Sunday, March 28, 2010

Kid friendly Krampus!?

Last night's show of Creature feature was one for the record books, ladies and gentlemen. There was a surprise caller that I was NOT expecting! Meta Data was pleasing to speak with, and I was partially expecting someone that I had talked to in the last few weeks to tall. Perhaps KrisB from Repofans Bombarding the Radio might call, perhaps Clarissa from Willie's Wenches would grace us with a call. It would even be welcome to hear from other attendees from Megacon. But it goes without saying that no one expects a nine year old girl to call into a show at 11 PM!

Kara, the brilliant and kind hearted young lady that many people met at the RLSH panel called in with her mother and other young friends. Now, this was a completely unexpected surprise. They wanted to call and let us know that Kara and her friends plan on making their community a brighter place, helping in positive ways like cleaning up the parking lot of a local Wal-Mart and other such functions. And no, they may be wearing matching shirts, but they are NOT trying to be superheroes and patrolling their neighborhoods, so you can stop with the accusations right there. While gracious, I informed Kara's mother that our show deals with topics of a graphic and explicit nature, listening discretion and parental guidance is strongly advised. I could not have made it more clear, which was good considering the topics later brought up on the show.

Kara is a brilliant young lady that I spoke with before the panel, she called me out for not being a real monster, and admitted that after seeing the father figure in her young life become the definition of a monster when drunk, nothing fazed her. I told her that shouldn't have to be that way, but she was a beautiful spirit, full of positive energy. And this was despite the things she experienced in her young life. There wasn't a single member of the panel and many in the audience that didn't have the utmost respect for that little girl. It is with such brutal honesty that I return that respect in kind.

Kara and Kara's mother, you were literally a wake-up call to those that heard the show. But although Krampus can be less crude in the presence of children and even fun, Krampus is NOT generally kid friendly. This persona is intelligent yet crude to punctuate various points to be made. I can be entertaining as well as educational. Krampus is also vicious, dealing with adult oriented topics, calling out those that are not so nice while praising those that are. But Krampus will not change to become an overall more kid friendly visage. I will show respect to you and those that have earned it by not blasting your ears with vulgarity knowing that you're standing next to me. Perhaps one day as Robin Williams, Eddie Murphy, George Carlin and even Larry the Cable Guy, the man behind the Krampus will go from blue to technicolor and kid friendly in his works. But that is not the case for Creature Feature, and I do not apologize for it. What also should be said is that you are trying to bring light to a positive thing that the youth of today and hopes of tomorrow are trying to accomplish. But to be fair, you and your young ears and voices deserve better than Krampus as an outlet. And for that, I apologize that there isn't one without being on forums like the RLSH and others, being one of the only shows dealing with the community and not being all access to all ages.

With that said, I would like to challenge those in the RLSH community to rise to this occasion! Last night's show has displayed a demographic that needs to be addressed in our works in the RLSH/RLSV communities. Would you all do what you are doing right now, in the witness of children and parents? Surely there must be someone in the community who can take time out of their busy week to host their own show on Blog Talk Radio or other such venues at an earlier time slot, allowing an all access show to allow those that are trying to make a positive change instead of putting those that do the negative on blast as it were. Allow me to give you an example. Last night after Kara and her mother called in, I informed Kara's mother that this was a rated R show in general, and for those of sensitive ears to please turn down their radios or computer speakers. Much like this blog is about to be, so if you're too sensitive, skip this part. We then discussed gaining cancer from oral sex, a pregnant woman being tazed by the police for not signing a speeding ticket, homosexuality, whether or not Krampus was having a period, the absurdity of my being kid friendly and mother approved, then my going to Walt Disney World only to be jumped by Mickey Mouse's posse, Goofy screaming to kick me in the dick, then Mickey taking time out from curb stomping me to use my walking stick, shove it up my ass and turn me into a Krampsicle!

Would you like for this show to be the venue for children to call into it? Let me rephrase that: would you like it to be the ONLY web broadcast venue for them to call into? Because right now, that's exactly what it is. There are attempts at other shows by members of the RLSV, but I wouldn't recommend them for young ears either. And please, if you're an RLSV who wants to make a show at an earlier time claiming all access, don't. For the most part with few exceptions, you're all dicks. Like me. And villains should never be role models. Krampus shouldn't be a role model. But I accepted the call as best I could, and Kara's mother called in later to the show when people joked that parents and children would flood my inbox with spiteful letters. She assured us that she wouldn't, and that despite the depths of what we say and discuss on the show, we in general are bringing light to the community, and not being negative or destructive in our methods. She even wished us a happy R rated night! Now THAT'S a parent who gets it! You know, personal accountability and perspective, raising a wonderful daughter who is inspiring other young people to make a change if they see something wrong. My dear lady, you and your daughter have the utmost respect of Krampus.

With that said, I hope to make this a call to arms for those in the RLSH community. Rise to the challenge, use your voices to also give voice to people like Kara and her mother. because while Krampus can dial it down, while I am sure that Executrix also was not profane in the face of children who assembled for her animal shelter zombie walk, we will not change who we are at this time. I will endeavor to add a disclaimer to Creature Feature stating that it is of a graphic and explicit nature at most times. We can be serious as well as silly, respectful as we are raunchy. But Kara's mother stated that she would like to call in once a month to update everyone on what they're doing to help in their surroundings! This means not only will she be listening, but will call again in the coming months! Why? Because I was an outlet at Megacon representing a fraction of the RLSH/RLSV community and I have a show! SuperHero, Symbiote, DC's Guardian, someone who is reading this, please acknowledge this blog and conundrum. Kara, her friends and mother, and all the other young, silent but aspiring people that look to our slice of the world deserve better than what they currently have. I call to you to do better. Do not trust a Christmas demon known in legend for beating children with birch branches and stealing the truly evil away to eat them with being the only internet radio outlet or forum for them. Krampus can dial it down temporarily, but Krampus will not change. Who will take up this cause?

Monday, March 22, 2010

Megacon 2010: Year of the Krampus

Sunday March 14. The day of the RLSH Panel at Megacon. What a wondrous day, after a wet, cold, rainy start, that day was quite bright. Megacon wasn't the only convention occurring, but as an annual tradition that borders on comedy, the annual varied age cheerleading competition also took place. I feel a need to mention this because as I walked to the convention center, these young ladies were the first that I encountered. And hilariously enough, several girls and parents stopped me to take photos with Krampus! I of course obliged, telling the young ladies to remember to listen to their parents and not be naughty. OR I WOULD KNOW. And what a thrill it was as I entered the hall for Megacon when another young girl approached asking if I were the German Christmas demon! I praised the young lady and gave her a hug before posing for another photo, one of many that day. This was a good omen.

My most immediate concern was to make my way to the booth of the Skiffytown League of Heroes in order to see my friends DC's Guardian and Agent Mixsae for the first time in the flesh, so to speak. 'Twas a pleasure to see them, posing for photos and being interviewed for a Canadian broadcast company. Despite being home to such unwanted company as Pamela Anderson's Hepatitis and the Menstruating Mudworm, this country has great people and taste if they were to come and do a documentary piece about Skiffytown and the Real Life Superheroes. Mister Jingles also appeared in my black sack to respectfully make his presence known, something that amused several passers by. I was quite fortunate to participate, showing my perspective, even how those of drastically different ways and means of words and deed can strive for the same goals. DC even warmed this one's dark heart by making Krampus an honorary member of Skiffytown! I know that I'm not the most kid friendly, but I withheld my foot long tongue in the presence of the children, some of whom even enjoyed singling Krampus out for photos while standing with the heroes!

We come now to a part where I will have to place my large boots upon the proverbial soapbox. It's my blog, I can bloody well do what I want. In the past months, I have heard many people throw callous statements in the direction of groups like Skiffytown. I have heard them called costumed activists. Glory hounds, Role players. LARPers. Fakes. And I have to tell everyone by my perspective that you couldn't be more wrong in your accusations. It's true, the Skiffys don't as a rule go out to patrol their neighborhoods, but are active in bettering their communities both in and out of costumes. They visit sick children in hospitals, they helped children and parents to help construct the boys and girls' own personal visions of being superheroes by creating their own costumes. They performed a radio drama that was entertaining and a respite for many to enjoy. They also acted as an auxiliary security force if children went missing, joining in the search and recruiting others to help. This year, there was even a child that approached them asking for help in finding their parent! Thankfully, all parties were found and reunited. These people weren't doing this out of seeking glory, but enjoying each other's company and giving back to the community and to the convention. That's not fake. They're not playing just to play. They were doing positive services and making things better than before they arrived.

I've heard people state that giving sandwiches to homeless people while in costume detracts from the efforts of people outside of such outfits doing such jobs every day. If they were only glory seeking publicity whores, perhaps you'd be right, But the members of Skiffytown are no such group. And I seem to recall my own co-host Executrix working tirelessly for months to organize and execute her zombie walk for a charity. Where are the naysayers in the community for her? Oh, she's in the community, she's earned her place. Very well, but the Skiffys have requested that Executrix please attempt to come to Megacon next year if possible, for she is a kindred spirit. Giving, fun, informative, and perhaps she may not be as bright a beacon of justice as others under the name superhero, but her heart is in the right place for a good cause. In the most polite way possible, I say that you should show the members of Skiffytown the same grace and respect that you've shown Executrix. In the least polite way...well, I believe DC's Guardian would state that heroes don't do that.

But Krampus does.

DC's Guardian and his people are deserving of the utmost respect. If all hell broke loose in their vicinity, Krampus would gladly stand alongside them to help ensure they would not come to harm. Krampus would take a bullet for DC and his ilk. Anyone that targets them with negativity and potential harm to their mission will earn my unforgiving wrath. Some already have. You know who you are. And if Krampus would cast a dark light upon them, then as much as it would pain me, I'd resign my honorary commission to continue my path without damning them. Don't fuck with the Skiffys again. Ever. Or you deal with a very rabid Krampus, the likes of which you've only seen glimpses.

Now that the first serious statement has been said, it's time to lighten things up a bit. One of the most enjoyable parts of the convention was the inaugural appearance of the performance group Willie's Wenches! Malcus Bostwick, Lolita, Clarissa, their newest wench Sophia replacing their now retired Emma Grace and their Wench in training running the sound board(do get back to me with your stage name, won't you?) were wonderful. Taking Shakespeare and mixing it up with modern comedy, musical numbers, sword fights, gymnastics and even cheerleading made it a wonderful experience that Krampus was fortunate enough to witness incognito twice for their adults only show. 'Twould have been three, but their final show was scheduled simultaneously with the RLSH panel. But I enjoyed their company as much as possible before their egress back to Renaissance fairs and other conventions. There's not enough I could say about this troupe! All members were quite the rapier wit, intelligent, strong in their love of all things nerdesque, and the ladies all brought their individual charms. Sophia brought forth fresh enthusiasm, Lolita could let ring dulcet tones of opera and popular music one moment while the next grinding like Cherry Darling on a fortunate audience member! Clarissa's wit and infectious laughter made her a humorous match for old Krampus, not an easy task. But with all ladies, their charisma and charm matched their talents, accessorizing their obvious beauty. You can find their photos on my Myspace, I certainly find them enjoyable to see. Here is a link to their site, do swing by and tell them Krampus sent you.

The rest of the day went on well, killing time until the panel. One of the lady celebs actually stopped ME for a photo! And she loved my boots. I admit, they were wonderful, as even cloven hooves occasionally needs arch support. Perhaps next time I can get a set that is more reminiscent of Gene Simmons'? Also discovering humor were many a passerby who witnessed Krampus drinking through the nostril of this avatar's mask. 'Twas important to stay hydrated as active as the con was.

We then come to the crescendo of the convention, the panel closing out the convention, the Real Life Superhero panel. Earlier in the day I was able to separately meet many of the panel members, but we were all assembled in a round table setting. DC's Guardian was the MC and moderator, and the panel consisted of Patriot, Amazomia, Super Hero, Master Legend, Symbiote, Knight Vigil and myself. It was also interesting that although it's difficult to label Krampus, I was considered the resident spokesdemon for the Real Life Supervillain movement. I've said this before and will say so again, Krampus is Krampus. If anything, the label could be anti-hero, but since I'm the co-host of a show featuring RLSH and RLSV, that was my title. I played devil's advocate if you will. And I suppose out of all in the RLSV community, I was the only thing close enough to show up to represent them, so here I was, the minority of one in a room full of RLSH. For those that weren't able to arrive, you were somewhat missed. For those that could but chose not to, some might consider you to be cowardly, tampon stuffing in your hemorrhaging man-bitches. This above all no matter what side one may be on, Krampus respects those with the strength of their convictions aside from being catty, gossiping jackals. Let Krampus be called villain in a room full of RLSH than be counted among those with no depth or presence where it matters.

The panel went well, apologies for not recording it in its entirety as last year, you can blame me for it somehow despite a technical difficulty from across the bloody room. Many topics were discussed, Superhero brought up that the two greatest opponents one will face in helping their community are indifference and apathy. I brought up another: fear. I brought up the concerns voiced by many in the RLSV, the fear that the movie Kick-Ass will inspire vigilantes, that they themselves may cause more harm than good one day by putting civilians in harm's way. But they stood up and faced the accusations with intelligence and conviction. It is that conviction that Krampus respects.

There were also young people in the audience asking clever questions to all, it was very enlightening. One little girl I had spoken to before the panel, she had mentioned that I didn't scare her, that her father when drunk was the true picture of a monster. Yet despite that, she still had a sense of wonder, imagination, and looking for a brighter tomorrow undaunted, wishing to one day help with her community, costume notwithstanding. But her positivity was infectious, like a mirror from within that touched many of us. There was also a young man asking questions, including of me. I answered as best I could while showing a different perspective, the negative the naysayers, the apathetic. Still, he helped a man having a seizure while others stood by, witnessed and did NOTHING. No calls for help, no assistance. Apathy and indifference. He asked if he should be proud of doing what he did, even though first responders, EMT's and other do the same thing every day?

My statement was that yes, they train, they face these dangers every day, it is their job. And to the average person, it's not theirs. So they can feel comfortable in apathy because everyone else is doing it. Maybe they're afraid to risk being hurt by infection, the thrashing of someone uncontrollable in their condition. What if they're sick and you catch it? What if they bite your finger off while you try to keep them from swallowing their tongue? Indifference and apathy bothered me personally, because it means the person is numb, feeling NOTHING in the face of it. Fear, at least is something alive. True courage isn't the absence of fear, but acting in spite of it. So whatever you choose to do, in your community or helping in case of emergency, if you can do something that makes one person, one thing better than before you arrived, then that is the best measure of what one can do. So yes, be proud of yourself, especially if you help when it's not your job young man.

Here's a time for blatant truth. Many things have come up in regards to Master Legend, and I could have brought them up, singling him out. I did not for three reasons. One, no time. The hour flew by easily and fast. Not everyone had a chance to voice their own opinions, so I was fortunate to have had the time I did. Two, it was a time and place of fellowship, of positivity. The energy was good, light, on a note of constructive opinions and expressions of oneself. To target someone specifically would have ruined that moment, which would make me the villain. Krampus isn't afraid of negativity when it brings forth a positive result, but this would be verbal graffiti. And three, I'll be damned if I would do the legwork for a no show accuser who calls himself the king of the Nazis. Do your own fucking work. But I did speak to Master Legend, I won't go into the nature of what was said, but I hope that the information given by both a friend and myself helps guide the man on his path, wherever that ultimately takes him. Perspective can make all he difference.

As I was leaving, I encountered an incognito Meta Data and spoke briefly before leaving the convention center. A lovely young lady, I'll have to contact her again some time. All in all, that Sunday was a positive day, starting and ending as such. 'Twas not long enough to spend with both old friends and new, being a time of enjoyment, entertainment and education. And Wench cleavage. Oh, those fleshy pillows, the memories those mammaries will leave Krampus with along with many a new fan of their I'm craving a milkshake.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The RLSH/RLSV: Death by Backlash and Hate

You know ladies and gentlemen, Krampus has been doing some pondering as of late. It took some time to begin posting due to several severe thunderstorms threatening to destroy this computer and domicile. Fortunately all is well, so here I am. If you're reading this due to the title of this blog, good, I'm glad I have your attention. Because as my young cousin The Ghost of Christmas Future has done, perhaps a view of a possible epitaph may be the wake-up call this community needs.

Costumed activists. Community watchers. Vigilantes. Criminals. Mentally unstable individuals. Villains. Heroes. Bloggers. Role players. Fakes. No matter if you are on the side of the RLsH or RLSV, such labels have been hurled. Hell, I've been called all of the above! Oh, and let's not forget racist. Shigger, please. As I see this year unfolding, preparing for the RLSH panel at Megacon to ask the difficult questions, it seems that I see drama. More than that, I see strife, stressed hearts, strained relationships, friendships both forged and broken, the true mettle that defines them tempered and made strong, or brittle, easily broken. It is a tale old as time, one side against another. There are those that prove themselves time and again, others whose motives are questionable, others still who latch onto others like unhealthy parasites, bleeding their essences but by bit, seeking to poison the host so that they may live and flourish.

I see contradictions on both sides, people lumped in with those that truly care for their communities and give what they can to support it, make it better than when it was at the start. Others are angry, spoiling for a fight, wishing to inflict their wills. I see some who risk their actions and impulses becoming criminals, and those that speak out against such actions, or claiming to do so, as villains simply because they oppose these individuals. Heroes are villains. Villains are heroes. It's become a bizarre Gordian knot, it can be confusing to the outsider, or even those participating in the communities in their own way. There are good points made on both sides, and a plethora of people in between. There is both just and unjust on both sides, many gray areas that need to be illuminated, conceived, discussed, answers to be found.

But I see a growing trend, dear reader. I see life imitating art, not only in costume and desire to make a change to one's world, but one written of in comic books for decades, and more recently extending beyond one's birthright to all under a banner. I see justification of one's views through fear, and hate to spout from it as well. There are those in the RLSH community that truly do good, mixed with the questionable, the mentally questioned. All are lumped in the same group, the actions of the negative threaten to dwarf the positive. I see fear. Fear spouted that innocent people will be harmed by the careless actions of others. And is that fear given to the criminals, the ones who break the law and seemingly get away with it? Somewhat, but now the focus is the activist, the RLSH who tries to do something about it. No, don't blame the criminals, blame the so-called heroes who ARE criminals! And damn them all! They're the monsters, the real threats are attracted to them like a huge bullseye, the general public located behind them, prone to a stray shot. Or perhaps the heroes are the ones firing the gun, becoming just as dangerous as the criminals that were targeted.

I hear fears being stoked like fires. The movie Kick-Ass as some say, threatens to inspire other foolish people to throw caution to the wind, putting on a costume and pretending to be something larger than life, only to face reprisals and the majority of society to bear the brunt, to hate these dreamers, and the medium that spawned them.

Jews are devil worshipers who kill babies as well as Jesus. All muslims are bloodthirsty suicide bombers. Christians gave birth to Hitler, who carried that belief to its logical conclusion. Retards are wastes of flesh that make those of us who are normal feel better about ourselves. All niggers, sand or otherwise, need to be lynched, burned, probably both. Every other race are mud children, lesser beings that shouldn't have the same rights that I have. The mentally ill can never be helped, just fucking kill them along with all the cripples and get it over with. Especially the babies and kids, it's a mercy killing. And everything I just said in this paragraph before this sentence was painfully sarcastic and a use of the rights of free speech. I didn't mean a single word of it, it's hate speech founded on ignorance, fear, and when the actions of one does something negative, people jump on the bandwagon to judge all. It's the same as it ever was. And they're just words. Words are powerless unless A:, the intent and energy behind them were made to cause harm, and B:, the person on the receiving end feels like the attack hurts them, granting the words power over them. When you see it for what it is, with a wider scope, you see that it's meant to bait, to wear you down, to get a rise out of you. The loser is the first one who loses their temper and control. Then the dominoes fall.

What I see is the fear and hatred of all members in the RLSH and RLSV communities, phobic extremes damning most if not all, by the actions of a few, or a single influence. Several small mistakes, or one large one, damning and denying the good done by all under that banner. It happened in Stamford CT. when a group tried to arreest a villain, who then detonated a bomb near a school. The backlash was vicious. And I'm talking about the first issue of Marvel Comic's Civil War storyline. At a time when the mutant population dwindle to far smaller numbers, people find someone else to blame: all the other heroes, anyone in a costume, hero or villain. If you're different from the status quo, you will be arrested, processed, and you have to give up your rights to an Orwellian legislation just to do what you've been doing. Agreed, not every RLSH out there knows what they're doing, but others try to police themselves. Others that blatantly call themselves vigilantes, or anti-heroes, wish not to be labeled with the others whose attempts to change things are brighter, better, positive. But it's done anyway while hecklers cackle from the sidelines.

One thing that made people enjoy the X-Men for so long was the social commentary the tales told. People could relate to being different, whether by appearance, beliefs, skills, interests, sexual preferences and countless other reasons, including the choice of one's dress. But despite fighting in a world that fears and hates them, these heroes know right from wrong, and do what they feel is right, even against those that despise them. Let me ask you; if someone that you despised, they made your lives hell, every time they open their mouth around you your stomach knots up were in danger, real trouble that threatened their health, life, family, would you do something to help them? Or let whatever the threat is happen without interference? There are many answers, many gray areas, and I know I've done my share of both. I still continue to do so. It may not be fair to all, but I make my own choices and live with the consequences. And I believe many of you do as well.

I see some who are simply wishing to play their roles, to talk a good fight but nothing more. Others still I see acting under the guise of wishing to help people, but are students of history. People who see how to make people lose control by saying things to incite an emotional response. And once your calm is gone, they push your buttons like a Christmas toy. The idea is to wind you up, make you make a mistake, and capitalizing on it like any good warrior would. I see people who can get swept up in paranoia and go on virtual witch hunts. I've done this one. And I believed that some great evil has either been caused, or on the verge of being unleashed. Was I right or wrong? Depends on which incident. But at least my dark heart was in what I believed to be the right place. I see people that seem to be waiting, lurking, building up their ammunition until the circumstances best to capitalize on it will present itself, then all it takes is a push. Wait until your opponent is at its weakest, then strike with minimal effort. The rest can be reveled in as the spoils of war.

How many times have you looked at your opponents with such disdain that you can't wait for a moment of perceived weakness, to leap upon it like jackals on a carcass? Or do you see yourself a mighty hunter, a predator on the scape of the internet? It's better to think of oneself that way, isn't it? Strong, threatening, leading your pack. Or perhaps you're just the loudest of your group of bullies. Time will tell.

Eventually, all the scales will be balanced. As Krampus, I am neither hero nor villain, an anti-hero would perhaps be the best definition in stance. But this blog is not about the label, but how one reacts in the face of fear and hatred. Some truly despise members on the opposite side of their respective fence. Perhaps they have such hatred coming to them, perhaps not. In an uncharacteristic act of goodwill, I post this for all sides to consider. If you have doubt in your hearts or minds in regards to the course of your actions, then be mindful. Search yourselves, ask yourselves what you are doing and why. If you are alone and unsure, turn to someone you trust to give you another perspective not to break you down or use you, but to help you find that foundation within once again. And if you want any kind of life worth living, weigh good judgment with your hearts and minds, pursue that which fulfills you. But unless the words of others have such great power over you that you grant them, do not be swayed by the words of fear and hatred. Unless of course Krampus is the one telling you so of course. *wink*

I suppose I say this blog in an attempt to purge such things from me in time for my fellowship of friends old and new at Megacon. And thanks to DC's Guardian reminding me of something Captain America said to a weary soldier fighting in the face of what was believed to be an unjust law that the country had voted for in majority.

"Doesn't matter what the press says. Doesn't matter what the politicians or the mobs say. Doesn't matter if the whole country decides that something wrong is something right. This nation was founded on one principle above all else. The requirement that we believe, no matter the odds or the consequences. When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move. Your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth, and tell the whole world. . .NO. . .YOU MOVE."

Take that for what it means to you. Make your own decisions. And no, this isn't a kinder, gentler Krampus, I am simply between observing prey that threatens others under veils of media inspired identities. Oh, and all my comments are moderated, so while I'm gone, please try not to do such uninspired bullshit as to flood my folder while on my weekend hiatus. It's unoriginal and pathetic. Besides, no one does it as well as I do, isn't that right my spicy berry?

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


No, this isn't about Charlie Murphy nor the comic book turned video game. Krampus is preparing for a weekend of celebration, of fellowship with like minded souls at Megacon this weekend, and with good fortune, participating on the RLSH panel, possibly being interviewed by a broadcaster out of Toronto interviewing people connected to the RLSH movement and other costumed participants like DC's Guardian and his ilk at Skiffytown. It should be a time of joy, and I'll make the most of it. But Krampus is feeling a slight touch of the melancholy, and wish to purge it from the soul now before the convention. With that said, I'm listening to one of the only slow songs performed by Disturbed called Darkness. Perhaps one day the Darkness will cover Krampus and his voice will be heard no more, finding peace for a restless demon. For now, I enshroud myself with the sounds of what Krampus feels at this time. Only then will I be prepared to party on. Enjoy.

Don't turn away
I pray you've heard
The words I've spoken
Dare to believe
Over one last time
Then I'll let the

Darkness cover me
Deny everything
Slowly walk away
To breathe again
On my own

Carry me away
I need your strength
To get me through this
Dare to believe
Over one last time
Then I'll let the

Darkness cover me
Deny everything
Slowly walk away
To breathe again
On my own, On my own
On my own, On my own
On my own

Dare to believe
Over one last time
Then I'll let the

Darkness cover me
Deny everything
Slowly walk away
To breathe again
On my own
On my own

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Well, THAT was different.

Last night, I was a caller on Grodd's BlogTalk Radio show. Also among the callers were Agent Beryllium and last/least, Poop Knife. There were quite a bit of topics discussed, news stories, opinions on members of the RLSH/RLSV communities, and some polite but spirited chat between me an the nuclear powered time traveler. All in all, it was an all right show, and I wish Grodd future success. If you'd like to check the show for yourself, then feel free to listen and download it here:

Grodd's blog for his written musings, obese people be warned:

Could this mean a kinder, gentler Krampus/ROACH relationship? Probably not. But in the opinion of Krampus, it shows that there MIGHT be a sliver of brighter horizons not lit by bomb blasts. Then again, the year is young. And for those asking questions about The White Skull, feel free to ask him. If you have questions for me, then ask me. I must warn you though, be prepared if the answers given aren't what you had in mind nor wish to hear.
