Thursday, July 1, 2010

Laser pointer or weapon?

I've posted about this on another forum, but I thought it would be good to share it with the readers here.

A friend told me about this item, let's be honest. It's incredibly interesting to wield a device that looks like a lightsaber and comes with a warning label.

Wicked Lasers radically redefines the way we see lasers yet again. For the first time in history, direct blue laser diodes have now become available in the consumer market. The laser powered home theater projector is the first of a large family of audio and video media technology to feature direct blue diodes. Wicked Lasers took the direct blue laser diode components and made the world's first 445nm direct blue diode laser, the Arctic.

The Arctic emits a 445nm cool blue, ultra high power 1W beam which appears up to 4000% brighter than the Sonar's 405nm violet beam. This direct blue laser diode is the result of the evolution of laser technology. Less than one year ago, this laser would have cost thousands of dollars to build. Don't let the Arctic name fool you, this laser possesses the most burning capabilities of any portable laser in existence. That's why it's also the most dangerous laser ever created. In recognizing and mastering the power of direct blue diodes, the Wicked Lasers' Arctic shall become the standard by which all other blue lasers are judged.

As an additional safety precaution, each Arctic comes with a removable training lenses and standard lenses. The removable training lenses allows our users to initially start out using the Arctic but at a fraction of its maximum output power. Replace the training lenses with the included standard lenses for maximum power.

Warning: Extremely dangerous is an understatement to 1W of laser power. At close range, this Class 4 beam will cause immediate and irreversable retinal damage. Use with extreme caution and use only when wearing proper safety goggles with an O.D. of 3+ is required and 4.4+ for longer exposures. Customers will be required to completely read and agree to our Class 4 Laser Hazard Acknowledgment Form.

*Supplies are extremely limited as voluntary and regulatory restrictions increase the difficulty to purchase Class IV portable lasers.

It is illegal to aim this device at airplanes, can ignite skin, and can cause permanent retinal damage if fired into the eyes. Firing it into a mirror holds the same problems, so firing into a hall of mirrors may be a death sentence to one's eyes. With that said, who else wants one? The laser retails for $200 plus shipping and optional warranty. It's the size of a lightsaber handle and may be the world's most expensive hand held lighter.

Let us look at some potential real world applications of this device. According to that video link, it can burn through wood, singe leather and plastic, all for the few seconds the beam was placed upon the surface. Let us now think like a mad scientist or villain. Sure, you could carve your initials of yourself and your sweetheart into a tree form a thousand feet away. But other questions are sure to be asked. Let us look at an example in the community. How long would a beam like this need to puncture a hole in a steel belted radial tire? How far away would it have to be to be effective? Would a laser pointed at an inflated tire set the tire on fire? Would it make a clean puncture hole? Or would it heat the metal and rubber in the tire to the point of explosive detonation? How long would it take, three minutes? Five? Ten? All to do this from yards away. It's the lazy man's vandalism, just put it in place and turn it on!

This next paragraph is meant to be unsettling. The beam's power is steady, and while dangerous, isn't a fast weapon to cause major damage. This makes it perfect for experimentation by sadists. How long would it take to cut through clothing? Leather jackets? Human flesh? If you had someone immobilized and the beam turned on, how long and slowly would it take to cut into burning skin, through muscles and tendons? How long would it take to burn through bone? How long would it take to sever a finger, arm, leg? If you turned it on and left it there, how long would it take to cut through someone's stomach into internal organs? The laser would cauterize the wound, so blood loss wouldn't be as much of a worry. This means the victim on the other end of that beam would stay alive longer. Longer to experience the smell of heir own cooking flesh. Would it smell like pork or chicken? Yes, the emitter has a battery pack, but what if you plugged it into an adapter with a steady supply of power? And that's just one of these lasers for the low, low price of $200. Imagine one in each hand, or buying several for the price of a high caliber handgun or rifle. No purchasing ammo, just recharging it.

I'm not suggesting that anyone goes out to perform such actions. But if you wish to stop criminals, you must at times think like one. Imagine what this item could do in the wrong hands. Firing at airports, shooting people in the eyes, burning straps off of purses to make them easier to steal, giving someone a hot foot from across the room, setting paper money or collector's comic books on fire with a laser just because you can. Experimenting on people you don't care for or like because they're beneath you. Would a laser set someone's hair on fire? Can you remove someone's tattoo at 50 yards? How long would it take to use one of these to cause true damage? How long would it take to kill someone?

Let the discussions continue.

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