear and hatred. Unless of course Krampus is the one telling you so of course. *wink*

I suppose I say this blog in an attempt to purge such things from me in time for my fellowship of friends old and new at Megacon. And thanks to DC's Guardian reminding me of something Captain America said to a weary soldier fighting in the face of what was believed to be an unjust law that the country had voted for in majority.

"Doesn't matter what the press says. Doesn't matter what the politicians or the mobs say. Doesn't matter if the whole country decides that something wrong is something right. This nation was founded on one principle above all else. The requirement that we believe, no matter the odds or the consequences. When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move. Your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth, and tell the whole world. . .NO. . .YOU MOVE."

Take that for what it means to you. Make your own decisions. And no, this isn't a kinder, gentler Krampus, I am simply between observing prey that threatens others under veils of media inspired identities. Oh, and all my comments are moderated, so while I'm gone, please try not to do such uninspired bullshit as to flood my folder while on my weekend hiatus. It's unoriginal and pathetic. Besides, no one does it as well as I do, isn't that right my spicy berry?

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