Tuesday, January 5, 2010

A license to kill and spy! Here's how to order!

Greetings and salutations my dear readers! And no, the above title isn't just a bad joke. For those in both the RLSH and RLSV communities, for all in the sector of citizens simply trying to get by in an ever increasingly hostile and dangerous world, Krampus has been made aware of something that I believe all of you would agree is disconcerting at the least. Disturbing at a moderate perspective. Downright frightening and Orwellian at its worst. And I have a star in the movie Predator to thank for this information.

Jesse Ventura, former Navy SEAL, former sports entertainment persona Jesse The Body Ventura and Governor has always been entertaining, even when he wasn't wielding a mini-gun to defoliate a rainforest, chewing tobacco and claiming it will make you a god-damned sexual Tyrannosaurus. Now the good Governor is hosting a show on Tru TV called Conspiracy Theory. Interesting subject matter if I say so. The HAARP weapon, 9/11, even global warming as a plot from those profiting from environmental products and credits that allow companies to pollute even more. Quite engaging, and worth a look if only for the announcer's voice you've no doubt heard announce stupid criminals on Fox Reality and Jesse trying to shake down the truth with his black leather jacket and Kirk Douglas chin. However, the most interesting tidbit was on one of the most recent airings. The topic: Big Brother. The show covered various covert information gathering devices, and companies that monitor cell phones for key words in case of threats perceived. But the one that caught my eye the most was Infragard.


This organization brought about after the Oklahoma City bombing seems like a good thing at first. Described, it sounds like a more glorified community watch. Only the community isn't just your neighborhood. This group of volunteers are privy to need to know information beyond what the typical citizen would have access to, even at times moreso than elected officials. To show you a bit of what I refer, I will be placing links to the episode featuring mentioning of Infragard. Please feel free to check the home page of the person supplying the links for the entire show as well as other episodes and conspiracy information.

Imagine being able to be warned if a family member might be flying into a potential danger zone, such as doing business in a city that a suspected terror threat is being investigated. They don't wish to warn the public and cause a panic without more information or tipping the media off, thus the perpetrators. That's fine, they'll contact you and let you know. The price? Just keep doing what you're doing. And that's monitoring people. People in your neighborhood, people you do and have done business with, reporting suspicious activity you see. Is a strange new family or loner moving onto your block? Do they resemble someone on the No Fly List? Don't just sit on your laurels, contact your local Infragard representative. Or is that the FBI? They DO work hand in hand together, which one do you report to? Hmmm, I'm a bit confused, as these interviews tell.

One of the most interesting thing one can do is gain and curry favor with the FBI and Department of Homeland Security. This monitoring and exchanging information works both ways. The members report on anyone they deem necessary to, and gain information in return. And what's the most curious? Reports say that when, not IF, WHEN Martial Law is declared, the Infragard members have the right to defend their security with lethal force. It also seems to have no checks and balances readily seen other than secrecy. It also admits being rife the with possibility of ruining someone's lives simply by reporting someone they SUSPECT of wrongdoings, like a disgruntled employee. Or anyone acting suspiciously, or different from the norm. Kinda like those in the RLSH and RLSV communities.

Ohhh, imagine the fun. Technically, I believe I fit all the criteria for membership. After all, I've reported to the FBI, police and others about suspected terrorist activity. True, the threats may have claimed to have been a joke, but here I am, monitoring a section of the online community that people don't often take seriously. They dress in costumes and wish they were aliens wielding laser swords. Yeah, yeah. They spend their money and help the economy, should we take any threats in that area seriously? Perhaps. 'Twould pay to be better safe than sorry. So in that, I've proven my worth. And once approved, imagine exchanging information with Homeland Security! The FBI! Anyone you suspect of wrongdoing will be investigated, possibly their business and lives ruined in the process of investigation.

So let's say for example someone had made threats. Let's call them LM for now. Say that LM has been harassing people online, claiming to be part of a terrorist movement, attempting to exchange words of delusion, covering his tracks while actually planning something insidious. That's not a problem, as a member of Infragard, I simply report to the network, and this person's every move is traced, monitored,and depending on the severity, taken away by the Men in Black to be 'investigated' further. Or perhaps said person is simply going to the Urban Dictionary and giving a Thumbs Down on all my definitions out of spite. That's fine, I can make up something and tell my Infragard superiors anyway. Infragard polices its own members, so if there's too many bad leads, one might be talked down to sternly.

And one of the best parts? WHEN, not if, WHEN Martial Law would be declared, let's say by a terror attack, mass rioting, natural disasters and the local law enforcement can't handle it, then I'll be given leeway to help defend the area with a license to kill. That's right, I can just yell 'He's coming right at us!' and open fire, use my varied sword and knife collection, perhaps even granted a level of my own authority to apprehend and interrogate a suspect. Wouldn't THAT be fun boys and girls? A license to commit the very acts that Krampus commits in lore! And all under the name of national security! How very delicious!

'Tis an intriguing thought, isn't it? To be given powers above the normal citizen to inflict your will and spy all under the name of helping the government. I recall The Joker appearing in a comic shortly after slaying the Robin known as Jason Todd. Batman wished to come as close to killing him as possible, but he couldn't be touched. Even Superman was there to stop Batman. And why? He became an Ambassador for an oil rich middle eastern nation, and thus had Diplomatic Immunity! Eventually Mr. J lost his status, but still the same principle applies. As long as you're acting in the interest of information gathering in the name of national security, the sky's the limit. To act like a snooping prick, and hide behind the seal of the U.S. Government. Very tempting. And why not? NORAD tracks Santa, why not allow Krampus to do what Krampus does with impunity? This way, Krampus would be part of a legitimate network to monitor all on the Naughty list. Who needs elves when you have junior and senior G-Men to watch your back? Very tempting.

And this is a temptation that at this time, Krampus will NOT undertake. Krampus exists to watch over the wicked. And while this incarnation may monitor those not seen by others, there is a tint of danger in this organization. A network of tens of thousands, memberships growing every day, made to spy on one's neighbor? Not simply reporting blatantly suspicious activity, but potentially framing others? And should anarchy begin to run rampant and Martial Law declared, these people may feel free to kill with no ramifications on a legal scale? Or at the very least, dramatically reduced in sentencing unless the proof is overwhelming and the organization is left to police its own? This is abuse of one's power. Now I ask you to consider something. Imagine the possibility if I did join Infragard. Now imagine if someone you didn't like, or didn't care for you joined Infragard. Imagine a member of a supposed super villain organization hiding behind Infragard. Or imagine something out of shock value for some of you. What if a vigilante decided that instead of politics, this could be the route to take in exposing crimes on a higher level?

What if Master Legend became a member? Why not? The man, despite his costume and occasional strange utterances, does seem to do good. He's received awards, he's participated in watching over his community. Besides, if he said something and accidentally let need-to-know information out, would some believe him if he also uttered that he was the Metatron reborn in the same rant? Hiding in plain sight, given a pass by the government for his continued efforts.

There you go, a mental picture meant to stir rational concern. Certain people's potential memberships notwithstanding, do your own research into Infragard. And for those in the RLSH and RLSV communities, I call you to arms. For those in the RLSH, imagine everyday people, your bosses, your social network, even your family members may have access to classified information, possibly able to use that information to do some real good. If you know of crooked cops of officials, imagine having a foot in the door to report them. Or worse, imagine the abuse someone's performing with it. People fired and investigated for no apparent reasons, strange government types coming to inflict their will and no one knowing who they are, why they're there or what level of legality they have. If you're an RLSV claiming to monitor the community in order to safeguard people against rampant actions of violence perpetrated by people that are supposed to be the good guys, then you owe it to yourselves to look into Infragard and monitor them. If you fear the ruination and harm of someone's lives, then Infragard has the potential to act like a true supervillain organization. You like playing superheroes and supervilains, superspies aren't that far of a stretch.

Until this point, the greatest strength that Infragard had was anonymity as a group that existed. For now, the group has gained publicity, but the membership could still be anyone. You never know who could be watching you, who could exert their wills with a phone call or e-mail against you. I call all those who claim to truly watch the watchmen to place an eye over Infragard. If you fear harm coming from those playing dressup, imagine how worse it could be for those playing James Bond! Being monitored constantly, eyes and ears everywhere, not knowing if your friends or family may be members. Imagine a jilted lover, someone slighted by a harsh word, someone with money and influence deciding to put the entire community under observation and questioning. All because they say so. This is not fiction. This is real.

One of the most aggravating conversations I had with members of the vigilante community on Creature Feature was when the corruption of higher ranking members of the Guardian Angels and police were told to be corrupt, but they could do NOTHING against them. I was flabbergasted. You mean to tell me that you claim to wish to safeguard people and make things better, but you do nothing if you become aware of such corruption? What are you doing then? It angered me. I understand the mentality of picking one's fights, but there are ALWAYS resources on can take to bring such corruption to the attention of the proper authorities. Otherwise, you come off as thugs, simply picking the fights you believe you can win and because you like to solve problems with your fists and weapons. I do not believe all fall under this category, but it can be infuriating to see those that claim to fight injustice cower, to let things slide and never actually changed. It sickens me to think a transsexual in Alabama fighting for equal rights against the KKK has more courage in their soul that someone being called 'superhero'. The very notion of such potential hypocrisy sickened me.

This also extends to those claiming to be in the RLSV community, monitoring the RLSH and calling them out when you witness an abuse of their actions. If you claim to be on the side of angels while dressed in devil's garb, then I dare you to give the same dedication to your cause in the face of groups such as Infragard. Because the potential for abuse in Infragard is a greater danger of harm in everyday people's lives than everyone that's ever donned a costume combined. I challenge you, I triple dog DARE you, concerned citizens in all communities, give the same level of vigilance to this organization that you would amongst your patrolling areas, your neighborhoods, to have the concern of the safety of everyday people. This is real. This has potential for abuse in power without costumes or code names ever uttered online. Watch the Watchmen. Because they watch us as we speak. Prove your mettle, prove the veracity of your souls. Stand by that which you claim to be. If not, then hang up your costume, cancel your accounts. You have no business hiding behind your facades if you do not express concern over matters such as this.

And besides, watching over the Naughty? These hemorrhaging werecunts are cutting in on the territory of Krampus! And Krampus will brook no such bastardized competition! MY turf, Infragard!

Now let's see how long my profile and posts shall exist after this hits the aether.

1 comment:

  1. Youth league and the spies, under the proper direction of ol' McCarthy, can easily smoke Salim out.

    Chaos I call the forth,

    -Black Sun
