Saturday, October 30, 2010

An ode to a supervillain/I LOVE being right.

Once again, Krampus cackled like a madman inhaling Joker toxin at the end of a motion picture. More than that, this post marking my 66'th post(50'th and 100'th celebrations are so overdone as to be boring), I tip my cap to the final chapter of a supervillain that earned many a people's respect, if not their dollars. I'm talking of course of John Kramer, better known as Jigsaw.

When the first movie of the Saw series premiered, it was imaginative, so ripe, so full of invention for the torture porn genre. To describe the film was to say imagine the deathtraps of a comic book supervillain brought to life in the real world's setting. The machinations and mental gymnastics of an engineer, twists of fate and a renewed vigor to survive created the back story for someone we barely knew in the first film, being expanded upon in sequels.

The second and third films were the creations of the original team that brought it to life, Krampus was willing to give Saw 4 a chance, then 5 began to show its wear. By Saw 6, a motion picture that a reality show contest was held to earn a place in the film, many felt as if the franchise were on life support, and some were wishing to mercifully pull the plug on it, to remember it in its prime and let it die with dignity.

Finally, we have Saw 3D, or Saw 7 for those locations not showing the bloody film in 3D. Spring for some red and blue glasses, you cheap fuck splatters. All in all, a welcome finale' to the film. Some traps and challenges were obviously meant for little to no survival, others still had shown imagination. And thanks to the magic of motion pictures, we get to see one character die in the film, not once but twice! Very well done. And not to ruin anything for the fans, but the person that carried on the legacy of John Kramer was unworthy, and met a fitting finale of their own.

And the reason I was cackling like a madman? It's quite simple, as well as utterly delicious. Krampus was right, ladies and gentlemen. Let me say that again:




Ahh, what pleasure. You see, recently an old jousting opponent of mine in the blogosphere had pointed out my posting on the blogspot page of a Saw 3D tie-in, complete with fake profiles of the survivors. But what was pleasantly displayed at the end was something that Krampus had suspected years ago, was mentioned elsewhere in the aether regarding Saw, and the words that Krampus was mocked for were revealed to be prophetic. I won't ruin anything with spoilers here, but should you wish to, see my below blog's link and investigate for yourselves. But let it be known...Krampus was right.

In this community of role players, wannabe's and poseurs, it almost pains me to know that unless laws are truly broken and the mantle of vigilante or sociopath earned, none will ever reach the fame or infamy of a fictitious supervillain like John Kramer. Of course, there are those that try.

In many cases, more sensational crime stories are withheld from some larger news outlets and left for pulp stories, detective and true crime magazines. Why? Some don't want to release the gory details on the news. Still others are afraid that such stories would be sensationalized, spawning copycats and instigating a crime spree the likes of which are relegated to fiction, or the stuff of nightmares.

It is the belief of Krampus that it is just a matter of time before someone associated with the Real Life Superhero or Supervillain community will cross a dangerous line, spilling over to the realms of Kick-Ass or another slasher film. When it happens, the innocence will be lost, something will rise to meet the challenge and the violence will escalate, catching innocent and guilty people up within it like a blood soaked tornado. Until then, we live our lives as best we can and do. But somewhere, one can't help but wonder if the fantastic, good or bad, would at least alleviate the doldrums and boredom in this pedestrian life we lead. But like those who aspire to be in more interesting lives and times, if you actually experienced the things in the fiction you enjoy in your real lives, if the lines were crossed, the harm done, the realization that this IS happening and you make it out alive, would you feel the same as before? Would someone attacked by a hero or villain who aspired to live such a life change their interests? That is a question for another time.

Oh by the way, try approving my messages next time, unless you're afraid it'll trigger another wave of migraines. Far be it from me to wish to cause you any further pain when it's not intended.


  1. Your comments aren't capable of causing migraines, Krampus, but thanks for making light of the tumor in my brain. Perhaps too many torture-porn films have desensitized you to the suffering of real-life people who may or may not even be alive this time next year.

    Does it feel good to be right? I bet it would feel better if you actually explained how you were right. Just a thought.

    Also, are you afraid to name me by name? I'm not some spook that you can conjure up by accidentally uttering my name, you know.

  2. I know we've jousted in the past, and I had no desire to cause you any undue trauma. And I've considered killing myself so much that my own life's meaning is desensitized to me. Other people I care for however, of course I still wish them well. Where you fit in...I'm undecided. If you're still here next year, then fortune be with you. Perhaps I'd have been able to have kinder words if you hadn't canceled the last e-mail address I had for you and severed that tie. You closed that door, not I.

    And as far as being right...ohhh yes. Yes it does. And I'm simply not mentioning that which I was right in the blog yet simply because I don't wish to make a spoiler for those that haven't seen the film yet. After a few weeks, sure I'll be glad to mention how Krampus predicted a certain...acquisition of resources.

    And afraid? No. I just don't know what to call you anymore, it's hard to keep track. Try some shark cartilage supplements, many who fight cancer take it with hopes the anti-cancerous nature of the sharks will help them recover from such tumors.

  3. Oh, Krampus, Krampus, Krampus. You honestly think that I care about contests or movie blogs or fame, and that's the sad part. I'm not doing this, any of this, for the attention that others crave.

    Well, maybe a wee little bit.

    Mostly I'm doing it for the sheer merry hell it stirs up when I toss a random dart out, even at those who I would call allies. You, Krampus, are not counted among my enemies. You're not the top of my "friends" list either, but at least you don't have my enmity. No, I take my pleasure in occasionally biting the hands of everyone and anyone around me, just to remind people that I do still indeed possess teeth.

    Heck, you should see some of the comment threads over on, where the entire idea of ROACH first came to be; people have learned to ignore me and others like me over time because they know that I don't do anything from malicious intent, but rather to get laughs and, in some cases, express outrage or just make people think.

    The blogoshpere is no different; don't take it as a personal sling when I poke fun at you or others. Heck, I don't even have any real bad will toward Master Legend, he just routinely paints a giant bullseye on his back.

    As to the email you're referring to, anyone visiting my profile can shoot me an email; the link is clearly listed.

    As to shark cartilage, thank you, but for now I'm on a steady treatment from the hospital already. I'll exhaust all of my other options and, should they prove unsuccessful, I'll than move on to holistic medicine. I am in the capable hands of science... where I belong.

    I leave you with this parting thought: cryptic half-statements and long stretches of meandering prose, even in the pursuance of cutting out spoilers to potential movie-goers, does not a worthy blog make. I remember when you first arrived on the scene; you were full of something, still not quite sure what it was, but it was different and it was fun and somewhere along the way it snuffed out.

    I actually miss it.

  4. As do I. Things have been a bit boring as of late, perhaps I need to stir the pot or pick a fight with a worthy the Westboro Baptist Church for instance, but I'm sure there are others who need to feel the wrath of Krampus.

    I'll have to ponder on whom to unleash a good dose of hell in the future...

  5. Please don't fight the Westboro Baptist Church. They are far too easy a target and plus, they won't even care... or worse, if they do care, they'll sue the ever-loving pants off of you. The entire organization is made up of lawyers.

  6. Really? Are you sure you're not thinking of Scientologists?

  7. Look it up for yourself. The entire organization is made up of lawyers, and the way they keep their church funded (for the most part) is having those stupid protests of theirs, which usually gets at least one or two people up in someone's face, which then results in the church member turning around and suing the person who got in their face about their signs.

    They hide behind the word "church" to keep up their activities, since no court will disband a church.

    On a scale of 1 to Darth Vader, I'd put the Westboro Baptist Church at about a late-80's Joker. Sadistic, hypocritical, out for the lulz.

    Scientology on the other hand only rates at about a late-90's Magneto on the scale, washed-up, tired, and culturally irrelevant.

  8. Huh. You never hear about the lawsuits. Great, cults and lawyers trying to bend the rules of man and God. At the very least they're deserving of coal.
