Saturday, May 21, 2011

How it came to this point part 2

A few weeks later, out of nowhere Stalker # 2 writes me. I try in my own way to stop an attack on Agent Beryllium by Tothian. There's no love lost between us, what with her own informational attacks, spite and overall bitchiness, but The White Skull returned from retirement to help a friend. I still haven't forgiven the Skull, but I couldn't fault him for defending a friend. Eventually I chimed in, and this was in my inbox.

Okay, The Villages is an elderly retirement community. One I've also joked about as where Nazi war criminals go to die. Okay, so...someone who told my friend Dragonheart that he would leave me and my friends in peace, he wants to 'debate' me in the middle of a bunch of old farts, and he wanted me to bring my gun? He's just BEGGING for a fucking bloodbath, isn't he? Once again, I did have better things to do. And quite frankly, I was still pissed. After Malvado's attempted post, I was ramping things up a little, trying to give a hint. Unfortunately these idiots didn't take it. So to save lives and more of my sanity, I ignored the prick and went on with my life. But unfortunately, something bad was happening.

I do have a history of depression, suicide and anger. And I was finally trying to be on the upswing, cutting out supplements or other items I'd found out had an adverse reaction in me. But still, between normal life and seeing how my attackers reveled in their persistent lifestyle of attacks, something was awakening in me. I thought I was over it, done having to focus past it. But I was being attacked, over and over. Gunshots were heard outside my home. And I admit, I lost my mercy. So, I took the filter off.

Oh, I started spewing anger, venom and pent up rage that no one responded to before. And it was quite therapeutic too, but I started to realize something else.I though I was over knowing that I was capable of killing, of making people suffer because they deserved it. But over and over and over and over and over, I saw threats where people continued to get away with it. My attackers were smart enough not to actually SAY the threats for fear of their favorite game, having it twisted against them. But honestly, I didn't and don't care anymore. So I took the filter off, and spoke many of the dark things I held back. And it scared people. The thing is, nothing else worked, but now a reaction was being given. Then I realized I was in a very unique position.

To give a bit of background as to the mindset of the man behind the Krampus, let me tell a tale. The man behind Krampus' father was a warrior, a soldier, back during a time where men were less soft than many today. A veteran and member of the special Airborne Ranger unit known as the Hell's Angels. And no, not the pussified crime running motorcycle gang, although the military group is where it gained its name. And no, the man wasn't a member of the biker gang because he was more independent minded than to give half of his ownings to the club. This military unit, who performed black ops in East Germany against Neo-Nazi groups(hint hint, assholes) and other warfare during Korea underwent brutal training against torture, extreme survival conditions and various attacks.

One of the more brutal and horrific training they underwent was how to deal with an attack from an attack dog without any weapons. No knife, bayonet garotte or gun, just bare hands. There were several techniques but the most brutal, and one that was effective in lethality and shock was, when the dog attacks, shove your arm into the animal's mouth and down the throat. By forcing your arm down, the width of your arm prevents leverage for the canine to close its jaws to full effect. Sure, your arm will get cut up and scarred from it, but if you take your hand, reach into the animal's throat and grab, squeeze, twist and tear at it, eventually that attack dog will die. It's extreme and not something people would consider in the more ‘civilized' 21'st century, but it works. And that's exactly what I feel I was forced into doing. When no other tactic worked, I could do something that no one else had the testicular fortitude to do. To take a stand, and to tell a powerful narrative. Comic books have had the unique ability to relay stories both fantastic, and poignant for today's topics. The hypocrisy of the RLSV's actions show that not only do they WANT to harm and attack people over and over again, but those same actions may actually spawn the very thing they actual vigilante.

One thing I despise in the communities as a whole are the lack of those willing to take the hard stands, the less than likeable choices in order to do what they feel they must do. And I understood the villain mentality, I knew what could happen because I've had my own experiences. Don't ask, I won't tell. And don't bother 'investigating', because I'll know. And you'll only piss me off more.

The thing is, everything I said wasn't a lie. I really did, and do want to attack anyone that attacks me or my friends. And here's the truth of the matter. The words say these people hate vigilantes, their actions say otherwise. Eventually, someone was going to have to do the one thing no one has up to this point: take a stand. No more 'letting it go', no 'ignoring' them. because ignorance only lets this entire shit become what it has, a twisted mockery of what it was supposed to be.

So I took the filters off. I said exactly what I felt, not caring what my friends would say. And emotionally, I was prepared to go down the path I spoke of, hunting down and attacking those who attacked me. Because they would just keep doing it over. And over. AND OVER. No one seemed to understand. Look at their words! Their history! They didn't have to say a blatant threat! By their past actions and history, their very proximity and contact ARE the threats! And I still give them the only level of respect they deserve, I take them as genuine and react accordingly. To deal with them head on, not backing down, not compromising. I attacked their words they twisted, wanting to kill them. And I do. I want to bury a pickaxe in their skulls and start mining for assholes! And yes, I know the way to the ass is lower, but when dealing with threats, it's more about the journey, not the destination.

Of course, some people were scared. Dragonheart and White Skull contacted me, but I let them know that although I was pissed, I wasn't quite as mad as I was acting. That's right folks, The White Skull and Dragonheart was made aware at my Post where Everything Changes. When telling them keep it up, this is great material, they got the verbal wink. Oh, and for the record Lord Malignance, your use of words were once again damned by actions. What looked like your trying to reach out was blatantly a way to cover your own ass and continue the propaganda that villains are harmless. Oh, and I'm really disappointed in the community as a whole. Here I was, screaming I was going to kill myself and others, and no one, not ONE person contacted the authorities! When Potentate threatened to unleash poison gas at Comic Con, I called them. When The White Skull's life was threatened, I called the cops too. But in the time all this happened, what does Jimmy Zoidberg do? He contacts Google. Yeah, because a multinational corporation is exactly who you want to call when someone threatens murder-suicide. Idiot.

It was a scream, a call for help in the communities. And only a couple people even tried sincerely. The rest of you proved one thing: not another one of you in the RLSV community can ever call yourselves 'heroes' And the RLSH, once again for the most part, not only did nothing, but eventually encouraged it. This was a test. ALL OF YOU HAVE FAILED.

Part 3 coming up.

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