Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Someone's going to die. And it doesn't matter.

It doesn't matter if threats have been implied or bluntly made. It doesn't matter if people who make themselves blackmailers or threats themselves because they crack a bad joke and hide in plain sight like John Wayne Gacy. He's a clown, he can't be dangerous, right? You pull a knife on someone, then hide it, erase any evidence, it didn't happen. Despite the witnesses seeing it, it doesn't matter. Because everyone watching has the memory of a wrestling fan. Because it doesn't matter what was said or who was hurt, no one cares. Not really. Because it's happened before, it will happen again. Because the ones who claim to be against it lie.

Words have become weaponized, the cloak to hide the dagger. They threaten, they endanger, then they hide it, erasing it, getting rid of the evidence. And it works. Some RLSH fall for it, even have identities as RLSV because they're so bored they want to play both sides and stir things up, hiding behind imagery and words. Weapons. And no one cares because there's no evidence that anyone was hurt.

Originally the world of larger than life heroes and villains was stepping out of the norm, the everyday, breaking the everyday rules to do what they wished. Now in mainstream culture it's become its own world with its own rules. The problem is, the current communities have made their own rules, in their own favors. You can stalk, reveal people's private information and play peekaboo with the evidence, and there are no repercussions, no consequences. It doesn't matter.

Actually, it does. People have bought into the dak dak of the Mars Attacks martians, saying "we are your friends" while shooting you and everyone around you. No one cares. Because when someone is called on their threats and bullshit, jokes are made, evidence is erased, then they come back and do the same thing again, only escalating it because they can. Because it doesn't matter. Because no one cares. And it's going to keep happening every few weeks. Because that's what they do, because no one cares. And no one will until someone is harmed or dies.

In this slice of the internet and real world, words have become weaponized to threaten, to imply intent even when not being blunt because it can be covered up by lies. The same people who admit that they have been violent, who have considered killing someone stares you in the face, but it doesn't matter because they pretend to change or cover it up with lies. Words have become stagnant, useless. When they're not used to attack, they're lies. There is no honor because the RLSV thrive in it, the RLSH do nothing, and pretenders who act like informants from one community to another blur the lines with more lies and attacks. It's going to keep happening and getting worse until someone is harmed or dies.

And then when it happens, people will have the gall to be surprised. Someone opens a door they shouldn't have and wonder why they're being attacked. They didn't mean any harm, they said so and erased the post that made the threat in the first place. It wasn't supposed to matter!

It doesn't matter that people with ties to violent groups attacks you with words, wishing to supposedly socialize only to gain information or attack you. It doesn't matter because it continues to happen, hiding actions with words. Unfortunately when words become useless, diplomacy becomes impossible. Because the ones that claim to wish it have proven time and again they have no honor, giving their word means nothing. They'll say whatever you want to hear and go back to attacking you or those close to you again after a few weeks. Everyone drinks the kool aid and nothing happens. And nothing will change until something else changes it.

The strange thing is, no one seems to notice that the rules of the game have changed.

Everyone is still playing the game as if the words still matter. That the weapons and lies will still work, because they always have. Or at least, the lies should cover the attacks. No one is supposed to look at the intent or the implications, scoffing the threats in the midst. Until someone is hurt or dies, it's going to keep going, same as it ever was. The problem is, it's going to stop in the near future. Recent events have reminded me about that which is important, worth living for, worthy dying for, and worth killing for. Very few people in this community seem to have the fortitude to follow through on their actions as long as an audience is watching. A strange paradigm for people who seek the limelight.

Case in point: Some time ago, Krampus expressed that there is doubt as to what's worth living for anymore. Someone who has attacked me in the past suddenly claimed to cease attacking in a chat room until this passed. A bit surprising, not to mention uncharacteristic. I mean, this never stopped them or their followers before. Could this be a sign of mercy, that these people are different from their personas? Of course it wouldn't last, the attacks would resume shortly after, attacking people, those close to them, encouraging others to do so and to follow suit. A history of attacks, stopped for a brief moment. Then I realized the truth beyond the lies. It wasn't that the heart of this person had changed, it wasn't that an act had ceased. It was because this person who had built a platform on attacks was suddenly in a spotlight they had no control over, faced with an encounter they didn't prepare for. Because of their history, they had to cease the public attack. Not out of the goodness of their heart, not for breaking character. But because they had an opportunity to influence a suicidal person to jump, or to push them. And everyone was watching. This is exactly what they strive for in action, despite their prose. The momentum of intent caught up with them, and suddenly remembered their lie. They're not supposed to want someone to actually BE harmed, because they could be blamed. At least, that's the cover story. You had a chance for a sliver of street cred, to have blood on your hands in one of the most circumstantial of ways. And you decided against it to cover your own ass.

Of course, that didn't stop you from eventually continuing your attacks, escalating and inciting, connecting to the very people you claim to want nothing to do with. The actions speak differently than the words. And your contradiction, your cowardice to claim a position of power despite what you really want between the lines? It disgusts me. And don't worry, there will be plenty of blood on your hands. Because everything that is building up to this point, you had a hand in it too. You promoted it. So no, you're not clean. You and your lives, every life you've touched will be investigated and judged.

Stop looking at the words, look at the actions, intent and the momentum of those who have used them. Diplomacy is impossible, pacts or agreements useless. There will only be what will be judged when it's too late to have stopped it. Sooner or later, a word, an inflection, a comment will set off a chain of events where someone will be hurt, or killed. Only then will it matter. And it will be too late by then.

You see, when someone claims to be a villain or a threat, yes, there are some who are genuinely harmless. These idiots are to be ignored. But when someone by association or history shows they are dangerous, I give them the only respect deserved: I treat them like threats. Dangerous, palpable, genuine. Threats and actual violence have happened here before. But no one cares. I threaten to meet that violence with greater force, then someone actually cares. And the funniest part? People care more about my reputation, my life, than that of my target(s) of wrath, the ones that provoked this. Really, that must suck to be an afterthought, that someone cares more for my reputation than the lives of my stalkers. That's the ugly truth, the truth I've worked hard to prevent coming to this point. But it fell on deaf ears in a media where words have become meaningless unless they're threats.

You see, Krampus is no fool. Someone with ties to gangs or organizations with histories of violence is a threat by their very nature and likelihood of danger. You deal with it legally, of course. But that doesn't always work. You try to avoid conflict by avoiding traps laid down, you try to avoid them. But when they push themselves in your face, threatening someone you care for, and doing so repeatedly, you assume the worst and prepare for it. So you don't just deal with one or two stalkers, you have to prepare for their gang affiliates, friends, associates with similar goals, anyone who jumps on the bandwagon with them, anyone who helps to inform them as spies and fellow stalkers, anyone who gives them an award for their behavior. You have to be ready for a very ugly war. You sever ties with those that are liabilities or friends who could be endangered, you call on allies who feel the same as you, ready to fight because they're not going to take this shit either and you'd defend them were the roles reversed. Normally I'm not one to involve others if necessary, but knowing that you're not alone should violence become a reality is rather comforting. Two members are tied to gangs stalking you? Build your own to counter it, it's worked before given the course of history.

And to those of you in these communities who claim to be heroes, who don't want this but allow, even encourage it, you're not innocent in this either. You swallow the pills, ignoring or chalking up your encouragement to part of a game. People wonder why so many leave this community due to the drama and bullshit, forgetting why yo took a stand in the first place. It seems the entire community needs a reminder of who they're supposed to be and who they really are. Watch them, it's going to happen soon. Because they can't help themselves. They can't stop. And anyone reading this who had the power to stop it are guilty by allowance. Accessory before the fact, or after depending on perspective.

No contact, no implied threats, no names or locations. Yet these rules are continually broken. Because that's what they do. The game is still being played by the old rules where people believe there will be no adverse consequences. And still, no one cares, no one does a damn thing. Now I am reminded what's important, what's worth living and dying for. If need be, killing for. And all you have to do is watch the communities, because the same people are so close from causing irreparable harm to come to someone's lives, impacting the community. And you could have done something to prevent it. But you didn't. Stop believing the words, follow the actions. Believe that which is less easily manipulated. And apparently I need to remind everyone that our community and key players within it, myself included, are being monitored by authorities. If anything were to happen to one, the other key players would be investigated with very real consequences. Oh, but that doesn't matter because it can be erased, covered up with a joke.

Do the words I write sound like I'm joking?

Or does it even matter anymore? Oh, and remember: whatever happens next, you wanted this. The lies are ignored, the actions and intent are the only things that matter now.


  1. Krampus,

    You will know that One has only posted on your blog once before. This visit is like Nixon coming to China, and you may take these words as truth, because you and I have no love for each other, and One has no reason or desire to even take the time to lie to you.

    There IS a change in Villainy. A change for the BEtter. It is happening even now, and it is a time of healing and improvement. You don't have to be alone - you may not garner love, but you can come out of the cold and start over. Instead of going further down this path, take the example of Mr. Jingles, and of Villainy. Start a new page.

    White Skull has always been there protecting you, and your friends will want to come back to you. It kills One to say this, but you DO have talent.

    One says this not because One enjoys saying it, One says this because it is true. Turn a new page, and start over. We're doing it, slowly, and with glitchy starts and stops, but we are making ourselves better - and you can too.

    Do it because you know it will drive me insane.

    -Lord Malignance

  2. No.

    It's not for the better, it's just better for you. The latest PR spin to show a 'kinder, gentler villain'. It's not believed. And I'm not the only one. Once again, just another example of covering your ass. Your words mean nothing. I can't hear you. Prove it by action. But you can't, you won't. You'll fail. Then someone will be harmed or dead.

    You haven't seen insanity yet.

  3. Krampus,

    One does exactly as you ask, by engaging you here. You KNOW One is your largest detractor. Every unkind thing One has said has always been the searing wound. Yet, here One is, showing you an opportunity. We can choose to be smarter about our work, and One thinks Villainy is doing that now. And you can too.

    If you've read the blogs, which you clearly have, you know that these words One is speaking are true. Not for you, but for Villainy, which One has always defended and supported, often times at personal loss.

    Take the first step out of the cold. Create a positive, or interesting post. Follow that by another. Keep working until you gather your community, and you will find doorways opening for you.

    Perhaps, you may be a less than unwelcome hinderance by Ubermas?

    -Lord Malignance

  4. I never asked to engage you. I was telling everyone the way it is. There is nothing, NOTHING you can say to convince me, or those I've mentioned you and all you've done otherwise. I've warned the entire community of this since day one, no one believed me, you all just kept attacking and escalating because you all get away with it, then scamper away when you're called on it just to come back like an infection. The actions shown have done nothing to confirm the words spoken except as attacks.

    I find it pathetically funny about your suggestion. "Delete your blog, erase it, start fresh." Get rid of evidence, please show us you and your friends in and out of the community are still fun to attack and get away with it. I've already heard one of you plans on going after another of my friends in the community and am asking others outside of it if they've encountered any stalkers or anyone matching your online descriptions.

    People keep asking me when Creature Feature is returning. My answer is, it may not. Those that join my show become targets for the same stalkers that mock everything you claim to be for but promote in actions. Besides, I may not be alive long enough to have a good run on the show anymore.

    I've tried every other tactic, legally, to put a stop to this before it's too late. It hasn't worked. I've warned you I knew firsthand the minds and actions one could take without restraint. No one believed me, no one cared, and someone crossed the line. Unforgiving, unrelenting, and completely deserving hell. That's what you and your friends have encouraged. You claim to hate vigilantes, but now you're waking one up. And even when I die, perhaps sooner than later, there will always be a Krampus. And I can promise you, the next ones will be far worse.

    There is no going back. You've all spat on it. Now comes what has been sown. This is what you wanted.

  5. Krampus,

    One didn't say scrap your blog and start anew. One suggested new posts only. You will note on One's own blog, comment moderation was used once. All the scars are there, for these are what we learn from.

    If you think Villains are lurking, then you confront them. To One's knowledge no one is looking for you or one of your friends, and if One thought that someone was, One would confront that person. If you have read anything on One's blog, you should know this is abundantly true.

    Now is the time that you should seek out that friend you mentioned and have them talk you out of this mood. One will not tolerate your murder manifesto any longer, and will, if no superhero will, report you to the authorities for the safety of my friends, and innocent people. This cry for help has gone on long enough. Past time for you to take responsibility for your own past actions and their consequences and decide to do better today. Right now.

    -Lord Malignance

  6. You know, it's times like these that I remember why I like the group Rush so much, especially their album Hold Your Fire. The name of the song is Lock and Key and I think the lyrics are most appropriate at this critical juncture. Here they are. Enjoy.

    I don't want to face the killer instinct
    Face it in you or me

    We carry a sensitive cargo
    Below the waterline
    Ticking like a time bomb
    With a primitive design
    Behind the finer feelings
    This civilized veneer
    The heart of a lonely hunter
    Guards a dangerous frontier

    The balance can sometimes fail
    Strong emotions can tip the scale

    Don't want to silence a desperate voice
    For the sake of security
    No one wants to make a terrible choice
    On the price of being free
    I don't want to face the killer instinct
    Face it in you or me
    So we keep it under lock and key

    It's not a matter of mercy
    It's not a matter of laws
    Plenty of people will kill you
    For some fanatical cause
    It's not a matter of conscience
    A search for probable cause
    It's just a matter of instinct
    A matter of fatal flaws

    No reward for resistance
    No assistance, no applause

    Don't want to silence a desperate voice
    For the sake of security
    No one wants to make a terrible choice
    On the price of being free
    I don't want to face the killer instinct
    Face it in you or me
    So we keep it under lock and key

    We don't want to be victims
    On that we all agree
    So we lock up the killer instinct
    And throw away the key


    My best advice to you Krampus my friend is to not allow the rage and abuse that these internet malcontents have heaped upon force you into a terrible and destructive decision, one where no one wins and everyone loses. You have great value to this world in your creativity and loyalty to those you consider friends and the world would be a dimmer place without you in it.

  7.'s where I get my hands a little dirty. Krampus, I told you that pact of non aggression that they said they had signed on to was as valid as a $3 dollar bill. And you know, this is one of those times that I REALLY hate being right.

    Lord Malignance, you are LIAR. Case in point, months ago on a Silver Sentinel blog you told me that you wore a mask because you had been threatened with bodily harm people out of hatred for your mockery of them. But today, at 9:23 AM in one of your blogs you posted the following "At the end of the day, One hates superheroes, and One expects they hate Villains. Does One live in fear that they are coming to attack me? No, and One shouldn't have to."

    So do a favor LM? Kindly explain at what time you lied, back in the Silver Sentinel thread or this morning because really, for a guy who claims that he has no need to lie I call b.s. on that.

    And on that same thread I remember telling you if you thought because of the word "Lord" in your screen name if you thought yourself to be a higher power, a divine being of some kind to be worshipped, and your response was "I am all fo these things." You know, we both agree that MAster Legend is nuttier than a Snickers bar but he thinks he is just an angel. You on the other hand have apparently decided to go for the homerun and just put yourself up a god of some kind. In this respect you actually make Master Legend seem sane...which is nothing short of a minor miracle.

    You've laid out self admissions of being a megalomaniac, a something that Agent Beryllium also called well as being delusional. Oh, and I ran across your post in Teas blog about RLSH terrorizing people? So now you have put the RLSH on the same page as Osama Bin Laden or the guy from the Oklahoma bombing? Are you really that screwed up in the head?

    Krampus hasn't even posted the note he got from Poop Knife...or is it Pink Eye...or is it Jebediah Von Deathbread...where Poop Knife tried to goad him into a face to face confrontation. heard me right. But if you need more proof, here you go, message sent to me earlier this year by Poop Knife (real names have been removed to keep this moderately civil)

    Jebediah VonDeathbread

    Well **** very interesting show.. I guess Silver Sentinal had no real impact on you what so ever. You drew first blood... ****.. you posted first.. what did you really expect? Otherwise your friend needs mental help. I am trying to help mine. Krampus made a field day after going after someone who said he had mental problems.. yep that is being a cyber bully. You want to talk about crossing lines. As mentioned before I have no interest in you or Skiffy as you are pretty much bottom feeders. Poking Malvado.. well hell you are on your own now.. what ever happens happens.. you could have taken the high ground but that is not really your style now is it?

    Good luck.. I will not be involved in anything that happens to you both after this point in time. Just had to poke that Tiger one more time.. hope you get lots of ratings for your show.


  8. And this is just one of a few instances of having recieved ominous veiled threats. So apparently in his opinion there was a very good chance that either me, Krampus, or boths of us were going to be the subject of an attack of some kind. And then you have the gall to stand around and suggest you villains are harmless? How may mentally disturbed people with rage issues on the verge of potentially harming us are we going to have to deal with in the name of what you people call "entertainment". How many slashed tires are people going to have to replace because you inspire them to vandalism?

    Oh, but it gets better. Here's good old Poop Knife again...

    "We look after our own, and trust me if we did not you would have more problems in this world then you even realize. You want to play with "villains" I'm here go after me. But as I said I take no further responsibility for the actions of others.

    << End >>

    Once again, goading me into confrontation, making a veiled threat that he's washing his hands of the situation because he seems to think something bad is going to happen to me or Krampus. That's how you people operate. You harrass and degrade people for sick "entertainment" and then try to act like it's some kind of twisted therapy.

    But hey boys and girls, there's more...From Malvado after a very hardcore Krampus show months ago ( partso f it have been removed because Malvado asked to keep some of it unknown to his fellow RLSV and even now after he has gone back to being sadistic I STILL keep my word even though everythign in me wants not to)

    Fuck dude, I can't even lie about this... Disregarding the previous message I sent you with my sockpuppet account I've decided that I'm through. I've ******* the blog and I'm going to tell my RLSV peers *********************. This is something I want to keep underwraps.

    Now, the only reason I'm tell YOU this is because I realized yet again how stupid all this is. All this trolling. Nothing to even do with 'beef' or whatever idiot buzz words I used before, but it's all just so fucking pointless. I've wasted almost an entire year shitting on people that are far better than I am. People that matter way more to the world than I do. I'm telling you this because I realized too late, especially after hearing Krampus' latest show and seeing your Telemundo clip (yeah, I watch Spanish TV), that you're not the enemy I've been searching for, nor are the rest of your hero colleauges.

    I'm not sure if this is me or the alcohol talking, but I want to appologize. You can believe me or not, but I'm finished.

    Peace, and best wishes for a better future.

    As the only sane person on the latest show, for being the most human putting aside all pettiness, I have removed your information from the blog. best wishes, guy.


  9. You should also know that he told me his real name which I have kept under wraps, not for the sake of power like your twisted RLSV goons would but in the hopes that he and the rest of you would not escalate things. But of course, how silly was I to think you would not.

    Does this seem like villainy trying to be if that was not an oxymoron statement to begin with?!/permalink.php?story_fbid=144861172254116&id=100001907034321

    Is Poop Knife still the scorpion, making false Chat blogs against RLSH like you admitted that he did to Captain Ozone? You own words here "Poopknife? No offense to him but has there ever been a single friendship he has cultivated that did not end in betrayal. Because I'm scratching my head thinking of one"

    Real good there ML. Align yourself with a guy who backstabs, falsifies chat blogs, authorizes internet identity extortion, has a Nazi-themed email address, and picture of kids getting doped out of their minds on his MySpace page which is also under a misleading name. And this is the person helping set up the so called villain classifications? Wow, great decision there...not.

    Here's one from Malvado...which based on how vogorously he has thrown his hat back into the RLSV circle is untrue "And thus why I retired my title as RLSV a long time ago. The Real Life Supervillain community have much higher standards than my ownand to be honest with you I QUITE PERSONALLY ENJOY VIOLENCE, BEING ONE OF THE FEW PROBLEM SOLVING SOLUTIONS MY HATEFULLY EVIL BRAIN CAN MUSTER AND UNDERSTAND, RIGHT UP THERE WITH DESTROYING PEOPLES PERSONAL LIVES AND LAUGHING AT THE TRAGEDY." <>

    Are you friggin kidding me? And you still want to sit there and try to convince me and Krampus that there is no danger? You lies are like wolves, they run in packs.You promote the destruction and humiliation of peoples lives and advocate real harm towards them and then try to call it "entertainment" or make people think all is well. The truth however is so far from this. I have the screen shots to prove it.

    Here's one that you said on a fellow RLSVs blog LM - "When posters get a little ambitious, and forget their station, simply make an example o of one and the rest will fall into place. No mercy"

    Tell me LM, if me, Krampus, Zetaman, or any other RLSH does not fall into place just how are you going to make an example out of us? That sounds like a threat to me.

    Today you said "At the end of the day, One hates superheroes" but your greatest flaw is exactly that..your hatred. You seem to have little understanding of how dangerous the hatred is which festers in your own ranks..or you chose to ignore it. You also chronically underestimate the harm that spreading your hatred does. It stares you in the face every day but you act oblivious to it. Ironically, you made my argument for me. You admitted you hold hatred towards us. You must be proud. You have advocates of violence and information extortionists in your lot. What you do essentially amounts to cyber bullying.

    There is more but it's late and anyone who wants to see it can just contact me and I'll send them my screen shots. I just hope they have a hard drive big enough to hold it.

    And lastly, a special note to those RLSH out there who are playing double agents RLSH/RLSV for their twisted amusement or feeding a certain RLSV personal information from other RLSH to use as harm/extortion/strong arming. You should all move to Reno, Nevada and start your own Bunny Ranch brothel because if you're going to sell out your peers like a bunch of $2 whores then at least do it in a city where you won't arrested for doing so.

  10. I pray that this is the last time that I ever have to speak as I just did. And the Mister Jingles persona is gone. If I'm going to make my stand for what I believe in then it will be by my costumed activist name of Dragonheart, hence the changes in my blog page..for better or worse. I am indeed trying to move on but when my friends or myself is/are put in harms way I will speak out. I'd rather focus on better things but until you RLSV get a clue and figure out that life is more than going after the RLSH for sick amusement/entertainment or for whatever messed up reason you have deluded yourselves into believing you do it for Krampus is right.. the cycle of hatred and stagnation will repeat itself perpetually. Why you cannot understand this most simple point he is making is beyond me.

    And for the record Lord Malignance when you and a few other of your RLSVs do not have your heads up your asses with the "let's bash/mock the RLSH" your blog page has proven a somewhat interesting read. Enjoy what I just said ML because it's the closest thing you might get to a compliment from me.

    And Doctor Doom just called and is claiming copyright infringement on the whole metal looking mask thing you have going on.

  11. Apparently my previous posts have been deleted by the technical issues going on with Blogspot.You know that the power of so called heroes and villains is great when the shockwaves of their collision cause Blogspot to have a technical breakdown. I will repost my thoughts on this later today or sometime this weekend but rest assured what I said before WILL be stated again. Krampus, like I told you before, these people are not worth you ruining your life. The potential for suffering does not help heroes or so called villians. Still, I do agree with you the fact that people need to take the damned blinders and start standing up to their offensive actions, albeit in a proper manner.

  12. One of my stalkers is about to prove me right. He claims never again to target myself or my friends. He's lying. Again. He can't stop, he can't help it. He mocks my comparing himself to a terrorist, admitting his violent past and claims to be above it. He's wrong. He'll do it again. And again. The words mean nothing. Only the actions, long term actions, will prove any intent.

    But he'll fail. They both will. And a poster on here continues to cover his own ass regardless of the fact he gave one of my stalkers an award for the very behavior that put us in this position in the first place. Someone could have died a dozen times over while the pathetic threatened to call the authorities. The truth of the matter is, when, not if the authorities are summoned, everyone involved will be investigated. Everyone's doors will be kicked open, everyone will be held accountable. And you're too afraid to earn your titles in public.

    And it doesn't matter. No one cares. The words to the contrary in the RLSV community are lies and weapons. Only actions matter anymore.

  13. Krampus,

    The first concern, believe it or not, has been to protect life. From every Villain who has posted anything anywhere. While your friend has taken the opportunity to try and use you for his vendetta against ROACH, One came to you with an opportunity. Reread the first comment.

    You claim One rewarded someone - and yes, the costume contest was won by someone who exceeded my effort, in the costume contest Only. It had nothing to do with you. Just as in the last two Halloweens, next Halloween another contest will be held, and another winner may be chosen.

    You still have a choice. Take the road to improve things, or find yourself already reported to google for threats, and ostracized futher. If you have been reading the blogs, you know One does not support certain policies and have been making efforts to see them undone. At my own expense (see comment: "Dumbass").

    Talk to your good friends. Let them talk you through this. If you don't know any good friends, then seek out Silver Sentinel. He is respected by everyone that One knows of. Have him look at your issues. He will advise you in truth. Talk to the White Skull, he has a new blog, and might welcome your input.

    This is a cry for help, and help is being offered. Take a step forward. Turn the page, write a positive blog post, or an interesting one. Talk to good people who will help you through this, and you will find your friends returning to you.

    There are no lies and weapons to these words. You know One can, and has, but not in this case. Even after the Jingles tantrum (5comments of dribble) One returns to show you a way out, at One's own expense.

    If you are right and others wrong, then be the better man, and prove them wrong. This is a time of healing and of improvement. Villains are doing it, and you can too.

    -Lord Malignance
    That's the outstreched hand.

  14. You're trying to offer help while verbally backhanding a friend who HAS been there for me behind the scenes. Attacking my friends is part of what started this in the first place. That ends NOW.

    Perhaps some time to talk might do some good. But not with everyone screaming in my direction. I'm going to follow up on someone's action that looks more positive, despite the hollow words I still see and hear.

  15. You're doing it again. Comment deleted. You can't help yourself, can you? You can't stop lying. You can't stop the rhetoric.
