Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Living in a Real Life Comic Book World

This week's topic: Living in a Real Life Comic Book World. We explore the world of tabloids, aliens, conspiracies and more to bring people up to speed about things that some people believe to be as true as real life, with convictions as real as any religious movement. The strange, unusual, fantastic world that comic books inhabit, thus what it must be like to live in such a world. For people in the Real Life Superhero/Supervillain communities, it should be interesting to talk about. Possibly one part of a multi-part show.

I've been looking into various topics as of late, feeling the boredom and tedium of the ordinary spurred me on. There are people who believe that they do in fact have super abilities in this world, but what of other strangeness normally relegated to the tabloids or fictional worlds of comic books, pulp novels and others? People have heard of alien encounters, but did you know there are many types of aliens, the most evil having a hierarchy far above the Greys reported of in abduction stories? And which ones may be responsible, by some accounts, for genetically engineering humanity as a slave race?

Or how about the theory that we are not alone on this world, that there are beings who live within the Earth, warmed by an internal and smaller sun, a race of giants? Beings who are at the heart of a belief that the Earth is hollow, the home of Shambhala, a network of tunnels that allow UFO's to fly from one point to another with greater speed? Or how about the fact that the Nazis sought these beings, and Admiral Byrd of the U.S. had encountered them?

With talk of 2012 being the supposed end of an era and possibly the beginning of a new one, I wanted to bring up a topic of people that believe these stories, and if so many believe, is there something to it? Tune into Creature Feature this Saturday the 13'th at 11 PM EST.


  1. The funny thing is, the Mayan calendar ended its cycle in 2012, to be sure, but it's set up completely different from ours. In fact, by their calendar, we've already passed 2012.
    Happy apocalypse.

    Oh, wait. It didn't happen. And no one knew about it.

    Guess that makes all the conspiracy nuts, once again, the biggest mouth-breathing idiots in the room.

  2. Perhaps, but 'tis as I've said, the world ending isn't the problem, it's the people that believe it is and that the rules no longer apply to them that are.

    But still, I believe that such topics are interesting to explore. They're so thickly woven, and so many people believe them with a fervor rivaling religious extremists! Still others seem to feel that such tales makes sense to them, that the world actually is far more than paying bills, running the rat race, popular media and belief that adventure and the extraordinary are real, they simply have yet have the world realize their realities. Consider this a chance to catch up with some of these worlds and views.
