Monday, May 2, 2011

Osama Bin Laden and son dead

Now THAT'S how you deal with supervillains and stalkers!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, all I can say is "It's about time!!!". That bastard deserved to die a long time ago. Mastermind of violence, promoter of hatred and intolerance, manipulator of truth, perhaps more than most other terrorists around the world he proved that it was indeed possible to "weaponize" words and use them to destroy innocent lives and cause unspeakable suffering. I am sure others will try to carry on his dark legacy but at least for him and his personal reign of is over.

    Unlike those who stand behind the word "villain" as a gimmick, Osama was a REAL LIFE SUPER VILLIAN and now he just worm food. hell f*cking yeah!!!!

    Disclaimer: While the loss of life is not a good thing and should not be generally celebrated in my book there are some people whose evil deeds place them outside of this realm of thought for me. Osama is one of them, along with Castro and a few others.
