Monday, November 1, 2010

Who wants to be a Real Life Super-Zombie?

Zombies, monsters, gore, horror conventions, and other monstrosities that I associate with. Ahh, 'tis the unofficial beginnings of the Season of Krampus. Entertainment, some better than others, dominates the airwaves and video players this weekend, all winding down to All Hallow's Day, November first. But now my roommate has called my attention to a possibility that interests me, and I'm sure others as well.

You see, tonight was the premier of AMC's series The Walking Dead. And perhaps this should have been obvious, but a promotion has been created for this series. Based on the critically acclaimed graphic novel series, the show follows survival in a world full of the hungry animated dead. 'Twas also a weekend of informative series delving into the truths and origins behind such legends.

Case in point, before the age of Romero films and even the practitioners of Voodoo, tales of the undead go back to the times of legends and history. Vampires, Ghouls, Dybbuks, even Revenants go back to a curse spoken by Ishtar(the goddess, not that horrible fucking movie) to her sister Ereshkigal:

I shall raise up the dead and they shall eat the living.
I shall make the dead outnumber the living.

Goddesses, am I right? Some actually had style back in the old days. But, I digress. It had come to my attention that each week, a secret code word will be flashed during the show, then contestants get to crash servers scrambling to a website to enter the code. Six winners will be chosen for filming in season 2 of the series, treated to a three day weekend of lodgings, food and transportation, and being made up as a zombie for the series, which MAY or MAY NOT even make it on air. You see? It helps to read the official rules.

Of course, it also says only one winner can be claimed per household, so 'twould seem my roommate and I will have to alternate between nights of entry, giving each of us an equal chance for winning the prize. And Krampus thought he would mention this to my dearest, loyal readers. Also those who wish to follow my musings without joining my follower list. Krampus minds not, the more fans the merrier. But it raises an interesting question.

Now normally, Krampus would not wish to lower himself to the status of a lower Revenant. But for a chance to spread the fame of Krampus and Creature Feature? Who knows? This could be quite the opportunity to one day attend horror conventions as an appreciated guest, not just a patron. Ahh, the chance to sit at a table adjacent to Elvira or Ms. Monster...Mmmmm. Not a bad gig if one can get it.

Where was I? Oh yes, the question.

If you had the chance to win such an opportunity as to be zombiefied on The Walking Dead, would you wish to be just another anonymous animated automaton? Or would you wish to plead with the producers and artists to have your superhuman persona done up as a zombie? With Marvel Zombies and Black Lantern heroes and villains made famous in DC Comics, super zombies have become quite popular. And contests notwithstanding, do you think you'd like to take an old, ripped or damaged/stained version of your uniform, add some blood(real or fake is optional) and make yourself up as an undead form of your persona, would you do so? Think about it, chime in.

I intend to drag out the Halloween spirit as long as possible. After all, The Simpsons and Family Guy's Halloween shows have been delayed until next week due to the World Series. Also next week shall be the longest night, as we revert Daylight Saving Time back to normal once again, gaining our extra hour for debauchery or sleep back. And if it's good enough for Fox, their fans and farmers, then 'tis good enough for Krampus!

Oh, some of you may be wondering where is the link to the show and contest? Simple: GET YOUR OWN FUCKING LINK! The less of you that enter, the greater the odds that Krampus shall be immortalized in ways the lesser masses in the communities shall never be. And to those of us that do, may the best Krampus win.

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