Thursday, December 31, 2009

Sexual predator across your street? Look!

I wanted to share something with my readers, a wonderful tool I discovered thanks to a talk show. If you wish to do something, to make a difference in someone's lives, then I strongly suggest you check this information I am about to display.

I think all can agree with Krampus that one of the darkest, most disgusting kinds of evil that exists among us are sexual predators. Rapists, pedophiles, people preying on the weak, the innocent, those with little chance to fight back. At least not fighting back without training in where to hit one's opponent, going near the areas in groups, relying on one another. But I digress. This is about giving those of you a tool be more vigilant, to report to the authorities and to make others aware about these predators.

Family Watchdog is a site that maps registered sex offenders, listing their names, addresses, convictions and other vital information to better inform you of those around you. I myself have used this tool, and doing so, informed both an elementary school and even the regional school board about sexual predators involved with minors withing 1000 feet of their locations. Many of the organizations were using such sites and information before, but at least this Krampus did a good deed by bringing it to the attention of others. They appreciated my information and informing them of these trespassers.

Here's a fun idea. Type in the address of your home, school near your area, workplace, or let's make it fun, your local church! Go ahead. Click the colored squares to see the perpetrators closest to your area, who they are, what they look like and why they're there. Now that you have this information, what will you do with it? Will you tell your neighbors? Will you inform local areas ripe with children how close these predators are to them? Will you move? How will you act on this information? You can't un-see it once viewed. What you do with that information is up to you. Don't depend on someone else to have taken action or warned others if you're aware of the danger. Could you really live with yourselves believing that someone else warned people about these monsters, but no one ever had? And no, I'm NOT promoting vigilantism, I'm promoting civil awareness and actions within the law, not going to their houses and throwing a barbecue with their flesh or trimming the weed between their legs with garden shears. I admit, it would be fun. But NOT LEGAL. Here's to making 2010 a slightly better year with this knowledge.

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