Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Regards to ROACH

Lately some may have noticed my gentle reminders to a certain someone to fulfill his obligations and remove former members from his group's profile page. These requests were initiated months ago, but instead of responding and acting on the requests, a wallpaper was made as a sign to acquiesce. Recently a member has noticed my knockings. And by knockings, I mean checking the member profile page, then posting a reply on every blog once a day for the past few days. While this now makes me the highest contributing member of all the blogs there, apparently the wrong person seems to have received my message.

Please feel free to check out Agent Beryllium's blog, and by the way, you're welcome for the free advertisement. Apparently I've become the topic of discussion, and if you click on the screen shot, you may notice an exchange between Agent and someone named Paul. Does this constitute a threat against me?

And for your reading pleasure in case of editing, here is a copy of my reply to the invasive isotoped one.

I agree with Z, I too look for damaging potential. Agent Beryllium, I apologize for your flooded inbox. But I apologize only to you. And only today for this time. I am aware that The Potentate has a little one to take care of. But if he has time to create a wallpaper, surely he has the time to erase a few lines of code and fulfill his obligations.

There are those who joined ROACH believing it was simply all in fun. Over the last few months, they have seen things in a different light and want nothing more to do with the organization. So they ask to be removed months ago with their requests falling on deaf ears. It once again proves my point that The Potentate doesn't care about ROACH's members, current or former. What message is he telling the world, once you join you can never leave? Sounds like a gang one gets jumped into.

Every day I check the member profiles of ROACH. I know of at least two people that have resigned from the organization but no outward signs have been made of such. That's The Potentate's responsibility. Anything else is constituting fraud. I am not stalking, I'm attempting to remind him of something he has neglected for months.

And Krampus is not fence-sitting, Krampus does more than what is limited to the definition you've chosen for yourself. And to be honest? I've never commented on any blogspot page under Anonymous, nor intend to do so. If my messages are annoying ROACH members, perhaps you should ask the man who they're aimed at to do something about it, and I don't mean possibly hiring channers to hack sites and accounts in the future. Tell me, what does Paul mean when he says he'll 'take care of it' in regards to me? Is that a threat you're corresponding about or will someone finally remove the former members' profiles?

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