Friday, August 7, 2009

George Carlin, ladies and gentlemen

I need to watch some of my old recordings of comedy some time. I can't quite find this one on YouTube, but the words are ones I value greatly, and happen to agree with. I give you a sample of the musings of the late, great George Carlin.

“There’s a different group to get pissed off at you in this country for everything your not supposed to say. Can’t say Nigger, Boogie, Jig, Jigaboo, Skinhead, Moolimoolinyon, Schvatzit, Junglebunny. Greaser, Greaseball, Dago, Guinea, Whop, Ginzo, Kike, Zebe, Heed, Yid, Mocky, Himie, Mick, Donkey, Turkey, Limey, Frog. Zip, Zipperhead, Squarehead, Crout, Hiney, Jerry, Hun, Slope, Slopehead, Chink, Gook. There is absolutely nothing wrong with any of those words in and of themselves. Their only words. It’s the context that counts. It’s the user. It’s the intention behind the words that makes them good or bad. The words are completely neutral. The words are innocent. I get tired of people talking about bad words and bad language. Bullshit! It’s the context that makes them good or bad. The context. That makes them good or bad. For instance, you take the word “Nigger.” There is absolutely nothing wrong with the word “Nigger” in and of itself. It’s the racist asshole who’s using it that you ought to be concerned about. We don’t mind when Richard Pryor or Eddie Murphy say it. Why? Because we know their not racist. They're Niggers! Context. Context. We don’t mind their context because we know their black. Hey, I know I’m whitey, the blue-eyed devil, paddy-o, fay gray boy, honkey, mother-fucker myself. Don’t bother my ass. Their only words. You can’t be afraid of words that speak the truth, even if it’s an unpleasant truth, like the fact that there’s a bigot and a racist in every living room on every street corner in this country.”

The audience gives thunderous applause. Rest in peace George, you've earned it. And now, so have I.


  1. You really are hung up on trying to convince people you aren't racist, aren't you?

    Try backpeddling harder. No, seriously, you'll die tired but you'll feel as if you've accomplished something at least.


    -The White Skull

  2. Hmmm. Now, usually I would think that the individual claiming to be you would actually use his own true profile to comment. So I'll have to answer this appropriately.

    If this IS the skull in question: Oh no no no, dear boy. I'm not obsessed with race at all. You are. And after I dedicated a song to you as well...tch tch. Oh by the way, George Perez thinks you're a fucking idiot and thankfully your every word and online action is being monitored by the proper authorities. Just as mine are. But since I'm not the one with the psych profile that screams sociopath and past history of theft and causing harm by releasing the information of a minor all while covering it up, I'm not worried. Just because you have the word White in your title and happen to be in an interracial relationship, some might feel the need to compensate. By the way, lovely woman, your wife. In that, I bow to you sir. And I was going to just slip back to hibernation until summoned again. Which the author of this just did.

    But if this isn't the White Skull, then I have to say that whoever you claim to be, you should really find better things to do than to stir a pot further than what it already has been. Am I to assume that you're the White Skull's fan/stalker? I've already told you that there are far better beings to emulate and salute. Go seek help child.

  3. So when you take ROACH members out of context in regards to poison (zombie) gas, your anger is warranted and understandable. When we take you out of context (did we?) because you used a racial epitaph, we're the shallow minded bad guys?

    Really, it's my bad, I should have realized that when you used the N-word you were simply referring to the black people you found undesirable. My neighbour down the street, Mrs. Hennesy, does the same thing, though I think she's a little more broad with her use of the word.

  4. Ahh, the Crimson Nematode finally attempts to have his voice heard from his macroscopic trachea! Nice to see you finally finding the time to respond given your desire to 'get a piece' of me. Took you long enough, though I've given up on the hopes of seeing anyone aspiring to be an invertebrate as showing anything resembling a backbone.

    As my point was made but since the bulbous thing at the end of your spinal column fails to comprehend, the words were not spoken out of prejudice, but within a context of absurdity, and yes, with permission. Someone of pale skin addressing two beings not of African descent in a racial epithet for someone clearly not them? Any idiot could see the absurdity and let it go. It' would be the same as if a Korean man called another Korean 'Honky'. It's absurd, showing either a lack of command of the language, which since I have been praised for is clearly not the case. Or, something that was so ridiculous yet inflammatory because YOU are too afraid to speak your mind with conviction, that should be taken as was. Or in other words, something that caused shock, but was clearly not intended as some would perceive. In short, an inflammatory mirror held up to ROACH's own claims. Apparently you can't appreciate the joke or can't grasp it. I say study the comedy of Mr. Carlin and apparently Mrs. Hennesy drinks too much of her namesake and is the true racist you should worry about.

    For those of you continuing to be hung up on this, I'd like to ask, regular or bendable? I'm simply trying to see what kinds of straws you're so intent on grasping for. Menstruating Mudworm: 0. Krampus: 2. Beware of coming to 'get a piece' of Krampus, boy.

  5. Awww, the Menstruating Mudworm deleted PST's wonderful post and edited it with the grace of a marmoset with a box of golf tees in its brain! *sigh* Remakes are never up to the standard of the original...
